csv « Resultset « Java Database Q&A

1. Can I build a resultset from a file in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I don't have much experience working with resultsets, but as ResultSet is an interface, I guess I could implement it to work with a file as a backend. Is this nonsense? ...

2. Csv Jdbc : ResultSet.getRow() unsupported    stackoverflow.com

How do I enable ResultSet.getRow() in CsvJdbc? (this is a function that is supposed to return the current row number) It appears to be dependent on an isScrollable member. If anyone has encountered ...

3. Making a CSV file from data obtained from a resultset    coderanch.com

I am trying to do something similar to the example below: I obtain the LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial of all the people from my customer table (Oracle). From the resultset, I create a string which looks like (comma-delimited, with new line for each name): Austin, Jane, K. Smith, John, B. Carol, Lewis, L. I want to do 2 operations: 1. To write ...

4. Generate CSV from Resultset    coderanch.com

Hi All. I want to generate reports. I am using struts. I want that I store result in CSV file and return url of csv so that when user clicks on url if he has excel report will open in excel otherwise in notepad. I dont want to generate report in jsp. So when user selects criteria and clicks on submit ...