jdo « derby « Java Database Q&A

1. How to persist a list of objects in database with jdo?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using jdo (datanucleus) with Apache Derby. I want to persist lists of something in the database. I'm trying it like this:

class Character...
  List<Skill> skillList = new LinkedList<Skill>();


2. reference to ID instead of using foreign key in jdo?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Datanucleus (jdo) with derby and I have a class MyClass. And this class has a variable of the type AnotherClass. I want to persist this variable. When an instance ...

3. JDO cannot map java.lang.Boolean for Apache Derby    stackoverflow.com

This is my first time to use Eclipse and JDO. I have a problem when using Schema Tool in Eclipse to generate DDL. One of the fields in a Java class looks ...