SQLException « db2 « Java Database Q&A

2. com. ibm. db2. jcc. c. SqlException    coderanch.com

3. Getting a DB2 SQL Code when there is no SQLException    coderanch.com

In general, you can't. Most drivers, support returning an integer value as the output of the result set indicating the number of rows updated or inserted but I believe there is some notion that this is not 100% guarenteed. If you are performing the update/insert and want to stop if something fails, wrap the entire group of updates/inserts as part of ...

5. Exception:com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -104, SQLSTATE: 42601, SQLERRMC: W    coderanch.com

I am trying to execute DELETE FROM (SELECT * FROM table WHERE DATE(column) > DATE(CURRENT_DATE - 60 DAYS) FETCH FIRST 10000 ROWS ONLY WITH UR). I am getting the below error. I am using db2 jcc jar file. Can someone provide me what exactly is causing this issue. It says some token or character or clause is issue. Exception:com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: DB2 SQL ...