mysqldump « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. How do I dump a MySQL database using ant?

I couldn't find any information about how to dump a MySQL database with an ant task. Do I have to create my own task to do this?

ANT script ===generate==> myDataBase.sql

2. --single-transaction --lock-tables options of mysqldump- what happens internally?

I did find other posts similar to this, but wanted a little extra information on these options of mysqldump. I have understood that the --single-transaction and --lock-tables are mutually exclusive operations. ...

3. I need to make new database in mysql with Java

How can I dump database schema to MySQL database with Java JDBC conncetor? I have my database schema in text file.

4. How to determine if mysqldump called from Runtime.exec() has failed

How to find the error if the database name not exist in mysql. Database name like demo. I provide this following example code

String dumpCommand = "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/bin/mysqldump -h"+hostName+user+demo(//database ...

5. Shell script to import mysql dump file

I'm new to mysql. My requirement is to create a shell script to import a sql dump file into mysql in linux and this script should be called by java program ...

6. MySQL : Access denied for mysqldump

When I try to execute mysqldump on my server, I get following error - mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'abc'@'localhost' to database 'xyz' when using LOCK TABLES I have already doen fllowing to grant all to the user "abc" - mysql> grant all on *.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'xxxx'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.26 sec) What ...

7. Copy Mysql Database using mysqldump utility

Hi all, I need to copy a part of database with data and another part of a database without data to a new database to my localhost. for that I tried the 'mysqldump' command as directed by sites, where i got the information. But I did not get the result. 1. Is it possible to write a single 'mysqldump' option to ...

8. export just procedures from a mysql database using mysqldump

Am I right in thinking that all procedures start with CREATE PROCEDURE and end with ; ? If you do an SQL dump, you get the SQL for the entire database in a plain text file. You can easily scan it for its text, and it shouldn't be hard to create a regular expression to find procedures. Finding the end of ...