hypertable « hbase « Java Database Q&A

1. bigtable vs cassandra vs simpledb vs dynamo vs couchdb vs hypertable vs riak vs hbase, what do they have in common?    stackoverflow.com

Sorry if this question is somewhat subjective. I am new to 'could store', 'distributed store' or some concepts like this. I really wonder what do they have in common and want ...

2. HBase vs Hyptertable vs Lucene    stackoverflow.com

I am using an search system in lucene. By default it is not distributed, so I am thinking of moving to something like HBase or Hadoop. Do solutions like HBase ...

3. why we need hadoop for hypertable    stackoverflow.com

i have written an crawler in c++ and i am looking for an distributed data store i found 2 1) hbase 2) hypertable both are the implementation of Big table and i just ...

4. suggestion needed for storage system for an crawler    stackoverflow.com

I am planning to write a web crawler in c++ which crawls N number of pages daily. The main problem is that I am getting confusing with storage system . So ...

5. Hypertable v. HBase and BigTable v. SQL    stackoverflow.com

As Hypertable and HBase seem to be the two major open source BigTable implementations, what are the major pros and cons between these two databases? In addition, what are the major pros ...

6. MongoDB Sharding vs HBase/HyperTable DFS    stackoverflow.com

As far as I have understand MongoDB Sharding and HBase/HyperTable DFS are ways to scale-out but how do they compare and when should I use each of them?

7. Memory Requirement/Utilization for MongoDB, Riak and HyperTable (or HBase)    stackoverflow.com

I've evaluated most of the NoSQL solutions and it seems that using a combination of MongoDB, Riak and HyperTable (or HBase) is the way to go. What is the minimum requirement ...