security « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling?

sadly Java Classes can be decompiled pretty well, how can I protect my database if I have to use the login data in the code?

2. How should I sanitize database input in Java?

Could someone please point me to a good beginner guide on safely running SQL queries formed partly from user input? I'm using Java, but a language neutral guide is fine ...

3. server configuration questions

Please pardon my non-understanding here. I have a local mysql server and I need to be able to access that data over an encrypted channel from a java web application ...

4. Securing a database from Java clients

The concept I have uses a central MySql database which has many Java clients running and using this database (connecting directly). The clients would be publically available, so security becomes an ...

5. Securing sensitive data in a DB,is using H2 worth it?

I am designing a web application at the moment, and one of the requirements is to secure the user credentials as well as their roles. Now ofc besides the usual pwd ...

6. User authentication using MySQL and GRANT or custom software solution?

I'm a long time programmer but have done very little database design. So I'm seeking some feedback on a solution I'm developing. Description I will have several (10 to 20) customers storing ...

7. MySQL Security

I downloaded MySQL 4.0.12 for windows. I thought I'd start to look into other databases than MS Access for my personal jdbc studies. What's this I find about security? You can send commands to the database via a web form! Is this normal? I tried issuing commands via string fields in my client applications to a MS Access database, and I ...

8. Security problems with mysql?