json « mongodb « Java Database Q&A

1. Using JSON with MongoDB?    stackoverflow.com

My application uses JSON objects a lot (org.json.JSONArray and friends). What's the most efficient way to store these into Mongo DBObjects so they can be queried? BasicDBObject can't serialize a JSONArray--there ...

2. Flattening a JSON hierachy using Java    stackoverflow.com

So I have a hierarchy of page objects and I am migrating from a Postgres System over to MongoDB, but I still need to support some legacy client systems which expect ...

3. MongoDB - How to consume printjson output in Java    stackoverflow.com

I need to communicate with MongoDB shell via Java
To explain in short, I am using something like Runtime.exec (commons exec specifically) to call MongoDB shell in --eval mode Using this ...

4. Trim double quotes in json received from mongoDB    stackoverflow.com

I am using JSON and MongoDb for the first time.. So when i insert into Mongodb and retrieve the result I get the value as

{ "_id" : { "$oid" : ...

5. MongoDB+Java - parsing JSON via com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse    stackoverflow.com

I am using com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse to parse a JSON file to DBObject. How do I specify dates, refs, and objects IDs in the JSON file?