column « ibatis « Java Database Q&A

1. Reusing a resultMap for different column names

Is there a way of reusing the same resultMap multiple times in a single query. For example, suppose I have a "foo" resultMap:

<resultMap id="foo" class="Foo">
  <result property="Bar" column="bar" />
Is there a ...

2. Storing property to multiple columns using iBatis

I'm looking for solution of the following situation. Let's say I have a business object Vector referencing class/structure Point.

class Vector{
 int id;
 Point begin;
 Point end;

class Point {
 int x;
 int ...

3. IBatis Saving and Retrieving Different Type of Data in One DB Column

I have a requirement that I need to save different type of data (int, float, string) in one database table column. Presently, I have set the data type of column to ...

4. Using MyBatis Generator, how to specify a default value for a column when NULL value is provided?

I want to generate my entity and mapper files with MyBatis Generator. For a specific column, I wish when the field of the entity object has null value, the mapping file ...