zookeeper « hbase « Java Database Q&A

1. what does 2n + 1 quorum mean?    stackoverflow.com

I've come across this when describing the Zookeeper configuration for HBase, and I'm unfamiliar with the term. Does the 'N' have anything to do with the number of nodes in my ...

2. hbase zookeper quorum    stackoverflow.com

What exactly is zookeper quorum setting in hbase-site.xml ? Thanks in advance.

3. HBase Zookeeper Close Connection    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to make a simple Web Service that runs on Apache Tomcat and has only one operation thate makes a HBase table scan. Here is how i get the config:

Configuration config ...

4. NullPointerException with zookeepers getZookeeperClusterKey    stackoverflow.com

when connecting to HBase, the following message occurs:

    at java.lang.StringBuilder.<init>(StringBuilder.java:92)
    at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWrapper.getZookeeperClusterKey(ZooKeeperWrapper.java:956)
There seems to be a problem in the configuration. I'm not using an ...

5. How to see number of connection in zookeeper    stackoverflow.com

I want to see number of connection in zookeeper runing , as m running through lily , so it is giving exception but want to check number of connection in ...

6. Weird DNS server causes Hadoop and HBase to malfunction    stackoverflow.com

I have a network with some weird (as I understand) DNS server which causes Hadoop or HBase to malfunction. It resolves my hostname to some address my machine doesn't know about (i.e. ...

7. How to fix the Zookeeper error for Hbase    stackoverflow.com

Main OS is windows 7 64bit. Using VM player to create two vm CentOS 5.6 system. The net connection is bridge. I installed Hbase on both of the CentOS system? one ...

8. Zookeeper Znode    stackoverflow.com

When we use zookeeper for coordination of a set of Hbase nodes , then zookeeper can be housed on the same nodes as Hbase nodes or it MUST be housed on a ...

9. HBase Region Server becomes null during bulkloading    stackoverflow.com

While trying to put data to an Hbase table, after mapping and reducing ~50000 th line, the bulk loading crashes. It gives

   11/11/29 09:57:50 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map ...