populate « Resultset « Java Database Q&A

1. populating bean objects from the resultset    stackoverflow.com

I am facing a problem regarding populating bean objects from the resultset. Description:Resultset contains the result of a stored procedure which is join of 3 tables B, BO, and BOV. I have 3 ...

2. how to mock resultset and populate it using Mockito in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have code where I populate Resultset with CallableStatement.executeQuery(). I have mocked ResultSet and CallableStatement but in order to test the method i have to populate ResultSet. Here is the code ...

3. Populating an HTML option list from a resultset    coderanch.com

Here's my version of the 2,679 ways this could be done: (in other words, here's how I'd do it): 1) The controller servlet for the request would interact with a model-level class that abstracts the list. Returned would be an array list or other structure containing the name-value pairs for the options list. The JDBC is completely performed in the model ...

4. Populate dataset with resultset    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am quite new to java database programming. I have been working with jdbc and resultsets and using that to display the results of the query in jtable. Now i have to first manipulate the data in the database before displaying it. The manipulations are table-wide, like averaging data for rows with certain conditions and so forth. I could use ...