BLOB « mysql « Java Database Q&A

1. MYSQL stored procedure accessing java object stored as a BLOB

I am storing a Java object as an byte in a blob of a table. The java object is customized object. How can I construct the java object and use it ...

2. How do I store a picture in MySQL?

I want to store an image in a MySQL database. I have created a table with a BLOB datatype, but now how do I store the image in this table?

3. How to send the data (BLOB & CLOB) to the database from java

The table columns have the data type BLOB and CLOB. What are the corresponding Java data types? I am using MySQL database.

4. Using Active Objects and BLOBs

I am in a group of people who are creating a Defect Tracking program as a project. We have been using Active Objects and have run into some issues. ...

5. How to store matrix information in MySQL?

I'm working on an application that analizes music similarity. In order to do that I proccess audio data and store the results in txt files. For each audio file I ...

6. How do I store a zip file in MySQL?

I want to write a program which will backup an entire drive in a MySQL server using java, but I am confused. How do I create the table (what data types?), how ...

7. Java: How to store MediumBlob in MySQL

I'm trying to store MediumBlob data in MySQL using java. But I have no success to retrieve the data. To store I'm using:

PreparedStatement = stmt conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE INTO table VALUE(?)");
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ...

8. JDBC File not found error using Blobs

So I'm trying to insert a blob into my database. The user specifies a path then the code changes the path to make mysql read it properly. When inserting the Blob ...

9. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while saving a 3gp file in mysql

My code is :

psmnt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO upload_data(user_id,photo,audio) "

10. Can a non-serialized Java object be stored in mySQL BLob column?

I have a java objects which are not serializable. It is an external library and I cannot flag them as serializable. Here are a couple of questions.. 1) Can they still be ...

11. Detecting mime-type of a MySQL BLOB in Java

Yes I know that we shouldn't store images on a database, thanks. That said, is there a way to detect in java the mime type of a BLOB stored in mysql? It is ...

12. invalid stream header: 626F6775 using mysql blob, java Object and custom object

I am working on an application where i need to store an object of a custom class into a database and be able to retrieve the object and use it at ...

13. select audio file from database

I have used blob datatype for storing image in database. Now, i am trying the same operation for the audio file. Storing audio file into database and trying to retrieve it ...

14. MySQL Blob Deserialization Problem?


18. Java. MySQL, JPEG Blob