CallableStatement « db2 « Java Database Q&A

1. Issue with BatchExection of CallableStatement with StoredProcedures in DB2

Hi Saif, Thank you. Please have a look at the method. Let me know if you can do something. public void importData(String plantID, ContainerDO[] containerDOArray, String action) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; CallableStatement callableStmt = null; int[] countArray = {0}; int[] exceptionCountArray = {0}; if(containerDOArray!=null && containerDOArray.length>0 && plantID!=null ){ try{ connection = getConnectionManually(); String USP_IMP_DATA_CNTR = "{CALL USP_IMP_CNTR ...

2. DB2 CallableStatement [max. number of statement exceeded issue]

Preview DB2 callable statement close. All: I am running into very strange situation. I am getting error maximum number of statements exceeded. which is known that the statement / callable statement is not closed somewhere in the code. which is not the case here in my code. I am closing callable statement. I have ran two scenarios one worked and another ...