parameter « ibatis « Java Database Q&A

1. ibatis in/out parameter problem

Can anyone tell me what's wrong? I have two procedures and two mappings for them. One works fine and another fails. This one works fine:

    <parameterMap id="mapping-descriptions" class="java.util.Map">

2. ibatis java.util.Map parameters with dot(.) character

I have a parameters Map with property name "xx.xx", but Ibatis cannot know property named "xx.xx" ("xxxx" is ok). how can I use Map property with name contains dot(.) character? or ...

3. byte? doesn't work as a parameter type in an iBatis parameterMap

According to the iBatis docs, using "byte?" as a type value should work in parameterMap. I'm using DataMapper version 1.6.1. The error message I'm getting is: Could not load ...

4. Setting the FROM clause via parameter in MyBatis

I haven't been able to see anything in the documentation which speaks to my question, and upon deploying it, my app does not quite work right (more on that in a ...