callableStatement « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. How to obtain an scroll_insensitive resultSet from a callableStatement in Java JDBC?

I have a stored procedure in an Oracle 10g database, in my java code, i call it with:

CallableStatement cs = bdr.prepareCall("Begin ADMBAS01.pck_basilea_reportes.cargar_reporte(?,?,?,?,?); END;", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
    cs.setInt(1, this.reportNumber);

2. JDBC CallableStatement and Oracle SYS_REFCURSOR IN parameters?

Pretty much what it says in the title, how the hell is this supposed to be done? Basically i need to pass a null (empty?) ref cursor as an IN parameter to ...

3. How do I get all parameter binding information from a CallableStatement?

I'm working with legacy code that uses some convoluted logic to bind IN and OUT parameters in a JDBC CallableStatement. The code looks like it is binding the correct types ...

4. Accessing Data from Stored Procedure using CallableStatement

I have written a Stored Procedure as shown , which will be responsible to give the list of the EMployee Numbers

create or replace procedure
CURSOR cur is select * from emp;

7. Oracle CallableStatement

Hello, I've been having some trouble with a CallableStatement against an oracle database. The statements have not been closed properly and leave cursors open on the connection pool. Now I have looked at the doc's and found that you have to use the OracleCallableStatement resultset etc. But this does not seem to be possible from a tomcat datasource since I get ...

8. CallableStatement (Oracle JDBC)

9. Using CallableStatement to access an Oracle Proc

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to access a proc in Oracle using JDBC, and all I get is frustration. The proc works with Crustal Reports, so I know that is no the problem. The vitals: The proc input is: PROCEDURE xyz_user_listing ( xyz_user_cur IN OUT xyz_user_refcur, org_id IN VARCHAR2, user_status IN VARCHAR2, email_ind IN VARCHAR, userId ...

10. CallableStatement Error on Oracle Stored Procedure.

Hello, I am having problems calling a Stored Procedure from Java. This is the relevant portion of my code... Oracle Stored Procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_cat_count(in_catid in number) IS latestdate posts.postdate%Type; latestauthor posts.AUTHOR%Type; max_post number; final_id number; p_id number; BEGIN --figure out which id we want to use select parent_id into p_id from categories where id = in_catid; if p_id ...

11. CallableStatement w Oracle 9i

Paul, Sorry, just realized you asked about using the thin driver. The decision to go OCI was made years ago. Our customer has to be able to switch between databases and open many sessions. Oracle recommends OCI over Thin in that case. I may have to upgrade to the ojdbc14.jar over classes12. Again that will have to wait until I can ...