query « derby « Java Database Q&A

1. Help writing database queries for derby?    stackoverflow.com

I have a database containing multiple tables (Person, Parents, etc) Person table has certain attributes particularly ssn, countryofbirth and currentcountry. Parents table has ssn, and fathersbirthcountry The ssn in Person is the same ssn ...

2. What is wrong with this database query?    stackoverflow.com

I have the following tables in a database (i'll only list the important attributes):

Employment(ssn, companyID)
Company(companyID, name)
My task is this: given fatherbirthcountry as input, output the names of companies where persons work ...

3. SQL aggregate query question    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone help me with a SQL query in Apache Derby SQL to get a "simple" count. Given a table ABC that looks like this...


4. Use variable declared in Java within SQL query    stackoverflow.com

k so I have created a database called dictionaryDatabase using Apache Derby in Java. The database has a table called dictionaryTable and contains two columns, wrongWord and rightWord. Here's what I ...

5. Derby database query    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a calendar system. We are using Derby. I'm writing a script to ask (in my opinion) a very hard logic statement. I have been reading in derbys instructions but cant ...

6. How to set result format for queries in Apache Derby ij tool    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to "pretty print" the query results in the ij? The default results look quite incomprehensible due to the fact that columns are thrown here and there in ...

7. Could you rewrite this for me? Left join a table and a subquery    stackoverflow.com

INSERT INTO tr SELECT * FROM results where results.STUDENT_ID=3;
Is it possible to rewrite the ...

8. SQL Query in Apache Derby    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a side project with a Apache Derby database and I'm having trouble with a query. I have the following two tables:

    create table Employee(

9. Which Queries are active on a Derby Database    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to find out which Queries are active on a Derby Database and how long they are running? Something like Performance Monitoring.

10. apache derby hangs up executing query    stackoverflow.com

i'd really appreciate some help here. I've got this derby database from my customer, and their application based on Hibernate. I can't make it work because Hibernate generates query that hangs up ...

11. Derby (Cloudscape): how to query 2 or more tables in one query-statement?    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using Derby (cloudscape) embedded in a Swing-Application. My question: How can I process a query similar to this, where I have references to 2 tables in the same query: "SELECT Person.Author, Books.Title, Books.Year FROM Person, Books WHERE Person.ID = Books.ID"; It seems like Derby lets me connect to one table only at a time. I searched the Manual ...

12. Case-Insensitive Queries in Derby???    coderanch.com

I am new to Derby (Cloudscape), coming from SQL Server, and I am having trouble with case sensitivity on queries. A query such as Select * From Customers Where Customer = 'FRED' is different than Select * From Customers Where Customer = 'fred'. I know I can use the lower() function to get the proper results, but it is too slow ...