syntax « Statement « Java Database Q&A

1. syntax to update all fields in a table in one statement in sql

Can anyone suggest a Syntax to update all fields in a table in one statement. I want to use it with prepared statement in jdbc. can anyone suggest a example

2. Getting a syntax error when executing SQL statement

I have the following method that drops the database but I get a syntax error and I dont know what is going on.

public void deleteDB(){

3. Correct jdbc syntax for complicated update statement

@brendanmcdonagh Please think before you post: a NullPointerException is thrown when something is null which it shouldn't be. Look at your code: are all variables unequal to null? Hint: System.out.println() is ...

4. problem with syntax for SQL statement

The method below is used as part of a search facility for my web site. I'm getting this error message: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Column not found, message from server: "Unknown column 'origin' in 'where clause'" This is my code for the method: public Coin[] viewCoins(String origin, String coinType) throws SQLException, Exception { String error; Coin[] retVal = null; ArrayList coins = new ArrayList(); ...

5. Another problem with syntax for SQL statement

Well, I think I'm close to cracking this one but I need a little help now. Basically what I'm doing is I have a form called advancedSearch.jsp, where a user can enter certain search criteria into any of the fields displayed to get a more exact search for a product. The field names are listed in the params of the method ...

6. Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

Hi- I am writing a java app that interfaces an Access 2000 DB via JDBC-ODBC. I keep getting a syntax error on the following sql statement: String sql = "INSERT INTO REQUIREMENTS (DOC_ID, ORDER_DATE, ORDER_TYPE, CUST_CODE, CUST_NAME, CUST_ADDRESS_ST, CUST_ADDRESS_CITY, SPO_ORDER_NO, POCONTROL_NO, LIN_ITEM, CUST_PART_NO, OTHER_PART_NO, WTN, CUST_BINPART_NO, DESC, ORDER_NOTES, LIN_ITEM_NOTES, CUSTOMER) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1,docID); pstmt.setString(2,orderDate); pstmt.setString(3,orderType); pstmt.setString(4,custCode); pstmt.setString(5,shipToName); pstmt.setString(6,shipTo1); ...

7. Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

8. Problrm with update statement syntax

I get the following error when i try ths. C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\work\Standalone\localhost\_\fch1\savedetailsupdate$ ')' expected. String query2 = (UPDATE tb_employee SET Highest_Edn = '"+edu+"' where emp_ID = '" + userName + "'); ^ String edu =(String) session.getAttribute("education"); String homeadd =(String) session.getAttribute("homeadd"); String homeno =(String) session.getAttribute("homeno"); String bankacc =(String) session.getAttribute("bankacc"); String postalcode =(String) session.getAttribute("postalcode"); String hpno =(String) session.getAttribute("hpno"); String bankname =(String) session.getAttribute("bankname"); ...

9. Syntax error in INSERT statement

10. Statement stmt SQL syntax error

public boolean createTables(Connection conn) { boolean bCreatedTables = false; for (int i = 0; i < schoolofdbTables.length; i++) { Statement stmt = null; temp = null; String temp = schoolofdbTables[i].trim(); System.out.println("table: " + temp); try { stmt = (Statement) conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(temp); stmt.close(); bCreatedTables = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return bCreatedTables; }

11. Callable statement syntax

12. java .sql.Exception INSERTinto statement syntax error

JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); getContentPane().add(p1); FlowLayout f1 = new FlowLayout(); p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); t1 = new JTextField(5); t2 = new JTextField(5); t3 = new JTextField(5); t4 = new JTextField(5); t5 = new JTextField(5); t6= new JTextField(5); t7= new JTextField(5); t8 = new JTextField(5); t9= new JTextField(5); t10= new JTextField(5); t11= new JTextField(5); t12 = new JTextField(5); t13 = new JTextField(5); lb1 ...

13. java .sql.Exception INSERTinto statement syntax error

JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); getContentPane().add(p1); FlowLayout f1 = new FlowLayout(); p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); t1 = new JTextField(5); t2 = new JTextField(5); t3 = new JTextField(5); t4 = new JTextField(5); t5 = new JTextField(5); t6= new JTextField(5); t7= new JTextField(5); t8 = new JTextField(5); t9= new JTextField(5); t10= new JTextField(5); t11= new JTextField(5); t12 = new JTextField(5); t13 = new JTextField(5); lb1 ...