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1. Asking the db engine to suggest index creation/deletion

Is there any way for us to query the db to suggest index creation/index deletion that would improve the performance of the db system? We understand that a dba can manually view ...

3. SQL Exception :Invalid descriptor index,Help

What does the problematic code look like? What do(es) the queried table(s) look like? I'd recommend trying a quick search on this forum for "SQLException Invalid Descriptor Index". Note that the search page link is at the top right of this page. [ April 26, 2003: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]

4. java.sql.SQLExceptiion: Column Index out of range (0>1)

java.sql.SQLExceptiion: Column Index out of range (0>1), I am trying to insert some data into mysql table and then this exception was printed on the Tomcat, even the data was inserted into the table, after that when I updated the data it wasn't updated, and the same error was there, I have checked all the values, they are compatible to the ...

5. SQL invalid column index

I have written a procedure that returns me Ref cursor. the object that i am returning is a table of records that have two columns. Both the record and the table is created permanently in db. I am calling the procedure from java. The procedure when run separately, gives me two rows with value. Now when i take a result set ...

6. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index

Originally posted by Jeff Albrechtsen: Again, the column numbering (starting with 1 :roll: ) is in respect to the SELECT statement's field list, not the db's ordering of the columns on your table You should never write SQL that relies on the table's column ordering, because it is easy for your DBA to alter that ordering as he goes about his ...

10. Head First SQL : indexing and views

11. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index

Hi all, I'm trying to make insertion in Oracle Db using prepared statement but it is giving me this exception : " java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index", i searched in the forum all doing select or update no one making insertion .so i cant find what's wrong Here is my code // secondadry db settings BckDB_Url = PropertyLoader.getInstance().getStrProperty("Test_DB"); // pl.getInstance().getStrProperty("DB_URL_Tadawul"); BckDB_User = ...

12. Error :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index

I have written a procedure in oracle which goes a below Create or replace procedure firstproc(superuserid IN VARCHAR2,pass OUT VARCHAR2) IS cursor user_cur is select user_id,password from tuser where superuser=superuserid; begin FOR userid in user_cur loop pass:=userid.password; dbms_output.put_line(pass ||'----------'|| pass); end loop; end; Now I am calling this procedure in java class file javax.sql.DataSource ds=null; // To get datasource Connection con ...

13. SQL - Index

Regarding "Index" in SQL, I searched on the Internet and understood the theoretical part that it is like searching in a library, that instead of searching the whole library for a specific book, by indexing, we can search for the book by its first letter (i.e; Books that begin with the letter "A"), which in this case makes the search much ...

14. Invalid column index -- SQL Exception

Hi All, When i run my java program i am getting the Invalid column index error. But it looks the columns in the query and the code accessing the resultset data are proper. Please look into the below and provide your suggestions to nail down the issue, Query: SELECT DISTINCT a.customer,'*****' AS "ORDER_NUMBER",b.cust_po_num,b.cust_line_item,DECODE(b.mkt_part_num,'',b.cus_part_num),b.cr_qty,'$'||b.locunitprice,TO_CHAR(b.cr_date), 'PreGated' FROM XXCYP_OE_ORDER_EDI850_TMP a, XXCYP_OE_ORDER_EDI850_HIST b, XXCYP_OE_ORDER_EDI850_FALLOUT c ...

15. java.sql.sqlexception invalid column index

private String SELECT_OWNER_SK = "(SELECT XTNL_REQOR_SK FROM DCDPM.XTNL_REQOR WHERE XTNL_REQOR_RLM_ID_TXT = ?)"; private String SELECT_BULK_STATUS = "(SELECT STUD_CD FROM DCDPM.STATUS WHERE STUS_DES = ?)"; private String INSERT_CNTL_LIST_OWNER = "INSERT INTO CONTROL_LIST_OWNER(CNTL_LIST_CFGRN_SK, CRETD_BY_USER_NME,CRETD_BY_USER_ROLE, STUS_CD, OWNER_SK) VALUES (?,?,?,SELECT_BULK_STATUS,SELECT_OWNER_SK)"; try { ps.setInt(1, cntlLstCfgrnSk); ps.setString(2,DCDPMAPP); ps.setString(3,ACCOUNT_HOLDER); ps.setString(4,STATUS); ps.setInt(5, BULKID); ps.executeQuery(); } catch(Exception e) { } I have the above snippet of code in my class. ...

16. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index?

Hi everyone... This is my first post, so let me know if you need anything else from me... Basically, I'm having problems with my database object being able to do setString(). I'm not sure why. I think it's something to do with how I'm trying to use FOREACH logic with a hashmap to swap SQL queries? Who knows, but I do ...

21. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index

22. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index