Connection « db2 « Java Database Q&A

1. Db2 connection problem with java

I am having problem with DB2. I just installed the db2 as a db2admin and with a password. When i try to connect to database it is success full and while ...

2. Problem in establishing DB2 connection in Java with wrong username/password

I have a problem in establishing DB2 connection with wrong user-name/password. We have an application which runs on LAN on many systems using DB2 database located on my system as well ...

3. DB2 Connection Issue using JDBC from eclipse

I need to connect to a DB2 server using JDBC from eclipse. Even though I have already installed the required jar file, I am getting the following error: Error occurred java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ...

4. ExceptionInInitializerError for db2

I have the simplest JDBC program to read data from a DB2 (or other configured) instance. When I attempt to run it from Eclipse OR from the command line, the connect ...

6. Connection with JDBC and OS/390- DB2

Hai Travis Gibson ! Thanks for yr instant reply. One more thing I wanted to clear. 1 Where do I get "" this driver ? and Weather it has to be downlaoded or we have to set calsspath. I searched thru IBM Site, but I could not get either downloads or any JAR files. Please Let me Know . I am ...

7. DB2 Connection

It will use whatever Connection you used to create the Statement - unless you closed the connection, in which case it will throw an exception at you. The Thread concerns me a bit, though. You are aware that JDBC connections aren't threadsafe? You would have to know exactly what you're doing, carefully establish responsibilities (which class & thread will close the ...

8. JDBC Connection to DB2 on OS/390

Hi all, I have a problem to connect to a db2 on os/390 using IBM's DB2Driver. The environment is looking like this: I have my testing application runing on a NT box, the application is trying to connect to DB2 on os/390 through a middle machine which has DB2 Connect on it. I got the middle machine name and port ...

9. DB2 Connection error

Quick fix: rename the .zip to .jar and put it in the [ TOMCAT_HOME ]/common/lib directory. Yes, Tomcat maintains its own 'classpath' (it actually has multiple ClassLoaders to manage borders between applications) and can automatically load archives. The problem with loading these archives is that it will only load jars and not zip files. What you should do is rename it ...

10. DB2 connection

12. DB2 JDBC connection

13. DB2 Connection Problem

14. DB2 connection

I have a relatively large number of records to insert into DB2 database (we are using Neon Shadow Direct) in one shot. To save the resources and lower the responce time I open the connection, itterate through my input and close when done with DB2 calls. The problem is DB2 table gets locked. If I open and close connection as many ...

15. DB2 JDBC connections

First you need to get the DB2 JDBC driver. This can be downloaded off the net, although I believe there's a jar that comes with DB2 install that you can also use. Once you have this installed in both your build environment and run-time server environment, you just need to direct JDBC to use this driver. The rest is just learning ...

16. Jar file for DB2 Connection?

Well, if the administrators of that system wanted to allow you to connect to the database, I am sure they would give you a copy of the driver (including the licence file, which is what you don't have). But evidently they don't. I suppose that makes you a cracker or something like that.

18. Connection timeout value for DB2 db

Is there any default connection time out value for the connection object ? I have a process that runs continously for 6 days. I create the connection object on the first day & close it only when this process shuts down. Is there any chance that it gets timed out after some time ? Ps: connection is for DB2 database & ...

19. Noob : DB2 connection with jdbc

I consulted the FAQ on this forum, searched this and suns forum and google as well.. still I am clueless with this. Dear all, I am failry versed with java and jdbc. I did a lot of google and searched a lot of forums but no one gave me all the details. I have done a lot of oracle jdbc. I ...

20. DB2 connection error with Type 4 driver

Hi, I am calling Stored procedure from my application. Data base is DB2, server is Websphere 6.1 and driver type is DB2 JDBC Type 4 driver. Most of the time SP gets executed properly from Java but sometimes it gives following exception: [ibm][db2][jcc][t4][2055][11259] Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that caused deallocation of the conversation. The command requested could ...

21. JDBC connection with DB2

22. DB2 connection error

Hi, I am trying to configure DB2 database in MyEclipse 6.0, getting following error... Error while performing database login with the IBM DB2 driver: The application server rejected establishment of the connection. An attempt was made to access a database, *****, which was not found. DB2ConnectionCorrelator: null The message seems to be obvious that it couldn't find db, but I can ...

23. Error when getting a connection from DB2 DB

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to get the connection from a Db2 DB. I am running the program from WSAD 5.1.2 IDE. All the class path and the required JAR files are properly set in my IDE. Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/CharSequence at at at at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at org.javacamp.factory.TestConnection.getDirectConnection( at org.javacamp.factory.TestConnection.main( Exception in ...

24. DB2 connection error

25. DB2 Connection Fail: ClassNotFoundException

I am using Mac OS X. If I put the .jar files in the '/System/Library/Java/Extensions' directory, and then open Eclipse back up, it builds and recognizes the class (no error). However, if I manually add the .jar files to the buildpath area in Eclipse, then it doesn't work. Any ideas as to why Eclipse neglects the external .jar files that I'm ...

26. Jdbc connection with db2

Hi ,,, I am using db2 database with Jdbc type 3 driver(net driver). I want to connect db2 with JApplet . But when I execute prepared_statement ,,, the sun java console gives this run time error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/db2/jcc/SQLJPackage at Source) . I have imported the file into the test file (i.e into the html file). can any body help ...