lucene « hadoop « Java Database Q&A

1. opening lucene index stored in hdfs

How to read a lucene index directory stored over HDFS i.e. How to get IndexReader for the index stored over HDFS. The IndexReader is to opened in a map task. Something like: ...

2. Working with Katta ( Lucene, Hadoop )

Can any one provide me with some sample Java code as how to go about storing the Lucene index in a HDFS( Hadoop File Sytem ), using Katta.

3. Where do I begin learning Lucene.NET Solr Hadoop and MapReduce?

I'm a .NET developer and I need to learn Lucene so we can run a very large scale search service that removes entries that the end user doesn't have access to. ...

4. Does it make sense to use Hadoop for import operations and Solr to provide a web interface?

I'm looking at the need to import a lot of data in realtime into a Lucene index. This will consist of files of various formats (Doc, Docx, Pdf, etc). The data ...

5. instant searching in petabyte of data

I need to search over petabyte of data in CSV formate files. After indexing using LUCENE, the size of the indexing file is doubler than the original file. Is it possible ...

6. Lucene Indexing and searching with Map/Reduce

Possible Duplicate:
instant searching in petabyte of data…
How to use HADOOP's Map/Reduce in Lucene Indexing and searching?????

7. Katta Tutorial website

Is there any website or video tutorial available for katta using lucene and hadoop?? other than

8. Hive with Lucene

Is it possible to use Hive for querying Lucene index which is distributed over Hadoop???

9. What is the best way to run Lucene/Solr on Hadoop?

We run Solr on an Amazon Web Services EC2 instance with a 1TB EBS volume to store the index so that we can easily launch additional servers with the same (read-only) ...

10. grails how to search in domain classes

I have User domain class and few domain classes associated with it. I want to be able to search in my domain classes, and as result get all users associated with keyword. (for example ...

11. Using a Lucene Index as an Input For Hadoop

I am trying to build an adjacency list out of a corpus. I am thinking of using Map-Reduce because in-memory solutions have proven to be extremely expensive. The sequence of jobs ...

12. Word Co-occurrence - find the co-occurence of a term in a set of n-grams

How would I go about writing a co-occurence class in something like Java that takes a file full of n-grams and calculates word co-occurence for a given input term. Are there ...