SQLserver2005 « SQLserver « Java Database Q&A

1. How do you make sql server jdbc calls to stored procedure use a server side cursor?    stackoverflow.com

I am using JDBC to call a stored procedure in MSSql 2005. I would like to have the result set make use of server side cursors to limit the amount ...

2. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection    stackoverflow.com

i wrote the code like this to connect sqlserver database.i load the driverclass,but iam not getting connection. Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"); System.out.println("class Loaded"); ...

3. sql server query running slow from java    stackoverflow.com

I have a java program that runs a bunch of queries against an sql server database. The first of these, which queries against a view returns about 750k records. ...

4. How to learn stored procedures in SQL Server as a Java programmer?    stackoverflow.com

What is a good way to learn to develop SQL Server(2005) stored procedures? I am primarily a java developer but need to take on SQL Server stored procedure development. I have ...

5. Getting 'unhandled token type: unknown token: 0x53' error when connecting to MSSQL using JDBC    stackoverflow.com

I'm getting the following error when trying to connect to a Sql Server (2005) using JDBC:

unhandled token type: unknown token: 0x53
Any ideas anyone? I would have liked a more descriptive error ...

6. SQLServerException: The statement did not return a result set when executing SQL    stackoverflow.com

I'm using using the sqljdbc4.jar (sqljdbc_2.0) version. I'm executing an insert + a select back to get the identity like this:

INSERT INTO DateRangeOptions (Description,Code) 
VALUES ('dateRange.quickPick.option.all','ALL');  
and ...

7. sql server 2005:how to connect to sql server 2005 on platform jboss 3.0?    stackoverflow.com

i have deployed my application on jboss 3.I have restored a database back up of sql server 2000 on sql server 2005.then i have downloaded the jr file jdbc connection ...

8. How to execute t-sql script using java?    stackoverflow.com

I have found the following links for executing script using java i.e. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2071682/how-to-execute-sql-script-file-in-java . But it is specific to postgre and mysql. I am looking for same solution for executing ...

9. How to establish secure connection between java application and database?    stackoverflow.com

In an interview, Interview asked me an question :

  • The communication between our application and the remote database must be done with https (more secure).
How could you do it? I didn't find ...

10. Java DataBase Connectivity Problem with MS SQL Server 2005 from a Remote Server    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a java code to connect with MS SQL Server 2005. MS SQL Server is on Remote server windows server 2003. I am trying the following code but i ...

11. How to limit the size of a table?    stackoverflow.com

I have a SQL Server 2005 database. I am logging data to a table. I want to prevent the table data from getting too big. How can I limit the size ...

12. how to start a sql server agent job from java code    stackoverflow.com

I have few SQL Server Agent Jobs running in my project. The jobs run perfectly as scheduled, no issues. But now I need to be able to start these jobs from ...

13. SQL to find the names of all columns in a table where the SUM of the column is greater than zero    stackoverflow.com

I have a table in SQL Sever 2005 where many of the columns contain only NULL or 0 or 0.0. I want a query to find the names of every column in ...

14. How do I get the return value from a T-SQL stored procedure in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have a stored procedure that adds an object to the database and returns the generated ID number. For reference, its basic structure goes something like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myProc] 

15. Trapping Error 266 in SQL Server 2005    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way trap error 266 inside JDBC or inside SQL by wrapping an exec statement in some way? We are looking to develop a guard around stored procedures ...

16. SQL Server 2005 connection with java.     stackoverflow.com

Needed help : connecting SQL Server2005 with java. I had put the dll file in system32. I'm using sqljdbc_2.0 drivers

02:29:11,937 ERROR [STDERR] com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: This driver is not configured for integrated ...

17. Can we connect to SQL Server 2005 database from code with out having the installation of client and server    stackoverflow.com

I have a requirement where i need to retrieve data from the database . I had the database name , username , password , servername. But I dont have the software installed ...

18. How to set SQL Server Connection pool size    stackoverflow.com

I am using Hibernate with a Java web application and I want to set the limit the SQL Server 2005 connection pool size. As far as I have read I have ...

19. how to connect to remote mssql 2005 using java and import csv values in mysql tables at scheduled times?    stackoverflow.com

Background: I have a remote server of mssql 2005(i use remote desktop application to connect to this server),and CSV files at other server.I am creating a utility which takes these csv files ...

20. What are some SQL Server 05/08 security measures that can be put in place to prevent SQL Injection?    stackoverflow.com

I have a java web application. I have taken measures to prevent SQL injection on the code side as far as using stored procedures and regular expressions. However, Java is very ...

21. invalid object name 'tableName' error    stackoverflow.com

I am using SQL Server 2005. I am getting this error while connecting with sql server from java. Using SQL Server Authentication. Login:sa Table name=Task

[microsoft][odbc sql server driver][sql server]invalid object name ...

22. java and mssql linked server    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to execute the following query:

statement.executeQuery("INSERT OPENQUERY (linkedServer, 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]') EXEC  storedProc @param");
THe SP takes one parameter, I need to pass that ... I usually do:
CallableStatement ...

23. Displaying onlty tables from MSSQL Server 2005 using java    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem with fetching table names from SQL Server 2005. I have succeeded in fetching the table names but the problem is along with the table names VIEWS are ...

24. connection between java and sqlserver 2005    stackoverflow.com

I am student, my project is depending on make connection between java and sql server 2005 please help me

25. Programming with Java netbeans 7.0 and Sqlserver 2005 dataconnectivity    stackoverflow.com

i need coding for a sample java application which has a frame and 2 labels with 2 textfield and a submit button. i need the coding part for connecting to ...

26. MS SQL Server 2005 Express x86 - its port is unreachable - help    stackoverflow.com

I have just installed the MS SQL Server 2005 Express and, of course, I am trying to connect it with my test app but the thing is ... for some reason ...

27. How to fix error: [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]No more data available to read    stackoverflow.com

My java application does use DB Connection pooling. One of the functionality started failing today with this error: [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]No more data available to read This doesn't occur daily. Once I restart ...

28. JDBC SQL Server Out of Memory Exception    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a small utility that index's a SQL Server 2005 table data to LUCENE data store. i am using a JDBC SQL Server driver for connectivity. The result set ...

29. problem to connect sql server driver    stackoverflow.com

  import java.sql.*;

  public class MysqlConnect{
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("MySQL Connect Example.");
  Connection conn = null;
  String url = "\\host/context/";
  String ...

30. WebSphere 7 connection JDBC to MS SQL 2005    stackoverflow.com

I get this error after moving to WAS 7.0 from WAS 6.1 . We use MS SQL 2005. I do not understand why the setObject call is consistently failing. I have not ...

31. Jdbc Ms SQL Driver 3.0 callable statement using default parameters    stackoverflow.com

What is the best way to reuse a calleable statement I want to use the same msp_updateOption in different ways and make it reusable code. Also the calleable statement should take input as ...

32. Java SQl Server connection error    stackoverflow.com

I have written sql server connection part.When I run this code, i got this error.

    Error Trace in getConnection() : com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
Error: No active Connection
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver

33. Calling a user defined function in sql server 2005 using JDBC    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to call a user defined function using jdbc, but the executeQuery() function just hangs and doesn't return. I have tried using jTDS and Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server ...