1. How to map multiple records using SqlMap in Ibatis stackoverflow.comI am just getting into ibatis with SqlMap for the first time and I have run into a problem. I have figured out how to insert, delete, update, and select ... |
2. iBatis.NET SqlMap.config file not found stackoverflow.comI am using iBatis.NET in a very simple test project (VS 2008). When I run the suite and the Mapper is instantiated a FileNotFoundException pops up on opening SqlMap.config. The path ... |
3. How to use a file-resource instead of a classpath-resource in ibatis sqlMap config? stackoverflow.comI'd like to use the same ibatis sqlMapConfig on many modules. Unfortunatly only classpath-resources seems to be allowed in the resource-attribute of my sqlMap:
4. how to use file.seperator in ibatis resource attribute of sql-map tag stackoverflow.comi am using ibatis for OR mapping of my application. me and my team is working on two different operating systems, systems are UBUNTU and Windiows xp. I have a sqlmapconfig.xml ... |
5. iBATIS sqlmap with groupby how to prevent null record on child stackoverflow.comNeed help with sqlmap group by. Im getting an empty child object when there is no child relationship