Distribute « Transaction « Java Database Q&A

1. Java Solutions for Distributed Transactions and/or Data Shared in Cluster    stackoverflow.com

What are the best approaches to clustering/distributing a Java server application ? I'm looking for an approach that allows you to scale horizontally by adding more application servers, and more database ...

2. Lightweight In-Process Distributed Transaction Manager for Java?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to extend Clojure to add durability to refs in a way that allows users to choose which data store instances to persist to. That requires distributed transactions. ...

3. Are there any in-memory JDBC databases that support XA distributed transactions?    stackoverflow.com

I want to use an in-memory database to test my application, but it needs to support XA distributed transactions. My first idea for an in-memory database was

4. jdbc transaction management : when releasing resources and distributed transactions    stackoverflow.com

hello i'm a beginner java developer and this is one question in a list i'm posting since i've started porting a very old web service . I'm trying to improve the access ...

5. The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" was unable to begin a distributed transaction    stackoverflow.com

I am using Connection Pooling to connect with SQL Server 2008. With JNDI Name using XA connection to get access across DB server. Now my all query execute properly except query which ...

6. how to implement Long running distributed transaction in j2ee    stackoverflow.com

I want to move records from one database to another which are on different machines. the records should be removed from first database and inserted to second database atomically. can we use ...

8. distributed transactions?    coderanch.com

I'm curious about the state-of-the-art or best practices for distributed transactions in Java, particularly with respect to Web services. Any insights, books, or frameworks would be _greatly_ appreciated. I realize this is quite vague but I'm new to distributed transactions. I do understand the philosophy behind, say, 2-phase commit, but I'm not sure if people are doing that and/or what they ...

9. distributed transactions    coderanch.com

10. Distributed Transactions    coderanch.com

I have UDB8.1 which comes with net (type3) driver but gives error when i try to dp distributed transaction on Weblogic 7.0 SP2 One more thing- the weblogic documentation says "With an EJB architecture, it is common for multiple EJBs that are doing database work to be invoked as part of a single transaction. Without XA, the only way for this ...

11. Distributed Transaction    coderanch.com

12. Distributed transactions across multiple databases    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am developing an application in which I am using three different databases.(say db1, db2, db3). Now I insert certain data in each of the databases. But if this insertion fails in any of the databases, I have to rollback all transactions and terminate process. Can anybody suggest how this can be achieved. Thanks in advance, Aniket

13. Distributed Tx and Transactional File Access    coderanch.com

Hi, I am required to upload/access/move files and also store meta data into multiple database in a single transaction. If an exception is thrown, i have to rollback transaction in all databases and also from file system. I am using JTA to manage transaction on multiple databases, but have to rollback file system manually in code. Is there any way where ...

14. Distributed Transactions    coderanch.com

15. Distributed and Nested Transactions    forums.oracle.com

ADJavaUser wrote: So what is the purpose of the @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) annotation since rolling back its transaction has no effect on the parent transaction? This IS the purpose of REQUIRES_NEW. In many cases you want your called bean to commit the transcation unconditionally. So, EJB has given a way to do this. Here is the statement from blueprint. The RequiresNew transaction attribute ...