update 2 « Operation « Java Database Q&A

1. Revert Back Changes from Update query    coderanch.com

Hi, Yesterday I'd run an updated query and forget to put an where caluse in it result 10,000 rows updated and application ruined because of it. Grace of GOD I have tha back up for that database otherwise I was in a big dumb daze...My question is can we revert back the changes once performed an Update query on DB...I search ...

2. database issue while updating    coderanch.com

3. Update Database    coderanch.com

Hi All! I'm trying to create an Update Gui for my Access database. I create a insert GUi successfull, but I failed to convert it for Updating. my updating code is full of errors, so i decided to post my Select code, it is properly working. Please help me to create and Updating GUI. in UPDATE statement WHERE clause should be ...

4. How to Update Database    coderanch.com

Thank you again and again for kind help, Really appreciate your kind help. Can't tell exactly what is the line. it shows Error: java.lang.NullPointerException Here's how my current code looks like UpdateGui.java package plants; public class UpdateGui extends javax.swing.JFrame { public UpdateGui() { initComponents(); } private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { int SVID = Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText()); String Species = jTextField4.getText(); UpdateCode d = ...

5. Update in For loop.    coderanch.com

Well, yes, if you update a table then that is going to cause the database to do some work. And obviously that means the load on the database is increased, because now it has to do some work that it wasn't doing before. But that's trivially obvious and clearly not what you were looking for. Unfortunately it's hard to tell what ...

6. For update and Lock    coderanch.com

Hi, I have to perform some action in a table which shall be synchronized with multiple instances. I created two tables first Lock and second which contains actual data. Now each instance first tries to acquire lock on Lock table by using Select X from Lock for update. My application is running fine, but I have a threat that if application ...

7. Update through Cursors    coderanch.com

8. problem in updating data    coderanch.com

i have a program that has a database in access and i want to update data but when i click on update button on my frame nothing happens no error no exception and no work. here is my code bUpdate=new JButton("Update"); bUpdate.setBounds(275,600,100,50); c.add(bUpdate); bUpdate.addActionListener(this); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ Object o=ae.getSource(); if(o.equals(bUpdate)){ try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:DRIVER=Microsoft Access DRIVER (*.mdb);DBQ=fddata.mdb"); PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("update accthld ...

9. Mail after database is updated    dbforums.com

Hello, I have the following problem: Swing application has a function which allows user to updated the status of a field (holiday status to be exact). Now when this field is updated I would like that an e-mail is sent to that employee to inform his of his new status. Please help me !!! Greetz Godies

10. update problem    java-forums.org

11. DB Update Problem    java-forums.org

Hi All I have the following code to get the number and update that value. Basically I am generating sequence number myself. For this I first read the current sequence number to use then update the value for subsequent use. I have separate table to store that sequence number. Other table query this table to get the sequence number. Java Code: ...

12. How to read data from .txt and update the status of button    java-forums.org

Can anyone help me with this coding ? I got no clue on how to implement the function ~ It's a booking system, when someone click the "Seat 1" or so on. The "Seat 1" should be changed to "BOOKED" but when the constructor run for the second time , the "BOOKED" disappear and reset back to "Seat 1". Can anyone ...

13. not able to update the DBtable with attribute contains + symbol    java-forums.org

not able to update the DBtable with attribute contains + symbol UPDATE InfoTable SET GID = 'demo_1111' WHERE CycleID = 'name+' the above query works when directly used in the server but when it is called from jave script it is not working. can any one let me know how to handle this?

14. Java/MySQL UPDATE.........Help Please    java-forums.org

Java/MySQL UPDATE.........Help Please package projet.bdd; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.NClob; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.SQLXML; import java.sql.Savepoint; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Struct; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; ...

15. Create incrementally update of database    java-forums.org

Hello, I need help with my project.. I have folder as a corpus that have some files (.text) and I made a database tables (four tables) that extract some information from these files using (NetBeans, SQL). Hint: the system have two steps the first one is filling 3 tables and step2 filling one table that depends on the file table that ...

17. Update a price in a database    java-forums.org

18. Which new and updated books for JDBC    java-forums.org

Hi there I'm fairly new to java and am starting to learn JDBC can anyone recommend any updated or newly released books on the subject, as I prefer to study from books. I can only find books from around 2005 and am wondering if much has changed or if these books would do. Thanks for the help

19. JDK 1.3 support and US DST tz db updates    forums.oracle.com

Sun support, Please point me to your official statement on whether or not you support JDK 1.3 any more - last I remember you said JDK 1.3 was going to be end-of-life'ed once Java 6 is released - well, you've done it - please supply us with your official word. Regarding US DST changes for 2007 (as described here http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/USDST/) - ...

21. Making an update in database    forums.oracle.com

22. JDBC update issue    forums.oracle.com

ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT major, name from students"); while (rset.next()) { System.out.println(rset.getString(1)); String updatesyntax= "UPDATE test SET name = " + "'" + rset.getString(1) + "WHERE id =" + "'" + rset.getString(2) + "'" ; System.out.println (updatesyntax); int rset_update = stmt.executeUpdate(updatesyntax); System.out.println( rset_update + " Rows modified" ) ; } rset.close(); stmt.close(); conn.commit(); conn.close(); the problem is not updating the second ...

23. problem in updating the database    forums.oracle.com

24. Help -Check box group validation to update Database    forums.oracle.com

Respected Friends, I am anand i got info from java tech forum,about you. I need a help in updating a database .I have two check box accept and reject for every record. my table like this When i click a check box the corresponding records will update.

<% while(rs.next()){ //or with an Vector/iterator %>
<%=rs.getString(1)%> //or with a ...

25. Synchronization method not updating Dao    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have method in my pojo that uses synchronization. This method updates the the property count in my object.. But the problem is every time more than one user will call the method at the same time it won't add the total user that clicked the button. Example: Five user will click the update button that updates the count and ...

26. update DB    forums.oracle.com

You might be asking about the format of your SQL update statement, I suppose. It looks wrong to me, although it's extremely hard to see because Firefox puts it in a box with a scroll bar at the bottom and I have to look at the SQL, scroll down to the scroll bar, scroll right a bit, scroll back up to ...

27. DB is only updated when my Application Exits    forums.oracle.com

I'm using the HttpUrlConnection to use another component in my system that is only operated by HTTP requests. That component is updating the DB, and then I use this generated data. I'm using: 1) HttpUrlConnection to start a component that updates my DB. 2) java.sql.Connection to read Data from my DB. thogh I have to send a URL to the other ...

28. Why my JDBC UPdate hangs up??    forums.oracle.com

I don't have an environment to test this with, and the suggestion to switch to different case or statement types is superfluous. It seems to me that this should work. Have you tried executing this series of commands on your database outside of the java environment, via an sql interface? Perhaps the problem is with the database and not java itself. ...

29. Updating each class when there's a modification to the database    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am writing a java application which consists of many classes. Many of the classes each respresent a Application GU Interface. The classes have already have retrieved database on load. How can i make the individual classes updated to the new database when i did certain modification to the database from one of the Class? For example, Class A; ...

30. Update a Microsoft Access Database from Java    forums.oracle.com

31. sax parser, updating to db    forums.oracle.com

32. Java - Updating Database - No updating    forums.oracle.com

tech69 wrote: Hi people... im trying to make this code update the database from a file. The file is read in from another method and then passed through an array. This code and the code for the file read are called from a main method. I have made sure the main is calling the update at the bottom of code but ...

33. NULL value gettin generated even after gettin updated in DB,    forums.oracle.com

i am also pasting my DAO code which updates in the DB {code} package com.games24X7.persistence.dao.impl.hibernate; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.type.TimestampType; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import com.games24X7.components.Globals; import com.games24X7.infra.logging.Logger; import com.games24X7.persistence.dao.ITIntoTournamentDAO; import com.games24X7.persistence.dto.hibernate.TIntoTournament; import com.games24X7.persistence.dto.hibernate.TIntrTrnmtRegistration; import com.games24X7.persistence.util.ListContainer; //import com.games24X7.persistence.util.Query; //import org.hibernate.Query;; public class TIntoTournamentDAO extends BaseDAO implements ITIntoTournamentDAO { /** * @see com.games24X7.persistence.dao.ITIntoTournamentDAO#create(com.games24X7.persistence.dto.hibernate.TIntoTournament) ...

34. Database will not update! grr    forums.oracle.com

try { Command = Con.createStatement(); i = Command.executeUpdate(Update); } catch (SQLException e) {System.out.println("Execute: "+e.getMessage());} if (i == 1) System.out.println("Success"); else System.out.println("Failed"); } Does anyone know how i can get this to update without ever using excel, otherwise the program is useless because you could just do it through excel anyway and i REALLY REALLY don't want that. thanks, lateralus

35. help updating database!!    forums.oracle.com

36. Problem with updating database    forums.oracle.com

code 1 try { rowBeheerRefvolgnrs = datasender.readBeheerRefvolgnrs(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } String refnr = ""; String vnr = ""; String code = ""; int i = 0; while (i < rowBeheerRefvolgnrs.length) { refnr = rowBeheerRefvolgnrs.substring(0,27); vnr = rowBeheerRefvolgnrs.substring(27,30); code = rowBeheerRefvolgnrs.substring(14,15); if (code.compareTo("A") == 0) { int Teller = Integer.parseInt(vnr); updateRecordPersonA(refnr, vnr); for (int j = 1; Teller ...

37. Update content repositary database    forums.oracle.com

38. Updating Database Problem...    forums.oracle.com

inside my "ContactPanel" class i have an int called "contactID" that gets incremented each time a contactpanel is created. now obviously each time i close the IDE contactID will be reset to 0 but thats beside the point at the moment. so how would i go about giving each contact their own ID?

39. Problem with Java Parallel thread processing and status update on DB    forums.oracle.com

Here's the sample code/Flow Diagram:- Eg: status code = Status -> 0021=Delivery completed, 0019= On long haul, 0020=At final distribution centre. ... for (.....) { if sOldStatus = 0021 { ignore upadte; continue } else call changeStatus } Thread1, incoming update status=0021, Time:18:22:22.23 Thread2, incoming update status=0020, Time:18:22:22.24 Java Code gets gets current status from DB = 0019(API call). If DB ...