String « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. Java: creating a date object from a string and inserting into MySQL

Anytime I have to handle dates/times in java it makes me sad I'm trying to parse a string and turn it into a date object to insert in a preparepared statement. ...

2. How do you do an extended insert using JDBC without building strings?

I've got an application that parses log files and inserts a huge amount of data into database. It's written in Java and talks to a MySQL database over JDBC. I've ...

3. Store String Array in MySql through java?

I have a String Array in a java program. I am using jdbc driver to store data in MySql. There is a reference variable "pstmt" that refers to a prepared statement now I ...

4. Java: How to convert MySQL DECIMAL(39,0) IP address to String

So I'm told that the DBAs here are going to be storing IP addresses in a DECIMAL(39,0) field in our MySQL database. How can I go about translating that into a String ...

5. Java: Serializing String[] Array to store in a MySQL Database?

Yes, I know it's bad practice and I should instead normalize my tables. That put aside, is it possible to serialize a String [] array and store it in the database? I ...

6. Mysql session variable in JDBC string

am using this connection string to connect to mysql from java:

is it possible to set the session variable in the string so that SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; would be executed upon ...

7. Generate unique id from unique string input

I have a table with a column of unique string values. The max length of the string value is 255 char. I want to generate a unique id with the string ...

8. java equivalent of mysql string search operator 'like'

Edit: thanks for the reg answers below. What if my goal is to strictly emulate mysql like operator,which seems to ignore \n in between characters? what's java equivalent of mysql string search operator ...

9. cast a String to sql time

How we cast a string into time type with mysql in java So String------->java.sql.time thanks.

10. Is it safe to use connection.createStatement().executeQuery(String query);?

Is it safe to do connection.createStatement().executeQuery(String query);, or should each java.sql.Statement object be created and closed by "hand" on every use, even if the connection is closed in a finally block? If ...

11. How to "escape" a whole String - an SQL query

When I add a relative path to an SQL query as a String all the \ get removed. I am trying to add the String ("pics\\"+onlyFile) and as you can see I ...

12. MySQL Stored procedure: search for a variable number of strings

I need a some stored procedure that called like:

search('foo bar')
makes a search similar to:
AND (A.f1 LIKE '%foo%' OR A.f2 LIKE '%foo%' OR B.f3 LIKE '%foo%')
AND ...

13. JDBC: Converting Clobs to Strings doesn't show \n line returns

I am connecting to a 4D (fourth dimension brand) database with its crappy jdbc driver. I have a CLOB on the database and when I fetch it either through getString or getClob, ...

14. java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF3\xBE\x8D\x81'

I am getting the following exception while trying to save some Tweets,

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF3\xBE\x8D\x81' for column 'twtText' at row 1 ...

15. How to check whether a string is not null & empty?

In my web app, I have a search field where I get some string and a combo box. So, I am sending two arguments to the remote function. I want to ...

16. Having Trouble Storing String into MySQL database using Java's PreparedStatement

I have found information over the web as to why using PreparedStatement while storing information from java to mysql is the right solution to pass String values without generating invalid MySQL ...

17. splitting of string in java

I want to split this string and put the values in to my tables of database.I am thinking of using string tokenizer class or some other way. please let me ...

18. How to do string comparison?

I want to do string comparison in Java and MySQL for Utf-8. How to do that I am confused. How to do that. Any suggestions please. Is it normal string comparison ...

19. Problem logging utf-8 strings in MySQL from Java

I am trying to log a string sent from client side to MySQL database from a Java application. The string sent from client is UTF-8 encoded. I have confirmed this as ...

20. Faster way to use data from a String array?

Currently, I have a table being read from like so:

        ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM testrow;");
        rs ...

21. How to concat the last string dynamically i.e "201010" from table affiliate_earnings_breakdown_201010

How to concat the last string dynamically i.e "201010" from table affiliate_breakdown_201010. Since there are many similar tables to be retrieved dynamically as I could not hard code the table name, ...

22. how to read the string from a table which are seperated by commas using mysql

I have a requirement to read the string which is separated by commas and it should be set to JavaBean.the table is like this.

| crsd_id | crsd_crsm_id     ...

23. How to get the current string from "Class.forName(name).newInstance()" using java

this is my code :

public static List populate(ResultSet rs, Class clazz) throws Exception {

        ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData(); 


24. Escaping Strings for MySQL in Java

I need to do a large SQL query against a MySQL DB using a List of strings in Java, ex:

SELECT * FROM db_table WHERE id IN (....);
Unfortunately the input API is ...

25. JDBC MySQL UTF-8 string writing problem

Connect to db:

public DBSource(ConnectionInfo ci) throws
        ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
        IllegalAccessException, SQLException

26. Is it generally considered OK to store a query string in a database?

If I were to take a query string from an incoming request HTTP request in a web application, store it directly in a MySql database, then use it later to re-build ...

27. extracting specific but unknown values from a string in Java

I am trying to extract values from a MySQL insert command in Java. The insert command is just a string as far as Java is concerned. it will be of the ...

28. mysql select in java on a column with accented utf8 string

I have encountered a problem when trying to select data from a table in MySQL in Java by a text column that is in utf-8. The interesting thing is that with ...

29. Inserting string into PreparedStatement

I'm working with a wrapper method to MySQL that uses Statement, I want to change this to PreparedStatement to enhance security, unfortunately, this method requires that arbitary SQL be allowed as ...

30. I want to save the batch insert query string for insert back up for when I want to clean up old News

I want to save the batch insert query string for insert back up for when I want to clean up old News... Is there a way to save the query string of ...

31. Java EE, Entity Bean and Long String attribute (mysql text). How?

How can I declare within an Entity Bean a Long Text attribute? For example: String description I would like it to be more than 255 varchar, and maybe mapped on MySQL as TEXT. Thanks Solved: ...

32. Sync issue using information_schema.tables string in SQL query

I am writing a REST Web service in Java language.
It runs on Tomcat 6 and talks to MySQL DB. MySQL comes with XAMPP app what I installed last year in summer, ...

33. How to convert Date in String to Sql date?

I have a date with String format "09-06-2011". I need to compare it with another date in java.sql.Date format "2011-06-30 00:00:00". How can I convert a String date to a sql ...

34. What does string[] args mean in public static void main(string[] args) in java?

Possible Duplicate:
What does “String[] args” contain in java?
I want to know the significance of the term written inside the bracket in definition of main ...

35. How to insert variable as a string into MySQL in Java

Suppose I have two variables and I know their values:

I can insert a string of "11.1,22.2" into a field in this way.
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
pstmt.setString(1, "11.1,22.2");
but what should I ...

36. Java: How do I retrieve a string from a full text search in mysql

Edit 4: the problem came from using the string name of the column instead of the column number as indicated below by nuzz I've been searching all day and can't figure out ...

37. Yahoo Finance Stream Parsing to insert into MySQL database

I'm using the Yahoo Finance Streaming API to get stock quotes, I wanted to save these into a DB table for historical reference. I'm looking for something which can easily parse ...

38. Save to a LinkedHashSet - BEGINNER

public LinkedHashSet <String> listHotels() {
   Query query  = em.createNativeQuery("select  * from Hotel");
   LinkedHashSet <String> hotel= query.getResultList();
   return hotel;
I am getting a Warning saying ...

39. Good way to generate SQL strings in java?

Im not looking for a persistence layer like Hibernate, I just want to generate sql-strings and they should be compatible with PreparedStatement. I've tried libraries such as

40. Problem with String to Date Conversion

I am trying to convert date in String format to sql date and based on that query database to get the result. Date in string format is :2011-08-11 09:16:00.0 So I am ...

41. How to check if a string is a substring of another, without using large ResultSets?

I am trying to write a webprice comparison software in java. I have a database which already has a lot of products type number (like 'ASD01'). And I have another database, ...

42. How to get query string in catch block of MySQL exception in java?

How can I get SQL query that was received
by MySQL server when it raises exception?

I have a code similar to the following:

Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {

43. How to insert a string date to a mysql database date field

I'm trying to insert a date String from my Java program to one of my MySQL database fields that has a date type.

package events;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Date;
* @author mewq
public ...

44. SQL longest prefix String

I have a loop that executes a query N times through a DAO. In my case, I have an object with a property that has the value "123456789". In the first ...

45. How to prevent string parameters sent to database from keep getting whitespace trimmed?

I'm using prepared statements to load my database with various small strings, and it appears java is automatically trimming them. When I attempt to load a value of " " ...

46. Java, jboss, mysql, jdbc : string max lenght ?

Is there a limitation to the maximum size of string between java, jdbc, jboss and mysql? I have a string that gets stuck to 33000 characters? Maybe a configuration somewhere? Thank you for ...

47. How can I convert a string to a "datetime"-friendly format?

I am basically trying to convert a string similar to this one: "2011-11-9 18:24:12.3" into a format that I can insert into a database table claiming this particular column to be ...

48. Encrypt a connection string, how?

I want to encrypt/hide my connection string in my class. I allready searched the internet but I didn't find anything usefull, maybe I searched the wrong keywords? Here is my ...

49. cant insert string from netbean to mySql datetime

vlixer Joined: 11 Oct 2009 Posts: 3 Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:57 am Post subject: cant insert string from netbean to mySql datetime im using net beans ...

50. ResultSet.getString(String columnName) in Mysql

What kind of server are you running on? On a unix/linux box the column names are VERY case sensitive. Ive run itno this developing on a win2k machine then deploying to a Linux box & OOOPPPSS fudged the case. Check that again. Besides that its pretty cut & dry, spell it right, case right, it should work fine.

51. String -> MySQL CLOB

Hi, After reading a lot of posts in this forum and else where I am doing the following: I want to store a huge java String as a CLOB in the MYSQL Database. I have a table defined like this: CREATE TABLE CLOBTEST (ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, DESCRIPTION TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ID)) TYPE = innoDB; Next I do this: PreparedStatement ...

52. JBuilder8 datatype String and Mysql Datatype char

Hi I have a database in Mysql where I have a column of datatype char. In jbuilder I am using queryDataSet to manupulate the records. Now whatever the length I give in mysql database for the char type colume I can only insert to the length of a record which is already inserted i.e. if in the name field I have ...

53. mysql enum to java string

54. mysql enum to java string

57. Convert string to mysql datetime in java

Hi, Can somebody suggest me how to convert a date string in this format - Mon Aug 10 16:36:00 CDT 2009 to a MySql DateTime in Java? This date is the result of Apache POI. Below is my code: if(HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(hssfCell)) { cellData = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(hssfCell.getNumericCellValue()).toString(); break; } I want to insert cellData into MySql DateTime field. Thanks.

58. how to convert a string to double & insert it in mysql table as bigint(24)

hi, i have built a mysql table which has field"messageid" bigint(24), i want to insert values to this field at runtime.. in my programe there is string messageid="07168383580606200700000" i parse this value to a double/long but it give numberformat exception. by configuring the messageid field as varchar(24), this can be done easily. but when it comes to any form of int ...

59. Pulling String from MySQL, Out of Memory Error

Hey Guys, I have an application in which I am pulling out data from a mysql field "text" into a Java String object. On one run of the application, I encountered OutOfMemory exception. The String object could not hold this data as it was too much and the heap was out. I used java -Xmx512M MainClass . This gave my JVM ...

61. how to "wordwrap" mysql's bean String result

I have got a JSP that retrieves, trough a bean, data from a Mysql DBMS. The problem is that, with String data, my JSP page is unable to recognize when a row finshed and text restart from the next row . MySQL categorize it using newline characthers that consist of putting 2 Unicode block characters... how I can abilitate my JSP ...

63. Compare Mysql Date time with string date time

Dear All, I have read dateTime field into a string from mysql database and in my java I have another dateTime in string format and in same format as the mysql date time and would like to compare both to see which one is before? Is it just by comparing the two string will solve the problem or must I do ...