JOIN « Table « Java Database Q&A

1. LEFT JOIN for current row in primary table

This is the question about JDBC. I have next task. I'm iterating through rows from table A and for some current row I want to execute some query against table B ...

2. How to join 2 csv files in Java

I would like to be able to take 2 csv files as input, join them (SQL style) on a specific column, and output a new csv file which contains all file1 ...

3. Create a union or join on the values returned from groovy sql.rows()

I am using Groovy's sql.rows(SPCallString) function to call a stored procedure which is returning some rows based on the arguments. I am doing this for 3 different stored procedures. Is there a way ...

4. SQL Inner join error

SELECT CommitTime 
FROM Logs 
(INNER JOIN SecurityOptions 
    ON SecurityOptions.Name=Logs.SecurityOption) 
WHERE SecurityOption.ID=22
This is the sql string I use to grab data from the DB and the ODBC Bridge ...

5. Performing Join Operation in Java, on a small sets of data retrieved from the database. (context: web application)

In context of a web application, Is it suitable to do some JOIN operation in Java, on the data retrieved from the database(from first query), and use that "JOIN"ed data for ...

7. Java - Trouble Joining Tables

I am working with a sql database that has 3 tables. Country, City, And CountryLanguage. The query string I create contains data that is in all 3 of the tables. I have no ...

8. Finding common entries in two very large database tables

I have two very large tables containing millions of entries and they contain similar records. So, TableA might have different column structure than TableB to store the same data but both ...

9. in iBatis, how can I use 'JOIN' with null property?

I'm studying Java with iBatis.

class Player{
   private String name

   private Team team
In this example, Team can be null or not. How can I find All Player? My query is
select ...

10. How many tables can a join have max ?

HI, How many tables can a join have max ? When I create a join with some conditions between 4 tables, it works, But the same join, when I add another condition and another table, it does not work. I get an error saying : ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification Can anyone shed more light on this ? Any ...

11. join and in

If I have two tables test1 and test2, test1 has column col1, col2, ..., test2 has column cola, colb,.... test1.col1 is related to test2.cola. If I make two queries using join and using in: select test1.col1, test1.col2 where test1.col1 = test2.cola; select test1.col1, test1.col2 where test1.col1 in (select test2.cola). I tried a few cases, they return the same results. I would ...

12. 1:n join

I have two tables (Application, Applicant). Every application can have 1 or 2 applicants. Primary key in Application (oid) is the foreign key in Applicant(app_oid). Applicants have different lastnames and SSNs. I would like to allow searching for applications based on lastname or ssn of either applicant. I would also like to do it in one sql statement. Note i need ...

13. Converting subqueries into JOIN ON

So I'm being frustrated by a mysql limitation, in that it does not support subqueries. I can't believe that my query is THAT difficult to re-write, but nothing I come up with seems to work. It's either a syntax error or returns something spurious. Here is my situation. Two tables. Customer Purchases ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- id F_Name L_Name id category_FK customer_FK payment_FK ...

14. combining LEFT OUTER JOIN and WHERE

Originally posted by Mike Curwen: ...My WHERE clause kills off any rows that make it past the outer join I guess. The result from a Left Outer Join should include the rows from the left table that were missing from the inner join. May I suggest that you remove the WHERE clause to see if 5 rows are indeed returned? If ...

15. joins

i got some tables with login as my main tble which has user_login ias pk and other columns and some other tables whcih have user_login as the fk and some other columns. want to display records from these tables and show in my jsp page..according to the year selected. i guess joins will be a better idea.. can anyone tell me ...

16. joining multiple.tables..

i got 10 tables and got to make a join query to display data in the search page.. tried joining 3 i get the same records..many times.. select c.project_title,m.title,p.project_title,pr.project_title from consultancy_projects c,manuals m,phd_projects p,projects_supervised pr,login where c.user_login=m.user_login and m.user_login=p.user_login and p.user_login=pr.user_login and login.user_login='101' wanted to it better to make a single join query ..or to make diff .sql ...

17. using LEFT JOIN to join 1 to N tables - Howto?

SELECT p.location_id, l.location_name, p.sponsor_id, s.sponsor_name, p.prize_id, p.prize_name, u.uzer_name FROM prize as p LEFT JOIN uzer as u, location as l, sponsor as s ON (p.prize_winner_id=u.uzer_id) AND (p.sponsor_id=s.sponsor_id) AND (p.location_id=l.location_id) . . . . SELECT p.location_id, l.location_name, p.sponsor_id, s.sponsor_name, p.prize_id, p.prize_name, u.uzer_name FROM (prize as p LEFT JOIN uzer as u ON p.prize_winner_id=u.uzer_id), (prize as p2 LEFT JOIN location as l ON ...

18. inner join Vs outer join

- inner joins only returns rows that "match" in both tables - outer joins return "all" rows from 1st table, and null valued columns in rows that don't exist in the 2nd table for example, imagine we have this data, also for each query, we join them on column "id": table1 id | desc ---------- 1 | item1 2 | item2 ...

19. left outer join Vs right outer join

20. multiple tables using left outer join?

Hi, guys: I have 4 tables: A, B, C; if I want to do the following: A left outer join B, its result left outer join C. How can I do that? BTW, I am using DB2. The following is a sample inner join: select, b.first, c.last from A as a, B as b, C as c thanks

21. Nested Record sets and Joins

Can some one give me a hand with my code. I have 2 tables Product Table phonepricevalue table I want to get the product name from the product table store it in an ArrayList and then pull the data from the phonepricevalue that corresponds to the product name and store that in the same Array. Now what is the best way ...

22. Inner and Outer Joins

Outer joins come into play when you want to return rows even when the join cannot match values on either one side or the other or both, as Jeanne explained. An example would be a product table (with PK product_id) and total_sales table ( FK product_id, number total ) where products without sales have no row in total_sales (as opposed to ...

23. INNER JOIN question

Origianally I was doing this query as three seperate select statements, I have trimmed, poked and pushed them down to one. However I didnt think of the potential issue. Or maybe I am over thinking it. SELECT P.productid, AS Name1, P.action, P.lg_picture, P.description, P.short, S.abrv, as Name2 FROM products P INNER JOIN prod_size PS ON P.productid = PS.productid INNER ...

24. Difference between inner and outer joins

An inner join is just a join between tables where the rows returned are only those which satisfy the join condition. So: SELECT * FROM table_a, table_b WHERE = table_b.table_a_id would be an inner join. An outer join is one which returns all the rows you would get from an inner join, plus some from one table which do not ...

25. simple inner join question

To perform an inner join, you must specify a join condition. For example, suppose I have two tables, t_Employee and t_Department, and DepartmentId is a foreign key in t_Employee. To join the tables, I'd write SELECT E.* FROM t_Employee E INNER JOIN t_Department D ON D.DepartmentId = E.DepartmentId If you know that all employees have DepartmentId NOT NULL, then this would ...

26. Joining Two Tables

I have a problem in getting results joining 2 tables.I will explain the situation.I have two table INCIDENT and PAYMENT_DETAILS.incident_no is the primary key for table incident and foriegn key for payment_details.For each incident there will be an entry in incident table and for each payments for that incident there will be multiple records in the payment table. so one to ...

27. no of records count in join stament

Sitaram, A query with a join isn't any different from a regular query in terms of getting the # rows. You can use SQL's count(*) or count the rows up as you go through them. (Some drivers let you navigate to the end and get the row number, but that still involves transfering all the data across.

28. Join between tables in different databases

I've done it in plain old SQL in MySQL using schema1.table1.attribute and schema2.table2.attribute, but in the end I found it easier to dump the table and import it into the other schema. All depends on your requirements. I was just doing some fairly basic (once-off) data conversion. Actually I think from memory the table is still there...

29. Searching results of Outer Join

30. SQL Problem self joining

Thanx for the answer. But i did it another way. selected all employee_id's and counted the entrys where skill in (skill1, skill2) grouped by employee_id in an subselect, then i checked the number of skills per employee id and return only the valid counts. select distinct employee_id form table a , (select distinct assessment_id, count(assessment_id) as counter from table where skill_id ...

31. problem in joins

Hi All, Please solve my problem. I have four tables-----> 1.Server >> columns are << id,server_name,ip-address 2.executable >> cloumns are << id,resource_id,server_id,Executablepath 3.resource >> columns are << id,service_id,resource_name 4.Service >> columns are << id,service_name. Now problem is that I want to retrive service_name where server_name is given. so please provide me query which will full fill my task. Thanx in advance. ...

32. Joins


Hi All, I have this minor issue with the sql statement below. I suppose to receive 6 rows but for some reason i get only 5 ??? when I do this (simple) SELECT agmrecord.i2dateQouted, agmrecord.i16departureDate, TableKey FROM agmrecord WHERE agmrecord.i16departureDate BETWEEN '2005-12-20' AND '2005-12-21' the return result is 6 raws +--------------+------------------+------------------------------------+ | i2dateQouted | i16departureDate | TableKey | +--------------+------------------+------------------------------------+ | 2005-04-18 ...

34. Joining 3 Tables

35. joins

36. left outer and right outer joins

37. default join

38. simple join that drives me nuts

39. The pain of joining tables, are there any alternatives?

You could denormalize your tables. But that would be a bad thing, since it would weaken your data model and open your data up to corruption. It is the sort of thing you might do if the number of joins in a query were impacting performance, but if your only gripe is it takes a long time to write SQL I ...

40. Unsure how to do subtraction using joined table values

This is what i need to acheive. I have one value "Totalleave" in one table. The second value is "Leavetaken" in another table. I need to take "totalleave" minus "Leavetaken" and get the value. Primary key connecting both is "employeeID". I need help retriving values from both tables and then doing the subtraction function. Thank you. This is my draft select ...

41. LEFT JOIN problem. 2 tables, include null

Hi guys, I believe this is a left join question (though Im not 100% sure) I have a table with the info below. Some data is not included in the second table but I still want the user to know about it. Can anyone tell what is the sql command for that? Thanks Table Target: ID, date, startDate, endDate, growth Example: ...

42. counting rows after joins varies

I thought that once I did an inner join that the resulting number of rows would be a limiting factor regardless of how many left outer joins I did afterwards. and that seems to be true for the first few lines of this query SCADMIN.probsummarym2 psm2 INNER JOIN SCADMIN.probsummarym1 psm1 ON psm1.number = psm2.number LEFT OUTER JOIN SCADMIN.operatorm1 operm1 ON psm1.assignee_name ...

43. JOIN with three tables ?

I need to harvest data from three tables. The statment below joins two of my tables as desired(tblproject and tbltask). SELECT tblproject.ProjectNumber,tblproject.Title,tbltask.Title FROM tblproject LEFT OUTER JOIN tbltask ON tblproject.ProjectID = tbltask.ProjectID; Would someone show me how to join the last table (tblcostcenter) the statment below may give you a rough idea of what i lack. SELECT tblproject.ProjectNumber,tblproject.Title,tbltask.Title,tblcostcenter.Name FROM ....... LEFT ...

44. joining 2 table

45. Simplifying a right outer join

Thanks, Marc. The problem is that I'm getting duplicate psm1.number results, but ... I think I got the idea you were aiming at. All I need to do now is figure out a way to determine which of the multiple relation table rows I really want because there is a 1:many relationship between relation.source and relation.depend.

46. Combining Multiple Inner Joins with a Left Join

So I'm trying to write a query which is going to combine values from 4 tables. Three of those tables will be combined using Inner Joins. However, the fourth table must be combined used a left join as there may or may not be an index for a record in that table. Here's my query (well, a simplified version of it, ...

47. Using rowid in join, is it right technique?

While it can't be indexed, this wasn't what I was trying to point out. I was trying to point out that using rowid could well give you a different row than you are expecting. So using rowid would be incorrect (which is more important than slow.) The database does not promise to store rows in a certain order or access them ...

48. Outer join headache

Hi there, I'm working on an application that will register when users see particular things. Some of the database is outlined below: User: id, name Catalog: id, name CatalogItem: id, name, catalog_id Spotted: user_id, catalog_item_id, spotted_date So, a Catalog is a collection of CatalogItems (eg, Planes would contain 747, 767, DC10, etc). Spotted registers when an individual user has seen one ...

49. Left Outer Join Vs Left Join

50. Learning Joins

Since 331 B.C., the different joins( INNER JOIN, OUTER...) are not clear to me and its generally very difficult to know before executing a query, what would be the output. What is the best way to understand and learn the joins. Does "HFSQL" put any light into it specifically or generally and make this ambiguous area any clearer?

51. HF - SQL Inner and Outer Joins

52. Best way to join a parent with many child tables yet preserving all parent table rows

I am using JDBC to join tables and get the resulset and save the results to a text file by applying more conditions on each row entries in the resultset. But I have a problem. This problem is quite interesting to me. I have asked this question to others but no body is able to provide me with proper answers. The ...

53. Joins

54. Left outer join

55. Joining WebServices and SQL

Hi All, I have a situation where I need to access both SQL and Webservice from a single query. This is how it looks, select gene_name, protein_name from Gene,Protein Client will send this query to my middle Tier. Here Gene table is in the Oracle , but Protein is not with us. I have to make a webservice call to get ...

56. left outer join

Dear dude, I have used (+) symbol for outer join, but in this project HiRDB doesn't work with (+). So I have to use 'left outer join' terms, I am however not used to it. Here is my question: Can I use the table which is the object of 'left outer join' with another join? for example, it is cTable. select ...

57. LEFt OUTER JOIN returning extraneous results...

Hi guys...I have a left outer join query, and i noticed it returned too many results... So now Im testing its logic by simplifying it. I decided to do a control test, where the query returns 0 results. I implemented this test by putting 1=0 as a criteria in the where clause (see below) ... Anyways. My query is returning results ...

58. Best Practice For Joined Result Set

Please excuse me if this question doesn't exactly fit under the JDBC section. I'm curious as to how others handle a situation like the following: Let's assume we are writing a small piece of code that retrieves users and privileges from a database. For each user, we could potentially have many privileges associated with the user. I can think of four ...


60. are these join same

61. Left-right outer join problem

I have a query written in procedure as below select user,pass from A a, B b, C c D d where a.user=b.user; -------------- some lines of joins... ------------------ and -------------- some lines of joins... ------------------ and and /*Here if admin is available i should join as if it is a tester i have to join as*/ a.superuser="admin" ...

62. SQL INNER JOIN improves performance?

Hi all, SQL is really not my specialty. I am more of an architect/designer. Since we lacked personel in my team, my boss told gave me the task of trying to rewrite a long sql statement to improve performance because the time it takes to retrieve the result is getting longer and longer. The sql basically consist of long and repetetive ...

63. SQL AntiPattern - A lot of Join

Hi, I have been working on this notion for some time but I would like to ask you about this. Most of the table structure that I am working does not come with naturally occurring key so we have to create a makeup key for this. Tables are normalize but the end result is that the query has become complex because ...

64. joins

65. Simple SQL joining 2 tables - 2 many rows being returned

Hi all, SQL query here. I have 2 tables, customer and country. The customer table has a column called country_id, the primary key of country table. The country table is of the following shape: Country: country_id country_name 1 UK 2 Ireland 3 France Customer: Customer_id country_id 1 2 2 3 3 2 I need the following: Customer_id country_name 1 Ireland 2 ...

66. how can i join the tables and display the related column in datatable

Hi all, May i have your guide how can i join the tables and display the related column data in a datatable? Says that.... 1) Table A consist column (Shelf,Food Type) and Table B consist columns (Food Type, Food Description). 2) In the .jsp, i have declared 2 datasource for both Table A and Table B and 1 datatable. May i ...

67. regarding left outer join

hi all, this is regarding left outer join. suppose i have the below tables (took this example from wikipedia) Employee Table LastName DepartmentID Rafferty 31 Jones 33 Steinberg 33 Robinson 34 Smith 34 John NULL Department Table DepartmentID DepartmentName 31 Sales 33 Engineering 34 Clerical 35 Marketing now if i execute the below query on ORACLE database : SELECT LastName, DepartmentName ...

69. joins in sql

can we do looping in select query. suppose i have 3 tables purchase table, item table, and purchase_item_relation table in purchase table i just enter purchase date and location and item table i enter all the items purchased and in purchase_item_relation table i enter purchaseId, itemId exaple if i purchase Laptop,Mouse,Speakers on some date and at some location so there will ...

70. Joining Tables

Hi, I am trying to join 3 tables, table2 and table3 is not connected but both should be connected to table1. table1 - is Product table, ex. a pair of shoes. table2 - is materials used to make the product. table3 - is labor for work in making leathers, ex. cutting of leather, shoe shining, shaping the shoes etc. I try ...

71. Hash join algorithm implementation

hi..below is the code for implementing hash join algorithm for a DBMS..i wanted to know is it possible to approach the algorithm via a different logic or make some changes to it... public void open() throws DBException { hashTable = new HashMap>(); results = new LinkedList(); jcond.getLHSAttr().getAttrName(); Object[] lrow; POP left = (POP)this.getLeftChild(); POP right = (POP)this.getLeftChild(); int lJoinIndex = ...

72. Regarding Join

73. Equivalent of SQL JOINs using XML + XPath

And last question: since, I'm still learning my way around Java and XML, how would I go about programmatically applying a .xsl file to some given .xml input to produce HTML + CSS output? What classes, interfaces, etc. should I look up for this? And can anyone point me to sample code online for this?

74. Is there something in java similar to SQL join?

Hi, Hunter9000 and Kayaman, Thank you both for the replies. It seems my approach as described in my posting was already getting me the best I could get. My test data has 15919 rows and the conversion table has 49365 rows. My code using that approach took a couple of seconds to process the input and return the results. There was ...