Error « SQL « Java Database Q&A

1. appfuse: Embedded error: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'x' doesn't have a default value

appfuse: Embedded error: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'x' doesn't have a default value

2. Getting JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: -64, SQLState: 37000 error after upgrade to grails 1.3.1

I upgraded my app to grails 1.3.1 (from 1.2.1). everything works fine expect foo.refresh() which does fetch new foo from database. It errors with:

util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: -64, SQLState: 37000 ...

3. Im getting errors in the following SQL clause

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.beans.Statement
        at CollegeLibrary.NotRegistered.DBStatement(
        at CollegeLibrary.NotRegistered.<init>(

4. Java SQL error 1064

I'm having trouble with some simple code but can't figure out what exactly I am doing wrong. Following is my code:

String userName = "username";

5. catching sql related errors with try--catch in java (to log the errors)

I am using log4j for logging messages in a java desktop application (working on Eclipse to create this app). One part of the work is to do bulk insertion of csv (comma ...

6. Using error codes instead of explicit checks in SQL?

I have a query which attempts to insert a row into a table. It is possible that the query will fail due to a primary key contraint failing because there is ...

7. SQL error message

Hi Jennifer, I just started using JDBC to DB2/400, so maybe I can help. Here is my SQL code which works just fine. Notice that the SELECT lists the fields and the FROM specifies the LIBRARY.FILENAME, which is definitely different than your example. con = userID.getConnection(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT MCLIENT, MCLNAME " + "FROM CGILIB2.VMCLIENTS ...

8. java.sql error help needed!!!

Hi, This is the official Oracle error definition for the error you have reported: 01002, 00000, "fetch out of sequence" *Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes ...

9. SQL Error 3088

10. SQL Error

I'm getting the following error when I try to run some of my code: SQL error encountered: java.sql.SQLException: Before start of result set I have some servlets that take in information, and list everything in the database into an html table. This works fine. I also want to be able to edit each line, so I have a button next to ...

11. JDBC & SQL Error List Help

12. JDBC & SQL Error List Help

Invalid Cursor State - usually you are trying to access a resultset before you call or when you call after you have closed the resultset(either explicitly or implicitly) Inavlid Transaction Type - database doesn't support transaction type setting(commits, rollbacks, etc.) ...just a guess on this one post a small code snippet of the java code that is giving you ...

13. sql error

Hi guys, the following function accesses an access data base and returms a boolean (Yes/No in access) and is supposed to populate and return a boolean array. For now I am just testing the sql, but it is throwing the exeption. Anyideas why and ow would I return a boolean array from the function. Thanks guys. Regards Ian //THIS METHOD RETURNS ...

14. Error running SQL?

15. Customized error message in SQL

Hi. I have an app that is currently displaying customized error messages within the Java app. I just took a SQL class and realized that you can do customized error messages in SQL server (RAISERROR). If I were to write a script that had custom error messages in it, would this script be portable to use for instance on Oracle if ...

16. SQL error 6 - Help!

Hi Kps,

In case you are unaware, string literals in SQL need to be delimited by single quotes -- which I did not see in the code you posted. I think a better alternative would be to use a "PreparedStatement" instead of a "Statement", however. Good Luck, Avi. ...

17. Error java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00923

Check your actual SQL statement and make sure there is a space between the 'FROM' declaration and whatever the query is before it. Make sure you also do not have a comma before it. Examples - SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = ? // CORRECT!!! SELECT column_nameFROM table_name WHERE column_name = ? // BAD!!! SELECT column_name, FROM table_name WHERE column_name ...

18. java.sql.SQLException: General error; is occuring

String name= req.getParameter ("name"); String pass= req.getParameter ("password"); User idUser= null; if (name != null) { if (pass != null) { try { // I want to write the object also in the database ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject("new User(" +name +"," +pass +")"); oos.flush(); oos.close(); byte[] ser= bos.toByteArray (); PreparedStatement pstmt= fConn.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO ...

19. error while firing this SQL

21. SQL error

Hi folks! I'm having a bit of trouble getting a SELECT SQL query to work. I'm not sure what's wrong with it as it should work. I pass a parameter which is the ID of a customer and this ID should then be used to select appopriate fields from the CUSTOMER table for that particular record. Here is the query - ...

22. SQL error

23. how can an application distinguish between sql errors?

Hi, I'd greatly appreciate any advice on the following. It seems a common-sense requirement, but how would you solve it with JDBC ? We have an Oracle 9i database with some simple constraints (unique keys, not null, foreign keys). When an sql update failes due to constraint violation, the application must take action depending on the actual problem (e.g the action ...

24. SQL sttatement error

Hi all, I am trying to execute the following query on oracle Db. The query doesn't have any errors ,as when I run it outside my java program it runs fine and returns the result.It gives the following message when I try to run it from my java code. The moment I remove the "upper" word it runs fine. Can some ...

25. package javax.sql not found error

26. SQL error:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01008: not all variables bound

I'm getting ORA-01008 when I run the following INSERT statement, product_id is a PK and a number column, as I am using "setString" should this be a long when I INSERT? I'm using Oracle 8.1 REG sql ="INSERT INTO PRODUCT (product_id,product_type_id,name,description,long_description, active_from,active_to) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setString(1, productID); ps.setString(2, type); ps.setString(3, productName); ps.setString(4, description); ps.setString(5, longDescription); ps.setString(6, activeFrom); ps.setString(6, activeTo); ...

27. java.sql.SQLException: Internal Error

hai all, Iam using Oracle 9i.I am getting error When i access the Oracle Type through Java. my Code is con = connectionFactory.getConnection(); csmt = con.prepareCall("call PMS_PR_area_SIGN_CONTROL ( ?,?,?,?,?)"); csmt.setInt(1, groupId); csmt.setString(2,startDate); csmt.setString(3,endDate); csmt.registerOutParameter(4,Types.ARRAY, "PMS_TY_TAB_SG_CNTRL"); csmt.registerOutParameter(5,Types.VARCHAR); csmt.execute(); oracle.sql.ARRAY.oracleARRAY = (oracle.sql.ARRAY.ARRAY)csmt.getArray(4); rs = oracleARRAY.getResultSet(); while ( { /** below line gives error */ oracle.sql.STRUCT STRUCT struct=(oracle.sql.STRUCT.STRUCT)rs.getObject(2);//getting error at this line Object[] resultObj ...

28. CREATE DOMAIN sql sytax error / is this valid?

hello, have done brief searches, and have found documentation on this command, but do not know if it is current. just started jdbc/sql and one of the first things stated is: CREATE DOMAIN name_me AS CHAR(5) CHECK (VALUE IS NOT NULL); however, i've got mysql installed and get syntax erros with this....completely confused, can do all other mysql commands as far ...

29. java.sql.SQLException: General error

30. SQL error

Hey, I'm back with yet another SQLException I don't understand, or know how to fix. In this case my controller servlet forwards a string and a connection to my model and the model is to search for a that string within the artist field of my cd database. Here is my model function: public ArrayList findArtists(Connection connection, String criteria) throws SQLException ...

31. SQL Sysntax Error.

Hello, Can anyone please help me out below is the stored procedure and error. I am using Sybase BUT when i run this on SQL Server 2000 it works fine no error. But on Sybase it is throwing an error please help me out. This is second time i ve posted this. ============================================ Create Procedure spGetMaximumVersionForid @id int As Select id,Version ...

32. java.sql.SQLException General Error

Originally posted by Paul Clapham: Because it is nothing to do with the particular SQL query. Every time I have had that error, it is because I did things in the wrong order in my code. It would certainly be helpful if you posted the code. Or we could sit here and speculate.

33. javax.sql package error

Hi, I have jdk1.3 installed on my machine. When i executed a JDBC program on my machine, the errors i got were: (1) "import java.sql.*" cannot be resolved (2) "import javax.sql.DataSource" cannot be resolved. On googling, i found the reason for this and then i downloaded the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package for jdk1.3 from Sun's website and installed it on my ...

34. Getting SQL Error and not sure why.

I'm getting a SQL error in MySQL where I try and build a where clause dynamically (from user suplied fields in web page) and append this where clause string to the existing query in my prepareStatement function call. String srchCriteria = request.getParameter("searchCriteria"); String srchValue = request.getParameter("searchValue"); //build a dynamic where clause based on user supplied values from web page. if (srchCriteria.equals("BA ...

35. general SQL error?

Hey all! I'm sure I'm being a royal pain in the butt with all of my questions but this project I'm working on is driving me nuts and I've found that this is the best place to come to when I need some help. So, I've written this code to connect to an access database on my hard drive. I found ...

36. error opening socket sql state=08s01

37. error opening socket sql state=08s01

38. SQL error

39. On SQL Error 407

I am getting SQLException with error code 407 when trying to insert value to a table. I do not know the values in the insert query (it is in the production environment) so I cant figure out value which is null. The exception trace is : DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -407, SQLSTATE: 23502, SQLERRMC: TBSPACEID=9, TABLEID=5, COLNO=24. From this statement can ...

40. java.sql.SQLException: General error

Hi, <% String email=request.getParameter("email"); String name=request.getParameter("ename"); String userName=request.getParameter("name"); String password=request.getParameter("pwd"); String phoneNo=request.getParameter("Phno"); String mobileNo=request.getParameter("Mobno"); String location=request.getParameter("Location"); String highQual=request.getParameter("Qual"); String major=request.getParameter("Major"); String keySkills=request.getParameter("skills"); String totalExp=request.getParameter("Experience"); String app_no="011"+userName; ResultSet rs=null; Connection con=null; Statement st=null; String strComment=""; String lg_name=""; String Query="INSERT into app_reg VALUES('"+app_no+"','"+name+"','"+userName+"','"+password+"','"+email+"','"+phoneNo+"','"+mobileNo+"','"+location+"','"+highQual+"','"+major+"','"+totalExp+"','"+keySkills+"')"; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Recruit"); st=con.createStatement(); st.executeQuery(Query); } catch(Exception e) { out.println("Exception occured"+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } %> General error is coming .what ...

42. SQL Error!!

43. sql error

hi, My jsp page returns a ClassNotFound Exception trying to access a mysql database. It complains that it can't find the driver. I think I have the classpath set up correctly as an ordinary class run locally can access the same database using the same driver and return a resultset ok. Any ideas? Thanks in advance...

44. Confused by stored procedure sql error

I'm trying to call a stored procedure on a DB2 database from a Java Servlet. This is my code: try{ cstmt = con.prepareCall("{CALL MKTDS80A (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); cstmt.setShort(1, shFiscalYr); cstmt.setInt(2, iInvoiceNbr); cstmt.setString(3, sInvoiceTypeCd); cstmt.setInt(4, iUserNbr); cstmt.setString(5, sFormId); cstmt.setString(6, sSubSysCd); cstmt.setShort(7, shModNbr); cstmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(9, Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(10, Types.CHAR); cstmt.registerOutParameter(11, Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(12, Types.CHAR); cstmt.execute(); ...

45. front end send sql, backend generate and send error message

Dear all, Please help me this out! I'm working on servlets(using Apache server). I'm sending sql statement to (dbaccess) database. If I do a sql statement directly at backend, the db will generate an error message. Now I'm sending the query at front end. When error occurs, the backend doesn't show the error message. I have no idea how to 1) ...

46. Error on Orion conecting sql

I can see only 2 potential causes here. Either the network connection gets interrupted during the night for a period longer than the retry period Orion has OR the database goes down during the night for a considerable period. The latter is more likely especially if the database system has not been planned for use with internet applications. Many databases I ...

47. sql error

48. sql error

49. SQL error code = -804

hello to all, we've been using "DATE" as datatype before in our database and havn't encountered an error regarding it, just this evening i visited a prevoiusly worked on project and this is the error encountered.. =============================== sql->SELECT * FROM DAILYTIMERECORD SQLException at initialize: [interclient][interbase] Dynamic SQL Error SQL error code = -804 Data type unknown Client SQL dialect 1 does ...

50. Error java.sql.SQLException: Bigger type length than Maximum

My version of oracle is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release When i perform stored function call using xml table i get that error above. I am calling the function in my java application, jdk 1.5 >> oracle driver class is in the jar ojdbc14, this jar file i downloaded from the oracle website. i ran the select statement select ...

51. SQL Error

mysql> CREATE TABLE Lieferanten( -> P_Id int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -> login varchar(15) NOT NULL, -> firm varchar(50) NOT NULL, -> contact_person varchar(50) NOT NULL, -> telefon varchar(20) NOT NULL, -> pwd varchar(15) NOT NULL, -> email varchar(20) NOT NULL, -> PRIMARY KEY (P_Id, login) -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql>

52. SQL Error: 1049, SQLState: 42000 - please help

Thank you very much for your response. Please see my 2 pictures attached here. My database 'localhost.test.mysql..db' was opened successfully with my jdbc driver and same name in Eclipse under Windows/Perferences/Data Managent/Connectivity/Driver Definition/. So, I suppose the database name was good. When you say: "..the database name is invaild..", can you elaborate on it a little please? I am trying ...

53. SQL 2005 error

Hello, I'm using SQL server 2005 through the java code to connect to my database. When i try to connect I see the following error: The server principal "XXXX" is not able to access the database "YYYY" under the current security context. at keFromDatabaseErro (Unknown Source) at ts(Unknown Source) at ndExecute(Unknown ource) at ExecuteQuery(Unkno n Source) ...

55. Weird SQL error.

Hi there, I'm trying to use Java to create a View in SQL. I've been using Java before with no problems to insert data and tables, but right now I keep getting this error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character I've simplified my code down to it's bare bones, even the SQL statement, but it's still giving the error and I can't work ...

56. unknown error AMCCACH idms sql jdbc

Greetings all, The following error occurs in our environment (IDMS SQL accessed through jdbc) : java.sql.SQLException: DB005080 T2423 C-4M324: Internal system error in AMCCACH : 2 0 Msg: key={UNEXPECTED_SQL} Log: SQL errorCode = {-4} Log: SQL State = {5000B} Log: IDMS errorCode = {5080} Log: [DBCall] Statement = {pa_stockArticle.selByPkList} Log: [DBCall] Params = {ALIST0 IN 05007} Log: [DBCall] execute failed For ...

57. An sql error couldn't be caught and exit gracefully

have a select statement embedded in java code. This select statement queries out a bunch of records and then does string concatenation on a certain field. And due to one record having more than 4000+ chars on that field, the query failed on this record after returning a few good records in sqlplus. The error is : "ORA-01489: result of string ...

58. writing to MSAcess: Sql Error: General?

I am writing an app to parse a massive csv file and enter the data into a MSAccess database using jdbc.odbc. The csv file has about 7,000 lines but it gets to just over 5,000 lines entered into the database but then gives a sql error : general error. Is there a limit to the amount of data you can push ...

59. cant find the error in the following SQL statemen but it just wont work!!

//All unseen variablesdeclaration and constructors were declared above^^^ public void registerNewStudent() { String fname=newStudent.getFirstName(); String lname = newStudent.getLastName(); String regNumber = newStudent.getKURegNumber(); String campus = newStudent.getCampus(); String nationalID = newStudent.getNational_ID(); String courseCode, studentID, yearOfEntry; String str = regNumber; String split []; split = str.split("/"); courseCode = split[0]; studentID = split[1]; yearOfEntry = split[2]; Connection con = null; try { Class.forName(DRIVER).newInstance(); Properties ...

60. JDBC SQL Service Error: java.lang.NullPointerException

Here is my code, what needs to change for this to work? I am using SQL 2008 and JDBC 2.0 drivers from Microsoft. when I run the stored procedure it pulls results just fine. (see code below for sp and jsp) Stored Procedure code: Create Table #Reservations (Checkin datetime not null, checkout datetime not null) Insert Into #Reservations (Checkin,Checkout) select distinct ...

61. SQL Error

The PHPMyAdmin driver is probably quite lenient. The semi-colon isn't needed. Anyway, "table or view doesn't exist" is pretty clear. Ensure you are looking at the correct db. Ensure that db has that table. Is that table part of the user schema you are logged in as? If not then I'd recommend, as already suggested, adding the schema name in the ...

62. Security Error while using SQL 2005

Hello, I'm using SQL server 2005 through the java code to connect to my database. When i try to connect I see the following error: The server principal "XXXX" is not able to access the database "YYYY" under the current security context. at keFromDatabaseErro (Unknown Source) at ts(Unknown Source) at ndExecute(Unknown ource) at ExecuteQuery(Unkno n Source) ...

63. SQL Error: 1064, SQLState: 42000

64. Error With Sql And Jasper Report

... $P!{SQLquery} ...

65. error in sql and netbean

i am having windows 7 64bit OS....i am installed netbeans 7.0 without problem...and also installed sql server 2005 with compatibility issues....when i am run my program which call database it shows invalid string buffer or length.....i am tried all method to load driver manager....gave URL,username,password also...but still i am struggling with this... plz help me.....

66. SQL error

Hey there I have got this code that: Stores Yahoo stock quotes for google in a Java DB database. But I get this error: Java Code: SQL Error: Syntax error: Encountered "open" at line 1, column 54. Can you help me please? Here is the code: Java Code: import*; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; public class QuoteSaver { private ...

67. sql error

68. I am getting java.sql.SQLException: General error

We already know what the exception is. And the line number at which it occurs is going to be useless, because it's the line number in the compiled version of the JSP and not the line number in the source code. (Another reason not to put that sort of code in a JSP.) The error message means there is something wrong ...

69. sql error

Using CATALINA_BASE: C:\Documents and Settings\Java\.netbeans\5.0beta\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7_base Using CATALINA_HOME: C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.0beta\enterprise2\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\Documents and Settings\Java\.netbeans\5.0beta\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7_base\temp Using JAVA_HOME: D:\j2sdk1.4.2_08 Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f934ad:11dd80f6538:-8000:java1:1 Nov 26, 2008 2:39:28 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080 Nov 26, 2008 2:39:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load INFO: Initialization processed in 875 ms Nov 26, 2008 2:39:28 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start INFO: Starting service Catalina Nov 26, ...

70. Error in Run of SQL command

Dear Sir, I use the Oracle version 10i. when I execute the simple create table using that command. create table citylist (name varchar(20), state varchar(20), population number(8), zipcode number(5) unique); Table created. when I Insert the data in that table using command: INSERT INTO citylist VALUES ('vijay', 'Haryana', 20000 ,1234); It give a Error: ORA-00911: invalid character Please help me... -Vijay. ...

71. Weird SQL error.

Anybody know whats causing this? It happens after a few minutes/seconds (not sure) of not sending a query to the database, and then trying to send one. I tried Google but I can't find anything very specific. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure Last packet sent to the server was 8 ms ago. at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at ...

72. sql variable and error

Hi I am getting on value of variable(psj) from database and storing in list and using that value to get ID from same table. Now problem ---- if value of variable (psj = yyuyu "ghgh jkjkj" ghghg ) OR (psj=hjhjhj 'hjhjh jkjkj' hhjhjh).It gives error "you have error in syntax......." .(because of presence of sigle or double to correct this ...

73. java.sql.SQLException: General error

Hi, I'm trying to insert some data in my access database but it gives me this error: java.sql.SQLException:General error what does this error means, is there something wrong with the data that I'm trying to insert into the database? or there is a problem with the connection?. i'm using: //Database Connection Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Security"); I hope u can help

74. How to get the error messages returned by sql loader in Java code???

Hi Everyone, I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question. Please help me out with this question. Is it possible to catch the error messages returned by sql loader in Java code? I have an application that generates dat files for the sql loader which then spawns an sqlldr thread for each table. Each dat ...

76. Error when running SQL over DB2/400 database

Folks, I'm trying to execute an SQL statement which works well on DB2/400 but doesn't like it in Java embedded SQL. The statement looks like this... select rrn(a) from BLMINTF1 a where RDTUSC = 050106 or RDTADC = 050106 or RDTBPC = 050106 or RDTCDC = 050106 or RDTE1C = 050106 and the error I get is as follows... java.sql.SQLException: An ...

77. Getting SQL ERROR

HI, I'm trying to update a AS400 table using a table grid, also I have created a button, this botton is to ejecute a code to update my table, but i'm getting this error: System Messages Cannot commit changes: [SQL0204] TESTAS in C104504M type *FILE not found. where TESTAS is my table and C104504M is the database name on AS400

78. error in main (sql jdbc)

Has anyone seen this error before? An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) occurred at PC=0x7C901010 Function=RtlEnterCriticalSection+0xB Library=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll Heap at VM Abort: Heap def new generation total 576K, used 487K [0x10010000, 0x100b0000, 0x104f0000) eden space 512K, 82% used [0x10010000, 0x10079cc0, 0x10090000) from space 64K, 100% used [0x100a0000, 0x100b0000, 0x100b0000) to space ...