string « SQL « Java Database Q&A

1. The most sophisticated way for creating comma-separated Strings from a Collection/Array/List?

During my work with databases I noticed that I write query strings and in this strings I have to put several restrictions in the where-clause from a list/array/collection. Should look like ...

2. How to handle HUGE SQL strings in the source code

I am working on a project currently where there are SQL strings in the code that are around 3000 lines. The project is a java project, but this question could probably apply ...

3. Storing UUID as base64 String

I have been experimenting with using UUIDs as database keys. I want to take up the least amount of bytes as possible, while still keeping the UUID representation human readable. I ...

4. How to implement a SQL like 'LIKE' operator in java?

I need a comparator in java which has the same semantics as the sql 'like' operator. For example:"digital","%ital%");"digital","%gi?a%");"digital","digi%");
should evaluate to true, and"digital","%cam%");"digital","tal%");
should evaluate to false. Any ideas how to implement such a ...

5. Are there any Java API to parse SQL string?

In our system we have separate API to build query where we need to pass each column and table name separately like below:

If I would get chance I will remove this ...

6. removing comma from string array

I want to execute a query like select ID from "xyz_DB"."test" where user in ('a','b') so the corresponding code is like

String s="(";
for(String user:selUsers){
    s+= " ' " + ...

7. Huge string makes Java class irresponsive in Netbeans

I have a very big SQL query with the following structure in a Java String.

 couple of thousand of INSERT INTO
The class that holds this String is nearly not responsive in ...

8. Looping to create dynamic SQL string

I am working on a problem that will use certain fields to return a unique row. The amount of fields could be 2 or 20, so I need to dynamically generate ...

9. Is there a standard function for making a string into an sql friendly string in Java?

Possible Duplicate:
Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection
Hi. I constantly am running into silly little issues with submitting an sql query to my database ...

10. creating comma seperated string to be given as input to sql "IN" clause

I want a string to be given as input to the SQL "IN" clause,where in i want a list of strings separated by commas

11. Give comma separated strings as input to sql "IN" clause

Possible Duplicate:
creating comma seperated string to be given as input to sql “IN” clause
HI, i have to implement multiple select dropdown,and the selected values shud ...

12. Java Read binary record into String

We are storing uploaded text files in a SQL server data. The field type is image. The file upload and download correctly, what I want to do now is load the actual ...

13. How to split digit which is in combination with a character from string array? (eg.c1)

I have a table:'Categories' which has two fields:Category_ID and Category. Data in Category_ID field are like 'c1','c2'. If There are 10 rows then from c1 to c10. When I insert new ...

14. How to receive Unicode String from database by Java

I'm Vietnamese, I used to use some Unicode character ex 'Vi?t Nam', รข, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?..., I'm having a exercise relate with insert/receive data from database, ...

15. Java SQL Escape without using setString

Is there a built-in method to escape a string for SQL? I would use setString, but it happens I am using setString multiple times in the same combined SQL statement and ...

16. match string url with string name

I am passing and url: /information-in-technology-science which is converted into url from Information in Technology & Science. These names are stored in a table of about 1000 records. On passing of this ...

17. How to take method name in sql string

Originally posted by kajal sharma: I have class object rand and it has got method getRn1() getRn2() up 10 so I am using loop but it is inserting name of method as string rather then value for(int i=1;i<11;i++){ String one="rand.getRn"+i+"()"; String two="rand.getOc"+i+"()"; System.out.println(one); System.out.println(two); if(one.equals("") | | two.equals("")){}else{ String si="INSERT INTO random " +"(random_no,outcomecode)"+ "VALUES(\'"+one+"\',\'"+two+"\')"; System.out.println(si); rows = myStatement.executeUpdate(si); System.out.println(rows);}} please ...

18. SQL command to display very long string

19. ---= sql String =---

21. single quote problem with sql string

i encountered an interesting problem. if i build a string contains "'", it is making problems when i try to execute it with Statement. if use prepared statement it doesnt make problems.It is executing properly by seting a value contains "'".And never fails. Is there any other way to execute it with Statement because my query is not so long and ...

22. How do you format SQL strings??[Solved]

I have a SQL statement like this and I want to preserve the same format while coding so as to maintain readability but unfortunately Java does not allow me to write a string in more than a line.... I want to write a query something like this... select a.`Id` as `ReplyId`, a.`Date`, b.`Id` as `TopicId`, c.`Email` from `Replies_tbl` a join `Topics_tbl` ...

23. How to take method name in sql string

When you say String si="INSERT INTO random " + "(random_no, outcomecode)" + " VALUES (\'"+one+"\',\'"+two+"\')"; This simply inserts the contents of the string 'one' and 'two' into String si, but does not actually do the method call. And thank goodness for that. By the way, this is a really bad way of designing your object. It should be something like the ...

24. Stringbuffer as SQL string?

I've been working through the OReilly JavaServer Pages book, and I've come across something I can't find an answer for just googling around. For the classes that create the SQL string, a Stringbuffer is used to build the SQL command whenever a PreparedStatement will be used. Before I got to this part, I'd just been creating the SQL command as a ...

25. SQL string function

Hi All, How would I do the following in SQL... My database column has values such as the below FA-8a0 FA-9a0 FA-10a0 so the format is 2 digit of text then hypen then number then lowercase letter then number I want to in basic SQL (using substring etc) ensure that where the first number is less then 10 (i.e. 1 to ...

27. How to put a string in an sql WHERE clause?

Yes, you should use PS, and no, using them won't make this take any longer and could in fact save you lots of time debugging something that might arise as a result of not using them in the first place. NPE does not come from the compiler, it comes from the runtime. The only way those lines can give NPE is ...

28. Java SQL String Problem

29. constructing sql string