string « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

I want to build an SQL string to do database manipulation (updates, deletes, inserts, selects, that sort of thing) - instead of the awful string concat method using millions of "+"'s ...

2. Convert a parameter entered as an integer to a string in JasperReports

I have a JRXML file that I use to generate a report built on a massive SQL query for an Oracle database. I have entered a parameter to the report that ...

3. [SOLVED]Why is String " " being read as NULL when mapping from the database to an object using ibatis?

In my oracle database I have table called PERSON with columns code, surname, forename. eg. 'PER001', '________________', 'Bob' (NOTE: _ = space) surname is ...

4. parsing string according to oracle operators with regex

Basically I was trying to replace the part of string with its actual value which comes immediately after oracle operators. I can do this for limited operators list like {=,>,<} but ...

5. How to enforce DB field size limit to related Java String?

What is the correct way to defend against trying to store more text than can be accommodated in a VARCHAR2 database field? Say the PARTNER_ROLE field of the REGISTRATIONS table is declared ...

6. How do I store a string longer than 4000 characters in an Oracle Database using Java/JDBC?

I’m not sure how to use Java/JDBC to insert a very long string into an Oracle database. I have a String which is greater than 4000 characters, lets say it’s 6000. I ...

7. Slow to convert Oracle 11g XMLType into Java String or Document

After retrieving a result set from an Oracle 11g database, it takes roughly 75 seconds to convert the XMLType (this is a structured XML Storage, registered with an xsd) into either ...

8. What ways can you create a string with 2000 "spaces"

For various reasons I am trying to set a string to 2000 spaces. Currently I am using:

String s = String.format("%1$-2000s"," ");
This is great for Java 5, however, some of the ...

9. Why does the ResultSet get one char less in my query where a string is used as a value?

Or simpler, I have this code (Oracle database)

SELECT TO_NUMBER (tkb.id_kucnog_broja) id, 'Buildings and home numbers' vrsta_pj,
and in Java I have this
for (int j = 0; j < rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); j++) {
data = ...

10. string to oracle date in java

I have a string in the format " hh:mm".. i need to convert it into oracle date format 'dd-mon-yy'..... How do i make it happen???

11. JDBC connect string and Oracle synonyms

we have a Java program connecting via JDBC thin client to an Oracle 10g database. Everything was working fine, but now the DBA wants us to connect with a different username/password, which ...

12. ByteBuffer to bigdecimal, binary, string

**Please check the edit at the bottom of this post
I have a bytebuffer[128 bits] [which has numbers] which I need to convert to bigdecimal, binary, string since these are the corresponding ...

13. Oracle connection string for other user's tables

We have 2 servers with the same database schema, however due to the way our infrastructure is setup on one server we must prefix all table names with a username ex:

select * ...

14. how to pass an String Array to Stored Procedure using Type Handler

I have an Array of String and need to pass this array into Procedure and in procedure i have taken in parameter as array. Array values are coming to type handler but ...

15. create CLOB from long string for jdbc

I've the following query:

select id from table1 where some_func(?) = 1;
, where some_func is a function which allows its arguments to be either varchar2 or CLOB, and ? - is some ...

16. Convert Java String to CLOB

I have the following table: enter image description here The problem is that when I try to use JDBC to insert a String to this field I always get the following ...

17. Losing newline characters when saving Java string to Oracle CLOB field

I'm building a java string and adding newline characters ("\n") where I want to indicate the end of a record. I was storing this string in oracle in a VARCHAR2 field ...

18. Is there any way I can compare two sql strings to check if they are semantically equivalent?

I am writing some Java unit tests and I need to compare two sql strings where the sql statements are semantically equivalent but can be syntactically different. I can't do string ...

19. Does the Sqlplus host string have any importance in jdbc?

Can anyone please tell me whether the host string field that is used when logging in from Sqlplus has any role in jdbc?

20. Resultset.getDate() throwing exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Name of Month"

When extracting date from database using Resultset.getDate(), I am getting the following exception:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Name of Month".
I can confirm that the exception is thrown when trying to get data ...

21. Java connecting to Oracle Grid - DB connection string

This is DB connection string to Oracle


22. Problem passing a huge string to an stored function via IBatis.Net

I have the following type and function:


  SN_LIST       IN CLOB,

23. Java - Convert string conforming to xs:date format into Oracle timestamp format

Hello and thanks for reading. I am presently faced with the challenge of converting a string representing a date/time in the xs:date format, into an Oracle timestamp. The string I start out with ...

24. random selection of string in java

I am working on a project using jsp and servlets and oracle 10g in access layer. I have created a sequence on a field in my database which gets auto incremented ...

25. want to search a record from table based on search string

We want to search a record from table based on search string. This search is a part of Stored procedure. Following is what we need: 1. In table ppl there is column ...

26. String new line (trying to connect java to Oracle DB)

I'm connecting Java to Oracle database, everything's is going pretty okay, except the following problem: This works okay when I write the whole string within one couple of quotes:

String command =

27. convert string to oracle.sql.clob in java?

I'm coding a Java function inside Oracle Database which produce allot of text! how to convert a string to CLOB (oracle.sql.CLOB) in java? what is the straight-forward way to do? I'm trying to build ...

28. Finding Best matches for a String value - Oracle/Java

Following up on my previous post Link here, the other challenge we are now facing is find the best match for an Address field [ADDR_LINE_1, ADDR_LINE_2, CITY, STATE, ZIP]. We want ...

29. Is it likely that Oracle will ever change the way Java computes hash codes for java.lang.String's?

Is it likely that Oracle will ever change the way Java computes hash codes for java.lang.String's? I'm making an optimization that relies on the way hash codes are computed for strings, as ...

30. How to update empty string to oracle Clob

I know it works by using SQL

update activity set REFERENCE = EMPTY_CLOB() where id = ?
But I cannot do like this, I cannot hard coded 'EMPTY_CLOB()' in SQL. I used the ...

31. java connection string to support oracle TAF feature

We are currently using Spring JDBC with connection pool implementation from DBCP to connect to TAF supportred ORACLE 11g2 server. connection string used is

jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST 

32. String returned from oracle stored procedure to Java with '???'

My code in Java calls stored procedure in Oracle DB and returns object with some fields. When I find out the attributes from the Object - I have problem with the string. ...

33. Converting Java String to Oracle Clob.

34. sending "\n" delimited strings to Oracle

usually you don't incorporate formatting into the data that you are storing(line separators,etc.). You worry about that when you are programming. '\n' is the delimiter in a lot of languages but that may change if you have to change languages. Then '\n' would be unwanted characters in the database. What programmers traditionally do is to have several address line columns in ...

35. sid in jdbc oracle connection string

Either do a find on your computer for your tnsnames.ora file, or go to your oracle directory mine is in c:\oracle\ora81\network\admin Open this file in a text editor. Find your entry for this database that you use to connect to, and the first part is the sid name. DATA_SID = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ...

36. java code to execute a query string in oracle?

hi everyone, Can someone tell me the syntax of the java statements to run a command for ORACLE database? Also provide database connection code... Eg: Given a few details, as below, to run a query on a database that exists on ip :"" login :"myself" passwd :"newpass" dns :"newtest" DBNAME :"DB1". The code should be independent of platform, able to run ...

37. inserting a string containing date into oracle table which has the date type field

suchita , You can do it in either way either convery string into Date typoe in Java Code or Do it in Oracle. To do same in oracle,simply you can use to_date function of oracle to covert your string into date type Syntax is to_date(String,Format) if you want to insert a date ie 06/12/2004 in dd/mm/yyyy format, You can do same ...

38. Convert a String with a date valus for Oracle

Reggie, As requested. Note, however, that the below code is uncompiled, and untested. It is also not really complete. It is intended only as a guide -- to get you started (with your homework assignment?) import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class ForReggie { public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); java.util.Date d = sdf.parse("12/01/2005"); java.sql.Date ...

42. Inserting data from a string array into an Oracle database

Greetings. I have a string array that has n values which I would like to insert into an Oracle database (having n columns). I am yet to do any kind of testing of sorts, but I would like to know if the type conversion of the specific column in the Oracle table takes place automatically? (i.e Yorn, Decimal, Amount etc..) or ...

43. Insert a 7k String into Oracle CLOB?

Still confused about what you mean by junk characters... is it possible it just converted to a different character encoding? Did you check the character encoding properties of the database? I would think attempt #4 (setCharacterStream) would work fine if you set the encoding properly. [ July 16, 2008: Message edited by: Scott Selikoff ]

44. Sorting Strings in Oracle

Hello, Will data be retrieved from a table in Oracle in the same order that it was inserted?I have a situation where I have a table with a column "AccountType".Now this field has values like "New","Amend","Closed" etc.How can I ensure that when records are being retrieved from this table,the record with an "AccountType" value of "New" is the first row followed ...

45. How to store an array of Strings into oracle DB using JDBC

I certainly hope you mean that you want to store the array as a row, because column is extremely messy bordering on impossible. What your code tries to do is write an Object to a single field (column 8) is a row. The underlying database expects the value of the specified column to be of a certain type and your array ...

46. How to update string to Oracle Clob

Mostly we used and still using this way: String empty_string = "need to be updated"; conn = getConnection(); pStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT REFERENCE FROM activity WHERE ID = ? FOR UPDATE"); pStmt.setLong(1, 1); rset = pStmt.executeQuery(); Clob clob = null; while ( { clob = rset.getClob(1); Writer writer = adapter.getCharacterOutputStream(clob); writer.write(empty_string); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } pStmt = conn.prepareStatement("update activity set REFERENCE = ? ...

47. Return Jav String Array to Oracle Stored Procedure

OK - tried via a stored procedure. This time I'm getting a similar Oracle exception: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected Invalid Java signature Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated. The complete code is provided below: a) Stored Oracle Type... CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE StringArrayType AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) / b) Stored Java class... CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "JavaArrayWrapper" ...

49. String to Timestamp for Oracle

Can you try something similar to the p_event_date code? The first example you posted does formatting instead of parsing, and you don't pass anything to the constructor of Date so it would be the current time. Do you want a java.sql.Timestamp object or a formatted String as the result? What are you trying for p_start_time and p_end_time? What output does that ...

50. how to convert oracle BLOB to String

51. how to convert oracle BLOB to String

Hi, I am working on an GIS project using Oracle database which stores the spatial data. When I read the polygon points data which is saved as BLOB type in database table and convert the BLOB to byte[], there is no problem. However when the data is converted to Character, those characters are not recognized something like this: ??w!?os8nH? ?&?|??L? ...

52. String into array in oracle