sql « hbase « Java Database Q&A

1. Advanced queries in HBase    stackoverflow.com

Given the following HBase schema scenario (from the official FAQ)...

How would you design an Hbase table for many-to-many association between two entities, for example Student ...

2. Caching of Map applications in Hadoop MapReduce?    stackoverflow.com

Looking at the combination of MapReduce and HBase from a data-flow perspective, my problem seems to fit. I have a large set of documents which I want to Map, Combine and ...

3. NoSQL system to save relational data    stackoverflow.com

If my data is relational (publishers-authors-books, associations-teams-players), can we use NoSQL system like HBase or MongoDB to store the data? (I know it may sound like a stupid question but I'm just ...

4. Help regarding no sql databases like hadoop, hbase etc    stackoverflow.com

I am new to the distributed NoSQL databases like Hadoop, Cassandra, etc. I have few questions for which I seek an expert advice:

  1. Can you list problems/challenges one will generally face when ...

5. Lots of small tree structures in SQL or NoSQL Databases    stackoverflow.com

I would like to store information on nodes in lots of different trees in a database. To begin with there will be over 20000 nodes shared between 500 trees, each node will ...

6. Transforming (Synchronizing)Data between SQL to HBase    stackoverflow.com

We are overhauling our product by completely moving from Microsoft-.Net family to open source (well one of the reasons is cost cutting and exponential increase in data). We plan to move ...