invalid « SQL « Java Database Q&A

1. Can anyone tell me why I am getting a SQL*PLUS invalid identifier error?

Why do I keep getting this error: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.sql.SQLException: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00904: "PURCHASE_PRICE": invalid identifier As you can see purchase_Price is obviously a valid identifier.

      //get parameters from the request

2. grails war java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Invalid number format for port number

Strange problem - we build a grails project on windows and it works fine, but on a unix machine getting:

java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Invalid number format for port number
(stack trace below)
Pretty strange ...

3. SQLException: Invalid Column Name...?

I have a JSP file which I am deploying within a Java Project with the help of Eclipse, Maven, and Tomcat. I've got a few other JSP files almost identical to ...

4. java.sql.SQLException: Internal Error: Invalid type oid?

im getting this error at this line:

Object[] results = (Object[])stmt.getArray(1).getArray();
Not sure what it means... I can show the sql also...can someone explain what this error means...I also have that stac trace if ...

5. SQL Exception: Invalid Handle

6. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number

Hello I am trying to do a query to a oracle database and process the information into a vector. Here id the code: "rs = stmt.executeQuery(comando); con.commit(); Vector vectorHab = new Vector(); while( { Hashtable hashtableHab = new Hashtable(); hashtableHab.put("codigo", rs.getString("codigo")); hashtableHab.put("nome", rs.getString("nome")); vectorHab.addElement(hashtableHab); }" Unfortunately i am getting the error "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number" I dont understand why. Can anyone ...

7. invalid SQL url specified

Dear Pro.: i tried to test my driver version, and the error message is: Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at Test.main( i used thin driver, my database is wendb, user is wen, pwd is wen below is my tnsnames.ora data: # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: ...

8. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle

hi, i am trying to insert record in a table where id is autogenerated. for generating id i have made another method "generateId()" which generates a unique id for me. Then in my insertion method first i call method "generateId()" for id field then call insert query. The code for insertion works well if i give any hard coded value for ...

9. SQL Count() Invalid curser state

Okay, I'm getting an Invalid cursir stat Error when I try to execute the following code. myStmt = "Select COUNT(Closure) " + " FROM moded" + " WHERE " + "(closure = \'OPEN\' AND " + "[logged on] > #"+dBegin+"# AND " + "[logged on] < #" +dEnd + "# AND " + "field38 = \'" +catCount[i][0] +"\');"; System.out.println(myStmt); rs = ...

12. java.sql.SQLException: invalid name pattern

I was having the same problem. I had code like this: storedProc.registerOutParameter(5, Types.ARRAY, "TEXT_ARRAY"); This also did not work: storedProc.registerOutParameter(5, Types.ARRAY, schema + ".TEXT_ARRAY"); It turns out the variable schema had my schema name in lower case. This fixed my problem: storedProc.registerOutParameter(5, Types.ARRAY, schema.toUpperCase() + ".TEXT_ARRAY"); I hope this helps, -- Tad

13. Getting java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01465: invalid hex number

Please help me, i am getting this error when i am converting String in to byte[] and inserting in to database of column type BLOB. My code is like this, String name = "some text"; byte[] byte = name.getBytes(); System.out.println(byte); \\ here i am getting like this [B@63e563 So, whenever i am trying to insert it into db column of type ...

15. java.sql.SQLException: invalid name pattern

oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor descrip = oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("PLM_PRD_ARRAY",conn); sqlPrcdPk = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(descrip, conn, arr_Col1); cst = conn.prepareCall("{call ADM_PRD_LEDGER_MAPPING_PCK.PLM_UPDATE(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) }"); cst.registerOutParameter(1 , Types.VARCHAR); cst.registerOutParameter(2 , Types.VARCHAR); cst.setString(3,"fa_product_ledger_mapping_modify.jsp"); cst.setString(4,strProdLedPk); cst.setString(5,strProdLedPk); cst.setArray(6,sqlPrcdPk); cst.setString(7,strCompanyPk); cst.setString(8,"Y"); cst.setString(9,lstrUserLoginId); cst.executeQuery(); strErr = cst.getString(1); Following code causes error: sqlPrcdPk = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(descrip, conn, arr_Col1); I thing there is problem in oc4j app- server. Please give me some solution for the same.

17. SQL error:Invalid identifier

Hello, I am sql rookie and I would appreciate very much some assistance on this rather basic issue. select comp_table.* from (select column_1,avg(column_2) as "avg" from table_1, group by column_1) comp_table---> returns correct records with 2 columns named : column_1, avg; But if I change to : select comp_table.avg from (select column_1,avg(column_2) as "avg" from table_1, group by column_1) comp_table---> returns ...

18. How to handle java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID

I have a scenrio where, while iterating over a resultset, the partitions in the underlying table may get deleted due the scheduled purging activity. ORA-01410: invalid ROWID is thrown if the row in resultset gets dropped due to partition deletion. I would like to handle this and continue to next row of the resultset. Calling next() on a resultset, for which ...

19. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number

String strOrgId=(String)session.getAttribute("strOrgId"); String[] ids = strOrgId.split("'?,'?"); // splitting on commas, surrounded or not by single quotes StringBuilder strQry1 = "SELECT (TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'yddd')||MAX(SUBSTR(DE095,5)))+1 FROM APP_MAST_CBOUT WHERE org_id in (?; for (int i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) // start at 1, there already is one ? { strQry1.append(",?"); } strQry1.append(')'); // strQry1 now contains SELECT (TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'yddd')||MAX(SUBSTR(DE095,5)))+1 FROM APP_MAST_CBOUT WHERE org_id in (?,?,?) ...

20. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: invalid column name.

Hi I have IBM Visualage for java for windows version 4.0,web sphere 4.0 and database Oracle 8.1.7.I want to insert one record into database using servlet.My main logic related to database connection,prepared statement,result set in this servlet, pStmt = conn.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(ENO,ENMAE,SALARY,JOINDATE,ADDRESS,PHONE,D EPTNO) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pStmt.setInt(1,eno); pStmt.setString(2,ename); pStmt.setFloat(3,sal); pStmt.setString(4,date); pStmt.setString(5,add); pStmt.setLong(6,ph); pStmt.setInt(7,dept); rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); is giving ...

21. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number

I have seen couple of postings on this I have similar situation here with this exception java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number I am inserting the values into a table in the using a procedure calling that in the jsp page using callable statement.prepareCall(?,?.......) One of the out parameters is varchar2(10) which is tmp_Quote_number and it is number(10) , not null in the ...

22. --Exception created --java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character

Hi I am creating a stored procedure in java (Not calling the existing procedure....creating a new procedure) My Class looks like this: import java.sql.*; public class sqlTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); try { Connection conn = null; Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); conn =DriverManager.getConnection("jdbcracleci8:@ot told","ottuser2","ottuser2"); Statement st = null; boolean isExecuted = false; String plSqlStatment = "create or replace procedure ...

24. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "PASS1": invalid identifier

private void submitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { Connection c=Main.getCon(); char[] p=pass.getPassword(); String ps=new String(p); try{ Statement st=c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select UNAME from users where PASS="+ps); while({ String s=rs.getString(1); if(s.equals(uname.getText())){ this.setVisible(false); new welcome().setVisible(true); }else{ JOptionPane j=new JOptionPane(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(j,"invalid password"); } } }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } Now.. Im using netbeans..Its a simple app with login panel having two fields "uname" and "pass", for username and ...

25. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

I have checked the same below mentioned query in oracle sql developer, it is fetching the output correctly but when i tried to run the query through java. it is giving me java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name .. please help me Query: select collection from delete_queue where QUEUE_STATUS_ID='1' group by collection programmatically running the query: String selectString="select collection from delete_queue where queue_status_id='1' ...

26. Invalid Handle SQL Exception