Retrieve « Table « Java Database Q&A

1. How to avoid OOM (Out of memory) error when retrieving all records from huge table?

I am given a task to convert a huge table to custom XML file. I will be using Java for this job. If I simply issue a "SELECT * FROM customer", it ...

2. Best design principle in java while retrieving data from multiple tables

Consider the following situation. I have 3 tables in a resource planning project(created using mysql)

  1. raw_materials (stores details about all raw materials)
  2. procurement_orders (stores details about all details about requests sent to vendors ...

3. Retrieving Binary data from SQL table in JAVA with Byte array and BitSet class

Format: Table Structure - Column X(Binary (15),null) Value in Column X - 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i.e 15x8=120 bits SQL query=Select X from tablename; Java Code part for retirving value: barray is byte[] and bits is new BitSet().

barray= resultset.getBytes("X");

4. Retrieving object data from multiple tables help

Sorry if I'm not wording this too well, but let me try to explain what I'm doing. I have a main object of class A, that has multiple objects of classes ...

5. Retrieving last 8 rows in a table

Hi Use a loop where you get the last row (as explained in response to your query about that), then (in a loop) subtract 1 from the value of the artID you used to get that row and get the matching row for that artID. Repeat 6 more times. To do it this way, you must be sure that the artID ...

6. Retrieving data from multiple tables

How Do we retrieve data from multiple tables using Java's JDBC 2.x or later... I would like to know from anyone here.. : ) do u have any solution for this. How do we do this using the JDBC API and the SQl statements.. The information that retrieved is based on some criteria in a textfield or whatsover.. Not blindly retrieving ...

7. Retrieving data from UDB table using Extender Search

Hi All, I have a very trivial problem.I am trying to read some data from UDB table which is enable for search using Text extender. I am using the following query to retrive the data pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM EAIM.DOC_CURVER_TBL WHERE DB2TX.CONTAINS(CHAPTERHANDLE,'\"?\"')=1"); It is throwing Null Pointer Exception at the parameter setting. Error Message as follows: java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.clearParameter( at ...

8. how to retrieve the table list in Access database through JDBC?

Thanks, I got it. But why I got more than what I want. In my case, I have only one table -"Employees" in my Access database, but the system returns other objects which belong to Access. Do you have a clue for that? the output is: __________________________________ MSysACEs MSysModules MSysModules2 MSusObjects MSysQueries MSysRelationships Employees ______________________________________ only "Employees" is what I want. ...

13. Retrieve changed values from audit table

Hi I have audit table for each table, like USERS table audit table is USERS_ADT table which has all changes for each record in USERS table I need to get only changed values for USERS table from USERS_ADT. lets suppose, i have fields called firstname,lastname & email in USERS table. i have fields in USERS_ADT are firstname,lastname & email & lastupdate ...

15. Retrieve all table names from a DB for a user

Hi, Problem here is I can retrieve all the table names from DB using con.getMetadata.getTables(). This returns all the tables in the DB irrespective of wether user(used in connection string) has privileges or not. SO in next step when I am using one of the tables from the fetched result set, I get 'table or view does not exist'. I tried ...

16. retrieve table name

17. Retrieve data from a table

Apex, how many is "1 lack"? I'm sort of familiar with "lakhs", which I assue is what you mean. However, if you write in terms that everyone will understand, eg. in 100.000 records, you'll probably get better responses. You might be interested in the setFetchSize() method of the Statement class. This allows you to set number of rows that will be ...

18. Retrieve data from other table