number « column « Java Database Q&A

1. jdbc: invalid column number

i am using win 98/ jdk1.2.2/and oracle odbc driver. the database is oracle8i. i have no idea as to what kind of driver it is. here is my problem. i have the same tables in MSaccess and oracle. the program works fine with access. but, with oracle i have a strange problem. java.sql.exception:Invalid colum number<1> please help..

2. increment a number in a column?

Hello, Just wondering what would be the best way to increment a number in a column in a database.The situation is that the database must record the number of hits a user makes to the site. So I must retrieve the number for the particular row for that user and increment it each time they logon to the site. Is there ...

3. Reset the Auto Number Column

4. Comparing NUMBER columns with String values

I just realized that in Oracle, you can compare a NUMBER column with a String value. For example, if there is a table emp with a column emp_no of type NUMBER(4), You can do SELECT name FROM emp WHERE empno=123 , no surprise there. But you can also do SELECT name FROM emp WHERE empno='123' or SELECT name FROM emp WHERE ...

5. approach to save/retrieve data into database when number of columns keep changing

Hi , Thanks in advance for help Specific requirement: I have to create dynamic text input fields based on a number input which shall divide a given range eg. Start date,end date will be provided and a number to divide this date range will be provided (all these 3 parameters could change later) Based on current values (eg, start date of ...

6. Why I can not see number columns from my database ?

I have an article database in excel. I import excel into an access table and use it in my java program. There are some string columns and 2 number columns in the excel file (issueNumber and year columns) After I import into access, I can see those numebr columns appear in the database. ->But I can not assign those number columns ...