Retrieve « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. Retrieving records from MySQL in Java

I'm building an application in Java to retrieve data from MySQL database. After executing a query I get a ResultSet and do the following to extract records:

while (

2. Is ther a way to retrieve the autoincrement ID from a prepared statement

Is there a way to retrieve the auto generated key from a DB query when using a java query with prepared statements. For example, I know AutoGeneratedKeys can work as follows. ...

3. Retrieve an Image stored as BLOB on a MYSQL DB

I'm trying to create a PDF based on the information that resides on a database. Know I need to retrieve a TIFF image that is stored as a BLOB on a ...

4. retrieving timestamp record from database

how to access timestamp object in resultset. i use this code

String displayzone  =Rs.getTimestamp("TIME_ZONE").toString();
it will be error....

5. increase performance while retrieving thousand of record from mysql

I have one table that contain more that 40 thousand record when I retrieve record that satisfy particular condition it takes so much time. Is there any solution to ...

6. Any Performance solution for retrieving online status from MySQL database

I have a large chat application in the build process and i'm confused about how to solve this issue .. i need to show the online status of 10 users on ...

7. How to retrieve a set of table data in SQL?

I want to ask a question about the SQL. I have the following table.

Name Phone
 a    1
 b    2
 c    3
 d ...

8. Java method halts when retrieving java.sql.Date object from mysql database, why?

My java class (servlet) has been running fine, but recently, I noticed a problem. In my database, I have a Date column called 'Full_Expiration_Date'. If one was entered it will store it ...

9. How do you input Java char's into MYSQL database and then also retrieve them as well?

I am using a MYSQL database to store persisted data for a java application.

CREATE TABLE testtable1( key1a CHAR, key1b CHAR, encoded1a CHAR, encoded1b CHAR);
As you can see i create a table ...

10. How can I retrieve MySQL temporary tables meta data within a single connection in JDBC?

And once again I have found an issue that I don't know how to fight with. Let's assume we have the following testing code:

private static final String CREATE_TEMPORARY_TABLE =

11. Retrieving the images in Mysql DB and display using java

I have a Mysql database with the images in it. Now I want to retreive this database and display the images in a web page using java code. Can anyone provide the code ...

12. Best way to retrieve nearest geopoints (lat/long) to the one given by user, i have the list of all geopoints stored in a MySQL database

I'm trying to create a mobile application, that capture the user current geopoint(lat/long) send it to a web service and the web service returns the 5 nearest geopoints from the a ...

13. I have to retrieve data from database table and generate a xml file for this data using java

I have to retrieve data from database table and generate a xml file for this data using java

14. Java PreparedStatement retrieving last inserted ID

This answer to this question done this way seems to be very difficult to find on the internet. Basically I am inserting values into a MySQL database using PreparedStatement. I use ...

15. Retrieving latin1 encoded results with JDBC

I am trying to retrieve result sets from a MySQL database sing JDBC which is then used to generate reports in BiRT. The connection string is set up in BiRT. The database ...

16. Need help on how to retrieve the data from database and write it to a html file using java?

I have a mysql database with a table of 5 columns. Now I need to get those data from that database table and view it in a html file (with table headers ...

17. MySQLSyntaxErrorException when retrieving MetaData for "select ... limit ?,?" prepared query

I'm trying to get metadata from prepared statement after executing query with parameters in "limit" clause:

PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select * from tbl limit ?, ?");
ps.setLong(1, 0);
ps.setLong(2, 10);
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = ps.getMetaData();
code throws ...

18. ArrayList performance with MySql database while retrieving records

I have a LoginID database than can contain 1000's of users. Now to check if a user exist or not what am doing is am storing all the LoginID value of ...

19. Problems with (PreparedStatement prest) in retrieving data from the database

        query="select friend_uname from myfriends";//SELECT ALL THE FRIENDS OF THE USER

20. Retrieving records from MySQL DB returns Null

Question 1. I am using Netbeans 6.9.1 glassfish 3.1 . I am trying to retrieve some values from the MySQL DB and save it on a List. My code as follows;


21. JAVA, SQL exception while retrieving a value

I am using Netbeans 6.9.1, and glassfish 3.1, the DB is MySql. There is a table in the database called HotelNames, i need to write a SQL and pass the Hotel name ...

22. want to retrieve values from database for xml tags in java

hi i want to retrieve values from SQL database for xml tags using java coding i hav written a code to connect database... i am able to query the database... created a ...

25. Retrieve MySQL table column names

27. Not able to retrieve values from MySQL(using simple UI)

Welcome to JavaRanch. If you compare string attributes you need to enclose the string values in single quotes, like "select * from xyz where abc = 'x' ". Otherwise the DB will think that "x" is the name of an attribute. A good way to debug this kind of problem is to print the offending query to the console or a ...

29. Retrieving formatted text from mysql database

Hi, I have a column of datatype 'text' in mysql table. I insert text using a textarea in a jsp page, like: Hi this is Shashank. Glad to meet you. Bye. When I retrieve the data, it comes out like 'Hi this is Shashank. Glad to meet you. Bye.' in a single line. Will anybody please guide me how I can ...

30. Retrieving xm from mySQL and sending it through webservice method

Hi Guys, I am trying to export an xml outputted from mySQL database onto a mobile client. The client will then parse the retrieved xml at the client end. The problem I am facing is when I am trying to store the Query output to a variable which I can return via the service method to the mobile client. String query="SELECT ...

31. Problems retrieving utf8 encoded fields from mysql database

Hi, I currently have some fields in tables in the mysql database defined with the "collation utf8 default" for internationalisation. I currently retrieve my data from the database using prepared statements ie resultsets ,for example rs.getString("message") rs being ResultSet but when I retrieve the utf8 fields, they return ??? instead of the utf-8 field I require. Any idea where is the ...

32. question on retrieve image from mysql

33. Storing and retrieving Date as datetime for DST/non-DST in MySQL

Hi, I'm new to this forums. I have the following problem: I have 2 dates stored in two java Date classes; the first Date is : "Sun Nov 04 01:00:00 PDT 2007" the second Date is: "Sun Nov 04 01:00:00 PST 2007". Note the difference is only PDT to PST, so these dates are 1 hour apart, the first in Pacific ...