read « Resultset « Java Database Q&A

1. How do I in JDBC read a possibly null double value from resultSet?

I have a column in my database that is typed double and I want to read the value from it using a JDBC ResultSet, but it may be null. What is ...

2. Reading ResultSet from multiple threads

In the database, I have a definition table that is read from the application once upon starting. This definition table rarely changes, so it makes sense to read it once and ...

3. Reading Unicode Text from Java ResultSet

how to read unicode text from java resultset?

4. read resultset from a database class

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:28 pm Post subject: read resultset from a database class i have a class : public class JDb { private Connection con = ...

5. Unable to read resultset

Hi, I am trying to run a java application on a solaris 8 machine with apache tomcat webserver. Driver is jdbc thin driver type 4 ( I have a java class that calls a bean(DBControl) for executing a query. This bean has two methods - one for executing normal select queries(getSelestResult) and the other for updating, inserting or deleting rows in ...

6. ResultSet object is always read only with sprinta2000

I'm not familiar with your specific driver, but would like to point out that not all drivers necessarily support updateable result sets (and those that do, will not support them on all queries; you query is simple enough not to be a problem however). Rather than throwing an exception, such a driver will give you the type of ResultSet it supports ...

7. Generically Reading A Resultset

Never ever ever ever ever send a result set to a JSP page. Capture the results of the resultset in something like an Object[][] and send it to the page (you aren't doing the SQL on-page, are you?). On the JSP iterate over the rows and over the columns for display. Be aware that since you are treating all objects as ...

8. a problem about read only ResultSet

Just because you asked for an updateable cursor doesn't mean you got one. The database is giving you a read only cursor for any/all of the following reasons: - just not supported - you haven't selected the tables primary key as part of your select - the query has a joing - the database doesn't support a cursor that is BOTH ...

10. Reading ResultSet data Batch Wise

11. reading data from a resultset onto a hashmap