PreparedStatement « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. What would happen if I set null in prepared statement with varchar always?

I have this method to insert data using jdbc that will insert the value according to the java type. Something like this:

Object o = map.get( key );

if( o == null ) ...

2. Java/Oracle: executing a prepared statement fails on a second iteration of a loop (not all variables bound). Why?

I'm debugging a Java App, which connects to Oracle DB via a thin client. The code looks as follows: (i'm trying to simplify the use case here so pardon me if t ...

3. A Java preparedStatement with a setBigDecimal parameter raises ORA-03115

The problem is: I'm setting a preparedStatement for a query in a table with this fields (among others):

... Trying to get ...

4. PreparedStatement question in Java against Oracle

I'm working on the modification of some code to use preparedStatement instead of normal Statement, for security and performance reason. Our application is currently storing information into an embedded derby database, but ...

5. Cannot use a Like query in a JDBC prepared statement?

OK, first the query code and query:

ps = conn.prepareStatement("select instance_id, ? from eam_measurement where resource_id in (select RESOURCE_ID from eam_res_grp_res_map where resource_group_id = ?) and DSN like '?' order by 2");
rs ...

6. Does the compiled prepared statement in the database driver still require compilation in the database?

In the Oracle JDBC driver, there is an option to cache prepared statements. My understanding of this is that the prepared statements are precompiled by the driver, then cached, which improves ...

7. Query from PreparedStatement

Is there any way to get the Oracle query from PreparedStatement .I know its not possible as such I can't use log4jdbc or p6spy as it is a secured application and ...

8. Oracle and JDBC performance: INSERT ALL vs preparedStatement.addBatch

I have a java app with an Oracle database backend that I need to insert multiple rows into. I've seen the discussion about inserting multiple rows into Oracle, but I'm ...

9. Java prepared statement parameters for oracle alter session query

I tried executing the oracle alter session query for changing the language settings but it fails with an error "ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number".

preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT = ?");

preparedStatement.setString(1, "BINARY_CI");

Oracle ...

10. Auto Increment RowID in oracle database using java

Ok say I have a table with two columns. Entry_id and name. Entry_id is a ROWID NOT NULL. Essentially I just want it to increment every time something new is put in. ...

11. Java Prepared Statement within Oracle catsearch

I am facing problems binding the prepared statement argument within the catsearch clause. On execution I get java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index I tried a few other methods, by escaping quotes(both single and ...

12. Oracle JDBC driver statement cache vs BoneCP statement cache?

I'm using Oracle JDBC driver and evaluate BoneCP. Both implement a statement cache. I am asking myself whether I should use the one or the other for statement caching. What do you think? What ...

13. "ORA-01008: not all variables bound" error

I am using following method for calculating payroll by using jdbc but "ORA-01008: not all variables bound" error is not removing. Any idea please? I am using following code

public double getPayroll(){

14. ClassCastException - oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement

I'm encountering an aggravating issue, here's the facts - I'm registering a return parameter specific and to do so I'm casting a java.sql.PreparedStatement to oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.

((OraclePreparedStatement) getStatement())
    .registerReturnParameter(index, sqlType); ...

15. Oracle 11g Drivers And Printing A Query From a PreparedStatement?

Doing a PreparedStatement.toString() will print out the SQL in a PreparedStatement with SOME databases and JDBC drivers. MySQL will do it, but Oracle 10g will not. Does anyone know ...

16. Using OraclePreparedStatement with DBCP Connection

i'm trying to make a connection pool with the dbcp framework for my oracle server. i used this tutorial for the connection. the problem is to create a OraclePreparedStatement with this ...

17. How to use Prepared Statement with Oracle?

Thanks David! You are right that there is nothing wrong with my code. I do fix my problem. I found out something very different between Sybase and oracle. In oracle, if you create a field with fix length, and the field value does not take up the defined space, oracle will append white space at the end of the field value. ...

18. PreparedStatement's with Oracle 8i....

19. Oracle: Prepared Statement

I am converting some string based SQL to prepared statements. In one of the queries I need to query against a list of team ids (integers). In SQL I could just say where team in (1,2,3,4) and everything would work fine. However in a prepared statement when I build the 1,2,3,4 string and set it in the statement, Oracle returns an ...

22. How to use LIKE in prepared statement for Oracle database

Hi Viku, I can only guess what you mean by "my sql is not get executing". I assume you are getting an "SQLException", since your "sql" string seems incorrect. The way you have written it, you are looking for rows (in the database table) where the value of the "REPORTID" column ends in a question-mark ("?"). Is this what you want? ...

24. Oracle IN operator with PreparedStatement

Sonny, I've used a "batching" solution to use prepared statements with an in clause. I pick some predefined batch sizes (like 1, 4, 11 and 51.) I then fill up the largest batch size and submit it. Repeat for the remaining data. The idea is that the database can truly prepare my prepared statement (since there are only four of them.) ...

25. PreparedStatement / Oracle Performance Problem

Jeanne: yes it is a complex query.... (if i remove all formatting and print it it's about one page.... so i do not post it here ;-)) but in the example i use it only returns 2 rows. the problem is if i run the same query in TOAD then it takes about 4 seconds. but if i run it as ...

26. Preparedstatement updates to Oracle 10g BLOB ingnored

Here is my code. Connection dconn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+HOST+":"+PORT+":"+DBNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD); BufferedImage bimage = toBufferedImage(new ImageIcon(; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192); ImageIO.write(bimage, "jpg", baos); byte[] buffer = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); PreparedStatement pstmt = dconn.prepareStatement("update sysadm.ps_empl_photo set employee_photo = ? where emplid = '"+emplid+"'"); pstmt.setBinaryStream(1, bais, buffer.length); pstmt.execute(); bais.close(); dconn.close() When I run pstmt.execute() it returns a false with ...

27. Oracle cast()+PreparedStatement