1. Handling Local vs Remote Database TimeZone Differences in Tests stackoverflow.comI have unit test in Java that writes a constant Timestamp to a row in my local test database, reads it back and compares it to what I expected. This works ... |
2. MySQL - Passing UTC timestamps to sprocs via JDBC stackoverflow.comI have a MySQL Server set to UTC (@@global.time_zone = '+00:00') and a table with a DATETIME column in which I store dates in UTC. I'm having problems getting UTC dates ... |
3. Can JDBC + MySQL be convinced to ignore timezones? stackoverflow.comI've got a Java web application in which the client sends timestamped data to the server to be stored in a MySQL database and retrieved later. These timestamps should always be ... |
4. Weird mysql beahviours with timezones? How to control them? stackoverflow.comI wrote a webapp using spring+hibernate. I developed everything on windows and then I moved it to a Linux virtual server (Aruba, an Italian provider). I noticed an annoying thing: when ... |