memory « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. Memory leak in JDBC4Connection

I'm trying to catch a memory leak in one of our Java daemons, and after dumping the memory and analyzing it via Memory Analyzer Tool, noticed that most of the leak ...

2. MySQL memory exhausted error

Today I was using a simple Java application to load a large size data into MySQL DB, and got a error below: java.sql.SQLException: Syntax error or access violation message from server: "memory ...

3. Java MySQL JDBC Memory Leak

Ok, so I have this program with many (~300) threads, each of which communicates with a central database. I create a global connection to the DB, and then each thread goes ...

4. H2 In memory DB treating ORDER BY differently in MySQL mode

I have a query that does anORDER BY on a VARCHAR column that contains email addresses. If I hit my physical MySQL db, it ignores case in the ORDER BY. ...

5. Is there a way to run MySQL in-memory for JUnit test cases?

I'm just trying to add test cases for services accessing a MySQL DB, and I would like to recreate the whole schema (and for some scenarios also just use a MySQL ...

6. Writing a database migrator in Java, Memory Issues (Code Structuring?)

I'm currently attemping to transfer data away from filemaker pro 11 to MySQL using JDBC. I've dealt with setting up the connection to each, and have queries that work, and insert the ...

7. mysql memory leak on my code?

I'm really new to java, and I need to know is this a memory leak ? This is a piece of code from a game server I'm trying to improve:

private static void ...

8. Java Memory Leak Due to Massive Data Processing

I am currently developing an application that processes several files, containing around 75,000 records a piece (stored in binary format). When this app is ran (manually, about once a month), about ...

9. MySQL memory leak

public synchronized void store(int positionId) { this.positionId = positionId; try { //DbUtilStart.aLog.WriteToLog("inserting position:" + this.toString()); cnctn = DBConnection.getConnection(); insrtSQL = "INSERT INTO position VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement ps = cnctn.prepareStatement(insrtSQL); //ps = cnctn.prepareStatement(insrtSQL); ps.setString(1, this.userId); //userId ps.setInt(2, this.runId); //runId ps.setByte(3, this.lapId); //lapId ps.setInt(4, this.positionId); //positionId ps.setNull(5, Types.NULL); //routeId ps.setFloat(6, longitude); //longitude ps.setFloat(7, latitude); //latitude ps.setFloat(8, altitude); //altitude ps.setLong(9, date); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); ps ...

10. mysql memory .. OS X issues

hi guys : Please help ! Im desperate here. Im running a jdbc application and a query is taking a VERY long time on a HUGE server. I think its because Im not using enough possible memory. I want to setup mysql to use as much memory as is available. I changed mysql to use more memory by adding my-huge.cnf to ...

11. MySQL uses too little memory

Hi All, I'm running through some bulk loading SQL procedures that are taking hours to run. It might be they need to take hours, but one thing I've noticed is that MySQL never requests much memory (~50 megs) throughout the process. I know there's a dozen or so variables to increase buffer sizes, and I've tried a lot of them with ...

12. mysql memory questions