Date « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. How to store a java.util.Date into a MySQL timestamp field in the UTC/GMT timezone?

I used a new Date() object to fill a field in a MySQL DB, but the actual value stored in that field is in my local timezone. How can I configure MySQL ...

2. Java and MySQL date problem

getTimestamp("datetime") in Java. In the database, this datetime is 2009/03/06 02:47:18 but the time is returned as 14:47:18 I'm not very knowledgeable about MySQL dates, so I would appreciate any explanation as to why this ...

3. Java: date & time relative to current (server) time

We're using MySQL to store some dates. I'm looking to show these as relative time periods in the user interface: 2 hours ago, 3 days ago etc. (Like Twitter does for ...

4. Mysql date problem in different timezones

I have been facing this date issue since a long time. Have tried a lot of things but in vain. The problem goes like this: The date entered by the user is ...

5. Date vs Milliseconds | for scalablility, saving, searching and obtaining time in Java + MySQL(or other Db's)

Which is the most beneficial in Java and a DB for DateTime? (Using JodaTime as Date) (DateTime object (Java) + TIMESTAMP (DB) ) VS (Milliseconds long (Java) + BIGINT(DB) for the use of ...

6. Formatting Date on Java

I have a String with the following format: january_2005 (MMMMMMM_yyyy) and i want to convert it to a mysql acceptable date value to insert it on the database. I need to do it ...

7. How to set Current date to MySQL date column from Java?

I have a DATE datatype mysql column in a table. I want to set the value of that column from my java code in the format YYYY-MM-DD I ...

8. insert a date in mysql database

I use a jquery datepicker then i read it in my servlet like that: String dateimput=request.getParameter("datepicker");//1 then parse it like that:

System.out.println("datepicker:" +dateimput);  
    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");  ...

9. Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

I am using ibatis and C#. i get a result from a select query that has CreatedDate as one of the field. The Datatype of CreatedDate in Mysql is Date. I ...

10. how to store java date type to mysql date type?

how to store java date type to mysql date type?

11. Java Date Format Conversion

I am currently pulling three form field inputs off the request object. The day, the month, and the year. Day would be 11 for 11th day of the month Month would be ...

12. Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java

In a java application what would a good compromise in terms of extracing and inputting date information with a MySQL database using a mix of datetimes and timestamps?

13. Incorrect Date Exception

I am trying to enter a date with with year 1900 using java into sql bt i am getting exception as : 'com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '1900-01-01 00:00:00' ' ...

14. MySQL timestamp to Java date conversion

How can I convert time in unix timestamp to normal time?

15. problem in adding java date in MySQL?

here is the code

String DateOfBirth[]=strDOB.split("/");
Date dateOfBirth = new Date();
 java.text.SimpleDateFormat DateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
strDOB = DateFormat.format(dateOfBirth);
 DBProcess.QueryExecuter("INSERT INTO patients(patient_id,first_name,last_name,middle_name,birth_dt) VALUES (\""+Double.parseDouble(strPatientID.trim())+"\",\""+strFirstname+"\",\""+strLastname+"\",\""+strMiddlename+"\",\""+strDOB +"\");");

16. I am not able to read the records with null date field in MySQL using java?

here is the code

private ResultSet rsResult;


17. How do I set a full date & time sql using java, and not just the date?

I am trying to set a timestamp in my database using java, however in my table all I get is the date, and no time (i.e., looks like "2010-09-09 00:00:00"). I am ...

18. Not recognizing Date Type in Java MySQL DB Call

I have the following calls in one of my classes

public Integer save(NewsItem item){
    ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool();
    Connection connection = pool.getConnection();

19. adding one month to current date?

in java how to add one month to the current date .

20. Optimising a date query in MySQL

I have a series of tables which have MySQL date and time attributes where each table can consist of thousands of rows. I need to be able to read these tables ...

21. calculate the time passed after an entry of date with the current time of the day

     PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("insert into mydate values(?,?)");

         java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();


22. whats the best way to compress a date?

my site needs to store the ip and timestamp of every visit on mysql. i am concerned that very quickly i will have 1e6 rows in my database. what is the best ...

23. how can i backup and restore date from mysql data base

i want to know how can i create backup from mysql database and restore it. i want to use it in my java application.

mysql> mysql -u root -p 123  -h hostname ...

24. Convert Date into MYSQL Date Format

I have this MySQL Date data for 6 months in this format: 2010-01-01 to 2010-07-01 But from the UI the ToDate and FromDate are passed in this format: Jan 1, ...

25. Java Date -> to MySql Time

I have a Date format in java that I need to save as a Time format in MySQL. Is there a way to just get the time part from the ...

26. Working with dates

I subtract two dates from each other because I need the time difference between them. I toggle the usual problems but when I write it to MySQL (Time) I see ...

27. JDBC Bad format for DATE

I am trying to read several dates from my database but under certain circumstances I get a ' java.sql.SQLException Bad format for DATE'. Here is my code :

Date entryDateD = res.getDate("entryDate");
In ...

28. Date in UTC in mysql

I have a table which has field with data type as DATETIME. I persist a record in this table using java and I calculate current date as as following.

Date date = ...

29. Using JavaMail to send email to users automatically on exceeding the due date

I have a ISSUEBOOK database(mysql) which contains following field/columns

  • loginID
  • IssueDate
  • DueDate
Now i need to implement a JAVA code which should automatically send mail to the users who exceeds their due date. Information about ...

30. java mysql select statement not returning full date

I'm a java newbie but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. When I try to retrieve the last two dates from a database it only displays the year(while in ...

31. How do you get both date and time from a PreparedStatement in Java?

I am currently using SELECT datetime FROM table1 WHERE condition=? as the query and getting the ResultSet object, and I am using rs.getDate() and it is creating a Date object with ...

32. Java Format Custom Date to MySQL DATETIME

I have a String with a value in the format: 01-Jul-2011 12:52:00 . I would like to format this to be inserted into a MySQL database with the type as DATETIME. I realise ...

33. Java difference of currentTimeMillis() Function and special date - MySQL?

I have 50000 XML records like this in the database:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
as you see, I saved the date in separated format. Now I need to extract the currentTimeMillis() of these days and ...

34. Jersey has written my mysql timestamp as 2011-09-28T21:48:25Z how do I format it in Java?

I have a mysql backend that has a timestamp field that is auto set as currenttimestamp like so (date_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP). After reading the value as Date, Jersey ...

35. JDBC and MySQL, how to persist java.util.Date to a DATETIME column?

I'm struggling to understand how to get it to work. I have a prepared statment, and I want to persist a It doesn't work. I tried to cast it to java.sql.Date, ...

36. Date Java to MySql DateTime

every body. I am getting this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that ...

38. Dates in MySQL

39. problem while insert date data in mysql

Hi, I am facing folowing problem while inserting data into mysql table mysql table is Create table MyDate(Date Date, MyDate DateTime) mysql> select * from MyDate; +------------+---------------------+ | Date |MyDate | +------------+---------------------+ | 2002-04-03 | 2002-04-03 13:15:35 | | 2002-04-04 | 2002-04-03 13:15:38 | | 2002-04-04 | 2002-04-03 13:15:31 | +------------+---------------------+ These record I have added manuly. When I try to ...

40. MySQL to Java Date Inaccuracy

41. Mysql Java and Date Formats

Hi All! I'm having some trouble getting a date from a Java application into a mySQL table. I have 2 fields on a form Donation Date and Donation Amount. The dates get all screwed up because the mysql format is YYYY-MM-DD and I'm entering the date MM/DD/YYYY and attempting to insert it into the database. Below is my code, can someone ...

42. save Date() into mysql Timestamp

43. from Access to MySQL date question

I converted my database from access to mySql (altough I believe Access did a great job) So...I realized that the date saved in MySql is in this format: yyyy-dd-mmm while my date saved on Access was dd-MMM-yy (eg 26-FEB-2005). Question: How can I switch ALL my dates to yyyy-dd-mm??? Does MySql allow other format? I don't want to go thro the ...

44. Mysql Date problems

I intended to do a group function in my hibernate 2.1 query on mysql 4, that tells me the total times a user has been working. But unfortunately my date function is always giving me wrong values. For example, If I have one entry that tells me the user began his session at (BEGIN_TIME) 2005-03-02 15:00:48 and ended it at 2005-03-02 ...

45. mysql date problem

hi, I have a table where one of the column is a date. I am able to get the value entered in the textfield and insert the value in database using preparedStatement and setDate(). If the value entered in the texfield is empty, it enters '0000-00-00' as default in the database. The problem is I'm not able to retrieve the value ...


48. Mysql Date Format

49. Java date to MySQL date conversion

Hello Sangeetha, Thank you very much. After a couple of hours my code for insertion datetime to database table is working fine. I have searched many forums but i didn't get satisfactory solution but now according to your instruction changing prepStatement.setDate to prepStatement.setString is works fine.But i don't understand why i can't use prepStatement.setDate to store datetime to database ? Thanks ...

50. Inserting the Date in to MySQL

Dear Aditya , Thanks for your reply. What my problem is I've the code for inserting a date column in Oracle table for egs : String d = "10-11-2006" insert into aa values (to_char('dd-mm-yyyy',d); This is working perfectly in Oracle 8i. Now my client want to host the site.. and he wants to conver the oracle to MySQL for hosting. So ...

51. Date Comparison in MySQL Columns

Dear Ranchers, I'm doing JSP and MySQL in my project and and i've a doubt in the query. The table details are given below table name : test ---------------------------------- id | date_in | actual_date | ---------------------------------- 001 | 01-01-2006 | 01-01-2006 | 002 | 02-01-2006 | 02-01-2006 | 003 | 03-01-2006 | 01-01-2006 | 004 | 04-01-2006 | 07-01-2006 | 005 ...

52. Date Format problem MySQL

53. storing date in mysql

54. mysql query to check the date

Hi, Thank you for your reply. i want to check whether the systemdate and registered date is greater than 20.if yes i want to update the flag and registered date.if not ,it should go to else part.But my code does not goes to the else part even the condition is false.where am i wrong?my code follows: try { Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); conn ...

55. Problem with date insertion in MySQL

Hi Rajkumar, I can give you solution but i as other ppl found your explanation not clear.. so please let me know each and every detail like what you have in java and what you have in mysql like data types both the sides .. Please make it clear to i can help you...

56. Inserting date in MySQL

Hi ranchers, I try to insert some dates in MySQL from the Java code but i fail to insert it in proper format. The default format of MySQL is "yyyy-MM-dd". So i set this as my default too. But when i insert the date it changes like this.. "0029-22-08"..Where '08 is the year field... Why this happens.. How could i change ...

57. modifying date in mysql

58. MySQL JDBC Driver and Null Dates

For whatever reason my app has decided to start through SQLExceptions when encountering NULL dates and datetimes. I know that this is intentional as per the driver however I also found a way to tell MySQL to convert zero dates to null. On the connection String you can add: zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull In DBVisualizer adding this to the connection string actually works. When ...

60. How to fetch Date from DateTime in mySql

hi all, i am having a database with Column(Transaction date) which is of DateTime. How can i fetch the records with only Date criteria. I need to get the records on daily basis. where "Transaction Date" is 2010-06-23 rather than time stamp appended with it. Or is there any other option to select records on date. Thanks in advance. Raza!

62. inserting data in mysql in sorting order of date column

Hi! I want to store some records in mysql database. records have a date column. i want to store them in sorting order of that date column. For example, record having date 27/sep/2011 get stored as first row on the top of record having date 26/sep/2011 as: id_1,name_1,27/sep/2011 id_2,name_2,26/sep/2011 if new records come on future dates they would get inserted on ...

63. How to set date in mysql using prepared statement?

When we select the date from the drop down box or writing in text box it needs to store in the date format in mysql database. getting the date input from the user not the current system date or time. please help me out with the code. I tried the following design page:- JSP Page ...

64. Is there a way to have mySQL auto fill in the current date into my dateCreated field?

So, in other words, you haven't reead the manual and have just been acting like you did. Do you know what default values are? When you insert a row without filling a column, and that column has a default value, that default value will be inserted into that column for the row being inserted. Now, how does that knowledge, combined with ...

65. Trying to convert Java Date to type int to fit in mysql table with field type int(11)

I am trying to convert a date such as "dd-MM-yyy" "01/01/2011" to a type int(11) for a mysql database. The only thing I can find is a conversion to long using the Date class and the simple date formatter. .getDate is deprecated and only .getTime is available. (which returns type long). If I just cast it from a long to an ...

66. From MySQL's UNIX_TIMESTAMP() value to Date

How are you getting the value 1243962183? What is a normal date format? If the database has a column holding a TIMESTAMP value then I would try obtaining values from a ResultSet using one of the getTimestamp() methods. They all return an instance of java.sql.Timestamp from which you can obtain a string representation: * with toString() * using a SimpleDateFormat since ...

67. Netbeans 6.0 web page Error adding data to mySQL table - date datatype

Netbeans 6.0 web page, trying to add data into a mySQL table. The table has a datetime datatype. The add does not work when trying to add a record. I have no problems when I add a record to a table without a date datatype. Here is my code. RowKey rk = fwusersDataProvider.appendRow(); fwusersDataProvider.setCursorRow(rk); fwusersDataProvider.setValue("fwusers.userid", userid); fwusersDataProvider.setValue("fwusers.password", pwd); fwusersDataProvider.setValue("fwusers.firstName", "A"); fwusersDataProvider.setValue("fwusers.lastName", ...

68. Comparing MYSQL NOW() with Date today = calendar.getTime()

I just ran a test to see what the two times are returning. I was pretty sure to start with that the MySQL NOW() time was correct and in sync with my computer because I can check it easily enough. The NOW() MySQL time IS returning my computer time which is correct and is currently using Central Daylight Savings Time. It's ...

69. Java datatype for MySQL DATE?

71. date object passing into mysql?