Entity « dao « Java Database Q&A

1. Entity Bean finder methods VS DAO?    stackoverflow.com

Will there be a performance improvement if I remove the entity bean (finder methods) and introduce the DAO layer instead. I want to do this mainly for reading data from the ...

2. Is there any command line tool that can generate Java entity classes from db (NOT Netbeans or Eclipse wizard)    stackoverflow.com

I used to use Netbeans wizard (version 6.7.1) to generate entity classes from database. Now I want to look for an independent tool (script, command line tool...) that can do the ...

3. Typed generic DAO and Entity    stackoverflow.com

currently I'm trying to implement a typed generic DAO. I do not even get to compile anything, since NetBeans complains about UserDAOHibernate

interface expected here
type argument ...

4. DAO vs. Entity Beans    coderanch.com

..but you can use DAOs for persistence. After all, they are Data Access Objects. There's no reason say they can't be used for persistence. At my comapany, we have two types of DAOs: entity DAOs and custom DAOs. The entity DAOs handle persistence (and are generated based on the database, so we don't have to hand code them), the custom ones ...

5. DAO and Entity class    coderanch.com

Hi, Can some one explain the difference of each or is it same? Entity class is the one we generate using JPA by mapping to the relevant table columns and with getter and setters for each data fileds right? eg: Customer table. we call the entity classes as domain classes or persistence classes right? Then why DAO need for? Thank You. ...