model « dao « Java Database Q&A

1. pattern to transfer search model to dao

We have a dao as a project (jar file). Clients use its interfaces and factories to operate with database. Alongside with standard CRUD operations, dao allows you to search an entity by some ...

2. Using a model as a frontend for a dao

Say I use a simple frontend for information passed on by a DAO that uses JDBC (without ORM). In other words, the class would have no attributes to speak of. Would ...

3. Filter through model or dao?

How should one go about filtering a series of domain objects according to user-defined criteria? Should the filtering methods be in the model or should they be in the DAO?

4. MVC : Should the Model layer only contain DAO and DAOHelpers?

what you think should be present in the Model Layer ? Only DAO and DAO Helpers ? what else could be present ? Logger ? what ? I am designing my first ...