variable « Statement « Java Database Q&A

1. SQL: Batching statements with bound variables

I'm looking to reduce the round-trips in my application to improve performance. I want to use PreparedStatements for their multitude of benefits. This is an example of what I've come up ...

2. Adding a variable into a sql statement in Java

I am trying to write a sql statement in java that uses a string variable in the where clause. I have tries multiple ways to do this but it keep telling ...

3. Assigning resultset column value to a variable for use in another SQL Statement?? Java

I am creating a data centric webservice in Java for deployment to Glassfish. All of my methods so far are working correctly except for one. I am attempting to assign ...

5. Insert statement by adding variable

Hi All, My requirement is that I have a variable like title = "Hello world" and my insert statement is like insertSQL = "INSERT INTO TblCategory (CategoryKey, Title, ContentTypeKey) "; insertSQL += " VALUES(" + key + ", " + title + "," + contTypeKey + ")"; when I was trying to insert in oracle the title varible is expecting ''. ...

6. Pass variables in INSERT statement

Please refer to the code below.i type some text into the textfiled which I retrieve and insert into database(msaccess). import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; public class PhoneBook1 extends Frame {//implements ActionListener { //this class creates 2 textfields for name and ph no entering String name; ResultSet rs; //int pno; Button save; Label ln; TextField tn; PhoneBook1(){ Label ln=new Label("name"); tn=new ...

9. NEED HELP : Creating sql statement with variable

How can I do this: 1. I want to make an insert into statement for table T with field F and value from variable V. 2. I want to make a select statement for table T with field F and value given to variable V. 3. I want to connect my Table T with Field F1, F2 and F3 to JTable. ...

10. Java Variables in SQL Statements