connect « MS Access « Java Database Q&A

1. connect Ms Access to java

I extracted data from excel using poi api. Now I want to store the data in access please clarify

2. problems in connecting java with ms access

hye all.. i am currently doing my final year project in java.i want to connect a ms access database using java.But sadly i'm using windows 7 starter that cannot support you ...

3. How to connect MS Access Database using java program?

I want to write a program to retrieve data from MS Access database. I wrote program as bellow, package db; import java.sql.*; public class MSaccess_archive { public static void main(String[] args) ...

4. How to connect to MS Access?

5. NetBeans connect to MS Access

View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message hazel4832 Joined: 04 Aug 2009 Posts: 1 Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:18 pm Post subject: NetBeans ...

6. pcreate a sample program connecting with database (ms access)

hi, anyone would like to help me and give an example of a small program that will show a table of name lists of persons from a database ? example:the database ...

7. How do connect MS Access to Netbeans?

I want to bind a JList from database, so I want to create MS Access connection in netbeans, but I don't know how do. Can you help me? Thanks.

8. How to connect a MS ACCESS database?

9. Connecting MS Access databse to web using JDBC

I have a MS Access database that i wish to connect to the web using JDBC. I have designed a basic web page with a text box and submit button. I wish to be able to query my Access database using the input provided by a user on the web page, and return to the user the information he/she has requested. ...

10. Connect to MS Access problem.

Your only real options are either live without the function, or find another driver to do the operation. The JDBC API defines a bunch of interfaces and the methods they should implement, but there is no (real) way of enforcing this. If the method isn't there, it isn't there. Since you are using MSAccess and JDBC-ODBC, I'd say you're unlikely to ...

11. Connecting to MS Access 2000

you can bypass the DSN by giving an ODBC compatible URL. This is what I use to connect to my Access database without using a DSN: /* DSN connection String url = "jdbc:odbc:emp"; //DSNNAME is the datasource name you created in the control panel Connection sconn = DriverManager.getConnection( url, "userID", "passwd"); */ /* DSN-less connection */ //connection is (lightly) tested for ...

12. connecting to ms access database

Did you create a DSN named Oscar1? If not then that is your next step. You can also connect without using a DSN, the syntax is similar to this: Connection conn = null; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").newInstance(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\\Oscar1.mdb", "", ""); /* Do stuff with Connection */ } catch (Exception e) { /* Error Handling */ } finally ...

15. how to connect MS Access directly

I mean connect to Access tables withouth register .MDb as ODBC data source? I need to deal with many .mdb file without knowing their name (but only know it's *.mdb), and it's impossible to let user register each mdb file. Is there a way to read data from file, or connect to DB directly? Thanks.

16. Unable to connect to MS Access DB

17. connect and display MS ACCESS

I need some help. I'm trying to connect to a database I created in MS ACCESS the file name is db challenge.mdb would somebody heip me out ? Please. I'm getting 3 errors on lines 44,47,52 saying cannot find symbol variable rowSet 1 error on line 26 that say's cannot find symbol method JdbcRowSetImpl() 1 error on line 28 that say's ...

18. Connecting to MS Access

19. How to connect to MS - Access from Java

20. connecting ms access to the application

21. connecting to a MS Access database using Java

(please keep any replies very simple/self explanatory - this is the first time I've had to do this, and I'm feeling quite clueless) I am having trouble connecting to a database in MS Access using Java. Could anyone give me some suggestions or refer me to a web site that may help? At the moment I am just using code that ...

22. MS Access JDBC connect string with *.mdw

Hello: I'm trying to use JDBC with an access mdb that has a mdw. What is the correct connect string format in order to access the database? Here's what I have tried: Attempt 1: String url = "jdbcdbcRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=my.mdb;SystemDB=my.mdw;UID=user;PWD=p wd"; _connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url); Attempt 2: String url = "jdbcdbcRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=my.mdb;SystemDB=my.mdw"; _connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pwd); Attempt 3: ...

23. How to connect to MS Access?

Hi~ I am rather new at Java so please forgive my ignorance. I am trying to make a program that will connect to an MS Access Database. However, I am clueless as to where to begin even. I tried searching in various forums, at the Sun site and Google. However, I only ended up getting more and more confused. I'd greatly ...

26. how to connect java to MS Access database

27. connect java to MS Access Database

import java.sql.*; class a { public static void changelastname() { String sql = "update employee set lname='yyy' where id=1"; st.executeUpdate(sql); System.out.println("Table updated."); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { System.out.println(Begining conn); Class.forName(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver); String accessFileName = company; String connURL=jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=+accessFileName+.mdb;PWD=; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(connURL, ,"); System.out.println(Conn done succesfully); } changelastname(); stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(ERROR: ...

29. How to connect to MS Access database from JDBC application????

I know how to connect to Oracle databse from JDBC application.... And this is how i connect to Oracle databse from JDBC application.... Class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connectio con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:ora","scott","tiger"); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); Please give me the code where i can replace the above code..... And please give me in detail what are the settings i need to do for this( i ...

31. How to connect netbeans ide with ms access?

hi, i am using netbeans ide (latest one) . I use new project option to create a new project.Then i use java desktop application option to create a java desktop application.Then i get an error unable to get schemas. Could anybody explain what this error is and how to solve this problem. Thanking you , Mani.

32. about connecting to a remote ms access database

I tried my levelled best to connect to a ms access database kept in a network but I could n't do it.Can any one tell me how to do it? which jdbc driver would serve my purpose?What I know is jdbc odbc bridge driver would never solve my problem.Can we do it using type 3 or type 4 drivers?The drivers such ...

33. How to connect to a remote msaccess database and import its data??

Hi guys.., I am facing a problem in my project.I need to get connected to msaccess database kept somwhere in a LAN and which belongs to another application from a client machine and import data from it into my mysql database.I don't know how to create dsn in the machine where msaccess is kept from my application.Because I have been using ...