date « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. How do you store Date ranges, which are actually timestamps

Java & Oracle both have a timestamp type called Date. Developers tend to manipulate these as if they were calendar dates, which I've seen cause nasty one-off bugs.

  1. For a basic date ...

2. Mapping of Oracle Date to Java type to return the number of seconds since epoch?

I have a table with an oracle date column when I do a select on sqlplus on the column it gives me the value like this

  1. Is this the precision of date ...

3. Oracle and Jdbc and OraclePreparedStatement#setPlsqlIndexTable and java.util.Date

I´m a little bit frustrated with my Java environment that didn´t allow me to call the method OraclePreparedStatement#setPlsqlIndexTable ... but i think i should write the code before...

String plSqlBody = "some ...

4. Java Oracle date

String sql="select id from period where '"+systemDate+"' between startDate and endDate";
I need to execute this query and I am using oracle 10g. I want to get the id which falls between ...

5. Date related methods of result set is not working

Am using jdk- 1.6, os- redhat 5, ...

6. Java to Oracle - Correct date format to use

We have a Java webapp that talks to an Oracle database. We are keeping track of a particular time (timestamp format in Oracle) and we were wondering what would be the best ...

7. How to get a specific date type in java

I am using the below method to get this string to_date('2011/06/02','yyyy/mm/dd')

private static String getOperationDate() {
  Date today= new Date();
  String output;
  SimpleDateFormat formatter;
  String pattern="yyyy/MM/dd";

  formatter ...

8. How can I get md5 sum from date in JAVA such in oracle?

I have a next trouble. In database date storred as md5 from date. When I make md5 from same date in JAVA i had another hash. For example: date - 01.02.1980 java hash is ...

9. Conditionally Setting Date Field on ViewObject in bc4j

I inherited some legacy code from an application and need to fix an issue with the code. On a high level this code is persisting data to a database, by ...

10. Oracle date to Java date

What SimpleDateFormat to use for parsing Oracle date ? I'm using this SimpleDateFormat.

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.sss"); its giving this exception. ...

11. Oracle DATE Comparison and TimeZones

I am a newbie to Oracle and have been banging my head trying to understand how the Oracle DATE type works. I have a Java Date object with timezone information. From what ...

12. Is to_date Oracle specific?

13. Mapping Java Date to an Oracle Date.

public java.sql.Date prepareSQLDate(String dateIn){ //String dateIn = "12.15.2001"; String formatIn = "dd.MM.yyyy"; // format of incoming string //parse the date using java.util.Date classes ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0); SimpleDateFormat sdfi = new SimpleDateFormat(formatIn); java.util.Date date = sdfi.parse(dateIn,pp); if( date == null ) throw new RuntimeException( "Unparsable date: "+dateIn); //convert a java.util.Date to a java.sql.Date java.sql.Date sqlFromLong = new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()); //output is: ...

14. Oracle TO_DATE problem

I have an insert statement resembling the one that follows which is run again and again inside a loop. Problem is when I try to run this insert through a standalone java application the system would just hang at executeUpdate() method with nothing happening. INSERT INTO TBL_AIRLINE_TIME (Airline_id, Flight_no, From_City_Code, From_Time, To_City_Code, To_Time, Day_Of_Week) VALUES ('9W', '322', 'AHM', TO_DATE('7:20','HH24 MI'), 'CHN', ...

15. Oracle Date to Java date

16. Timezone getting Oracle date

Hi, I am using Oracle Thin driver on a table with a DATE column. There are existing rows in the tables, their values are in UTC time zone, which may be different from the internal time zone of Oracle DB. lastModified = rs.getTimestamp(1); cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); cal.setTime(lastModified); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(...) sdf.setCalendar(cal); System.out.println(sdf.format(cal.getTime())); What I wanted to do is ...

17. Reading date from Oracle based on calendar

HI, I want to read the date from Oracle as stored in Oracle. From settings of Oracle the data format & calender are as follows. NLS_CALENDAR=PERSIAN NLS_DATE_FORMAT=DD MONTH YYYY On my OS side i have also set the same parameters. (When my JVM is running) Now when i connect to oracle using sqlplus and run the following query, "select sysdate from ...

18. What's wrong with Date data from Oracle 9i?

Hello, A data type is defined as DATE. I use Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to do query and get a correct date like "12-Jan-2005 05:46:46 PM". But the date is displayed as "2005-1-12" from resultset.getDate(col) (thin driver) and "2005-1-12 17:46:46.0" from x.getString(col). I don't get it. What happened to the date data? Thanks in advance. Y.P

19. gettind date from the oracle table!

Hello Ranchers.. I'm doing a project in jsp oracle.. in the.. i 've created an example.. table.. the description of the table is shown below!! _______________________________________ datein DATE name VARCHAR(10) _______________________________________ this is the description.. of table now... i've used the insert query to insert the date in to the table.. and it is inserted properly.. in the format 'dd/mmm/yyyy' and ...

20. getting date from oracle table

21. Oracle Date problem

Hi Jeanne, Thanks for reply. I dont want to select record in range of date like > somedate

22. Oracle Date to Java Calendar

Okay now I can see it.. but how do I convert it to a Calendar item? I want to select an Oracle Date column, and have it end up as a Java Calendar type with both the date and time portion. Can someone please provide an example of this ? If I use rs.getTimeStamp, how do I then populate my calendar ...

23. Oracle java date problems

From JAVA the call is made to procedure as follows.. CallableStatement callstmt = con.prepareCall("{call Sterling_Delivery_SP(?,?,?,?,?)}"); callstmt.setInt(1,delivery.getOrderId()); System.out.println(delivery.getOrderId()); /*convert calendar date to sql date */ Date d = delivery.getDeliveryDate().getTime(); java.sql.Date sd = new java.sql.Date(d.getTime()); callstmt.setDate(2,sd); Date inserted in procedure as 2008-08-12 callstmt.setString(3,delivery.getRemarks()); callstmt.setString(4, String.valueOf(status)); /* register out parameter */ callstmt.registerOutParameter(5,Types.INTEGER); AND THIS IS MY ORACLE PROCEDURE.. create or replace procedure Sterling_Delivery_SP ( ...

24. Comparing oracle date with java util

Hi, I am currently doing a little web-based project of my own and have some trouble comparing a with an oracle Date field. It gives the error that SQL command is not properly ended when I try to do so: java.util.Date newDate=new java.util.Date(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT DISTINCT issue_dt FROM passcard WHERE passcard.expire_dt>"+newDate); Have tried formatting it with: SimpleDateFormat ...

25. compare field date from oracle to NOW ?

27. Java Date format problem - Oracle OA Framework issue

It's a common situation with user interfaces - users input values as Strings, and your first duty is to validate them and bind them to objects of the correct type. Date is quite common, but it comes up elsewhere (e.g., email addresses, etc). Your UI should make it clear what format is required, validate any input to make sure it fits ...

28. Date Problem oracle

29. Oracle Date and Time format

Hi, I seem to have some trouble collecting TIme and Date and inserting and retrieving them back. $trackInsert = "INSERT INTO trackingDB (url,dateofHit,ipaddress) VALUES('$url', to_date(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss'),'158.858.11.249')"; And this works but when i perform a select statement from this table all i get back is the Date not the actual time. This was using a normal select statement for dateofhit column. ...

30. How to insert/update Date field in Oracle with java code

Dear All I have to insert/update a date column while creating a new item, but the problem is i am able to insert/update only date but i need both date and time along with AM/PM. By using these 3 lines i am able to insert/update only date. java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); long dateLong = date.getTime(); stmtPrep.setDate(33, new java.sql.Date(dateLong)); Below code ...

31. Converting oracle date format to java date format method deprecated

martinley wrote: The date is coming from an Oracle Applications Framework page and the user specifies the preferred date format in their prefences. If you have a DATE column in the database and a java.util.Date object in Java the JDBC driver will take care of escaping things for you in a format-independent kind of way. You don't have to know about ...

32. get Date +time from Oracle

33. get working days between two dates in oracle bpm

public static class WorkDays { public static int getWorkDays(Date startDt, Date endDt) { Calendar startCal,endCal; startCal = Calendar.getInstance(); startCal.setTime(startDt); endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(endDt); int workDays = 0; //Return 0 if start and end are the same if (startCal.getTimeInMillis()==endCal.getTimeInMillis()) { return 0; } //Just in case the dates were transposed this prevents infinite loop if (startCal.getTimeInMillis() > endCal.getTimeInMillis()) { startCal.setTime(endDt); endCal.setTime(startDt); } ...