Callable « Statement « Java Database Q&A

1. How to parameterize database values through callable statement?

How to parameterize database values through callable statement? I am trying to send values through a request at run time Values are stored in database I am using stored procedure for this Error message is displayed each time Can suggest me to do right?. Thanks & Regards Labudu Gopanna Sr. QA Engineer Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd. (An SEI-CMMI Level ...

2. How to use callable statements for JDBC request?.

Hi all, How to use callable statements for JDBC request? Please help me; I want to use the same for sending parameters at run time if possible From Gopal "Legal Disclaimer: This electronic message and all contents contain information from Cybage Software Private Limited which may be privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to ...

3. Callable Statement

Thanks Mike! just I want to get the integer value thru OUT parameter.Here my codings. Java coding: import*; import java.sql.*; public class callstatdemo { public static void main(String arg[]) { Connection con; CallableStatement cs; Driver dr; String str1,str2; int in1,in2; double d1; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc dbc:raajesh","sys","yak"); if(con==null) { System.out.println("Connection not Established"); } else { cs=con.prepareCall("{call testproduct(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cs.setInt(1,1); cs.setInt(2,201); cs.setString(3,"Raajesh"); ...

4. Callable Statement

I am calling a stored procedure in Oracle 8i from a JSP deployed on WebLogic 4.5.1 application server. This stored procedure is meant to delete data from multiple tables. Here is the code for the stored procedure CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE del_bkp_player (v_player_id IN VARCHAR2 , ) IS SqlStmt varchar2(2000); TabName varchar2(100); Cursor C1 is select table_name from all_tables where table_name ...

5. Problem using Callable Statement

Thanks guys , though i have been using JDBC for a while mainly the Statement Object. But,the JDBC code was working fine,but the problem was the Stored procedure was created using the DBA right on the Oracle database,so the error message i got was: pls-00201: stored procedure header must be declared ora-06550 : line 1, column 7 pl/sql: statement ignored My ...

6. Prepared Vs Callable statements

A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that can be compiled and stored in the server. Once this has been done, clients don't need to keep re-issuing the entire query but can refer to the stored procedure. This provides better performance because the query has to be parsed only once, and less information needs to be sent between the ...

7. Callable Statement returning forward only Recordset

Hi, Im having problem, Callable Statement returning forward only Recordset eventhough i have mentioned scrollable resultset.Im using Oracle 8i. The code is as given below:- <% // String Search msg String srchmsg="No Matching Records found.Please try search again."; // get parameters from the search form String strUserName= request.getParameter("txt_username"); //define variables to execute the stored procedure String chksql= "{call IT_SYSUSERS_PCK.IT_SYSUSERS_VWS_PRC(?,?,?)}"; CallableStatement chkcstmt ...

8. Callable Statement - Cursors

9. Callable Statements

12. callable statement

13. Callable Statement problem

Hi folks, I am getting a odd exception being thrown when I try to execute a callable statement. Per this code: public boolean insertStatus( String deploymentRequestNumber, String customerNumber,String deploymentEmailTypeCode, String contactEmailAddress ) throws SQLException{ Connection connection = null; boolean success = false; try{ String sqlstatement = "{ call EBIZ1.I_DMT_REQST_EMAIL( ?,?,?,?,? ) }"; connection = getConnection(); CallableStatement statement = connection.prepareCall( sqlstatement ); ...

14. How to use the getDate() method with a callable statement?

Hi, I have the following code. String str = "{? = call uspTestProcedure()}"; try { CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(str.toString()); cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.DATE); cs.execute(); System.out.println("Store Proc result "+ ((Date)cs.getDate(1)).toString()); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error while calling the stored procedure "+ex.getMessage());} } ------------------------------------------------- And I have the following stored procedure "uspTestProcedure" ------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspTestProcedure(@dos datetime OUT) AS select @dos=UserBooks.DOS from UserBooks, Books where ...

17. Function in Callable Statement

18. Callable Statement

19. Callable Statements

20. Poblem with Callable Statement

Hi Saif, I am using the data base SQL Server 2000, we can know that by seeing the class name given in the statement Class.forName("....."); Coming to my code I placed the above mentioned code in try block and I kept catch and finally also. I think pasting all the code is not good, that's why I didn't copied the complete ...

21. Callable Statement

Hi All i have to set boolean value in my procedure.the third parameter of Procedure is of BOOLEAN type Here is my Code 1: ZUSC_DataBaseConnection objDBConn = null; 2: CallableStatement cs =null; 3: objDBConn = ZUSC_DataBaseConnection.elxGetInstance(); 4: m_cnConnection = objDBConn.elxGetConnection(); 5: szProcCall="{call DYNAMICARY(?,?,?)}"; 6: cs = m_cnConnection.prepareCall(szProcCall); 7: cs.setString(1,szUserId); 8: cs.setString(2,ReportName); 9: cs.setBoolean(3,true); 10: cs.executeQuery(); 11: cs.close(); when i put System ...

22. Cursor doubt in callable statement...

23. Setting Array of String to callable statement ?

HI , I want to set array of String to callable statement . with OracleCallable statement it is easy to do with the help of cstmt.setARRAY() but i with normal callable statement though it provides us serArray() but we have to create ARRAY object with the help if ArrayDesriptor() which again takes connection io its constructor ... and it works only ...

24. callable statement problem

25. callable statement

26. Callable Statement

27. Callable statement return xml result

28. Callable statement ...?

I am using a callable statement to call a procedure in my oracle database. I have to create a procedure that has to to update the emp table data which has 10 columns. The procedure may be like this create or replace procedure(enao in emp.empno%type,nameemp in emp.ename%type,.............) as begin ----- ------ ------ end; My doubt is if there are more number ...

29. Sql string with callable statement..

Hi All, How do i get a dump of a stored procedure (the exact call that is being made ).. When i use AS400JDBCCallableStatement and have a call something like call procedureA(?,?,?) and i pass in the in and out parameters and what i need is something which gives me a dump of the sql statement something call procedureA(val1,val2,val3) which i ...