Resultset 6 « Resultset « Java Database Q&A

1. ResultSet 'setFetchDirection'

I have looked through the documentation for the 'setFetchDirection' method of ResultSet and it seems to determine how the rows are scanned (or 'moved' through) after they have been fetched (correct me if I am wrong). Is there a method (or a technique) for fetching the last x amount of rows in a database which satisfy some condition - in other ...

3. Passing resultsets in a method

There are a couple of different ways you can go here. You could create a list (Say an array list) of objects each of which represents a row of data in your result set, or you could use a disconnected result set. Which on you use depends on your requirements and your preferences. As a rule I go with lists of ...

4. ResultSet

5. Primary keys and .insertRow()

6. Trying to display a floated Resultset

public static void main (String[] args) { String userInput = ""; try { userInput = args[0]; } catch (Exception e) {} Properties ini = new Properties(); try { ini.load(new FileInputStream("jbaifconf.ini")); companyCode = ini.getProperty("COMPANY"); dbHost = ini.getProperty("DBHOST"); dbName = ini.getProperty("DBNAME"); dbUserName = ini.getProperty("DBUSERNAME"); dbPassword = ini.getProperty("DBPASSWORD"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString()); } Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; DecimalFormat df2 ...

7. problem related to resultset

8. got outofmemoryerror when looping resultset

while({ // while symbol querySearch = "select `date`, symbol, close, volumn, adjustedClose from " + rsIndustry.getString("industry") + " where symbol = '" + rsSymbol.getString("symbol") + "' order by date desc"; prepStmtSearch = con.prepareStatement(querySearch); rsSearch = prepStmtSearch.executeQuery(); while({ // while search ...... d of while search } // end of for swim loop // end of loop while symbol } // end ...

9. about resultset

11. how to fill ResultSet ?

I have written a select query which hits the DB and fetches results. my DAO layer populates the data in a VO. However , there is no data present in DB now. I wish to mock the resultset so that I get the populated VO in the presentation layer to display a table in JSP. How do I mock a java.sql.ResultSet ...