fetch « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. how to set fetch size for jdbc odbc driver    stackoverflow.com

Im using sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver to connect to an oracle database.I know I would be probably be better off using the thin driver but I want the app to work without specifying the ...

2. how to increase the performance of the java application fetching a large data from oracle database?    stackoverflow.com

I have 3 database tables - Items, Audits and Comments. I have to fetch a large amount of data from Items table, say 1 million records, and for each item fetched, ...

3. JDBC Oracle - Fetch explain plan for query    stackoverflow.com

Im wondering how I can fetch the explain plan using Java. Reason I need this is because we have a framework where special users can craft reports. These reports sometimes build ...

4. Fetch Oracle table type from stored procedure using JDBC    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to understand different ways of getting table data from Oracle stored procedures / functions using JDBC. The six ways are the following ones:

  1. procedure returning a schema-level table type as ...

5. For running a search query on data stored in Oracle db, is using REGEXP in PL/SQL faster than fetching all the data and filtering it in Java regex?    stackoverflow.com

Basically trying to compare performance for tables with a few thousand rows that required to be filtered on non-indexed columns using PL/SQL's REGEX function with java...regex plus the overhead of sending ...

6. Fetching Data from PL-SQL Table as OUT parameter in Java    stackoverflow.com

I am executing a procedure from java code, which has 2 out parameters, One of those is a Object table. here is the overview of package

  p_S_table  ...

8. fetch first in Oracle    coderanch.com

9. oracle record fetch    coderanch.com

Hi, i know that when we use select * from table where rownum < 100, we get the first 100 records from the table. Is there any way that I can get the next 100 records from the table? rownum > 100 does not work. My table is not indexed and does not a primary key. Currently I am sorting the ...

10. Oracle data fetch delay    coderanch.com

We are facing significant delay in loading the screen. Most of the delay time is due to data fetching(JDBC) time. It's a swing application with Oracle 10i database. It's used by our 3 plants in different locations.Database is located at Arizona. Three plant locations are Arizona,New Mexico and Ohio. There is no delay in loading the screen for the users accessing ...

11. How to fetch the image file from oracle database and display it.    forums.oracle.com

Insertion code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package PMS; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; public class Browse_java { static Connection con=null; public static void main(String args[]) { try{ System.out.println("(browse.java) just entered in to the class"); con = new PMS.DbConnection().getConnection(); System.out.println("(browse.java) ...