updatable « Resultset « Java Database Q&A

1. creating updatable resultset    coderanch.com

This is from the Oracle Documentatio on the Web: http://www-wnt.gsi.de/oragsidoc/doc_816/java.816/a81354/resltse2.htm#1018134 Result Set Limitations The following limitations are placed on queries for enhanced result sets. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in the JDBC driver choosing an alternative result set type or concurrency type. To produce an updatable result set: A query can select from only a single table and cannot ...

2. Updatable resultsets    coderanch.com

It would be very difficult to compare performance of jdbc and .NET products. MS .NET would be easy, you use MS Windows, SQL Server and whatever the database access method is for .NET. This would be difficult for java though. Which database do you use? which jdbc driver do you use? which jdk do you use? which jvm do you use? ...

4. Cached Data, Updatable ResultSets    coderanch.com

I have a concern over using Cached Data and/or Updatable ResultSet (which is a form a cached data I suppose). How can you possbily ensure consistency on data using cached data and cached result sets with multiple users accessing and updating the database? My approach has always been to get the data I need, and only what I need, modify it, ...

5. Updatable ResultSet - getString works but getObject does not??    coderanch.com

Hi I am creating an updatable resultset and then going thru it to read the values in each row. When I use getObject() to get the column values for each row, I get nulls. However, when I use getString(), I get the correct values. Also, if I create a regular statement, not using the updatable result set feature, the getObject() call ...

6. Problem with updatable ResultSet    coderanch.com

Dear Sir, My Resultset is of type sensitive & updatable, So if I try updating the String field in Resultset then it is writing it as a Integer value in Oracle table(For each Inetger one value, I guess writing unicode). One more problem I was facing that was I was not able to update any field at a random i.e. 2nd ...

7. Updatable resultset    coderanch.com

Hi i have one table consisting of one column. in my java code i have created onse result set which is ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE initially code fetch the record from the database. and display the records ,then i insert the record in the database manually though sql interface. displaying of the records is been done in the while loop. the record which i ...

9. ResultSet Sensitive and Concurrent Updatable Problem    coderanch.com

There is a simple way to determine if your query will probably produce a scroll-sensitive or updatable result set: If you can legally add a ROWID column to the query list, then the query is probably suitable for either a scroll-sensitive or an updatable result set. (You can try this out using SQL*Plus, for example.)

10. Performace of Updatable resultset    coderanch.com

Hi All, I had a requirement to morph CreditCard information present in a legacy Database for last 14 years. I tried to do it in java and have written following code for that. based upon updatable resultset. But its performance is very poor. private static void performDBOperations(String qry, Object[] objs,int numberOfFieldsToProcess) throws Exception { log.info("performDBOperations() called."); Connection con = DBAccess.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ...

11. ResultSet with concurrently updatable option    forums.oracle.com