query « JDBC « Java Database Q&A

1. SQLException: JZ0S4: Cannot execute an empty (zero-length) query. on a Prepared Statement    stackoverflow.com

Heres a class executing PreparedStatements on a Connection.

public class doSomething {
    private PreparedStatement ps;

    public setPS (Connection conn) throws SQLException {

2. How to get the Query executed using ResultSet?    stackoverflow.com

I have a preparedStatement called PrepStatement which contains a Select Query like Select a, b from abc where ab="cd". executed below

ResultSet selectParams = PrepStatement.executeQuery();
Is there anyway i can get the executed Query with ...

3. Is it possible to do a "field IN list" query in JDBC, with the list passed as a parameter?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to run a query of the type "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)" using a prepared statement. I tried a couple of ways to pass ...

4. How to set query timeout on PreparedStatement?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to get Connection.prepareStatement() to throw an error or return, instead of waiting for a row lock? I am trying to implement cross-process synchronization with using a prepared statement, ...

5. Can we use two queries using prepared statement in one method    stackoverflow.com

Can we use two queries in one method while using prepared statement, I have tried using this but invalid column name exception is coming. My code snippets is as follows.


6. how to set placeholders in like statement query    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a PreparedStatement with SQL which have a like statement, and I am setting the placeholders using setString(), method, but it does not give any error or fetch any ...

7. CachedRowSet execute query problem    coderanch.com

8. Batch Processing of Queries with PreparedStatement    coderanch.com

is an exception being thrown? Your code should be updating all rows where column1 IN ( 0, 1, 2 ) and column2 = 'abc2' barring any exceptions being thrown, or you not committing the updates. Also, using the clearParameters() method is redundant since it is called in the setXXX() method if it has been previously set.

9. Urgent: Setting values for the bind parameters of a RowSet query    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using JDBC rowset to display values from an Oracle database. I am using the setter methods to set username, password, port, sid, host, query. Now that my query has some input parameters, I tried using rowset.getXXX methods to pass values for the bind parameters. I get NullPointerException while doing setXXX. How do I set values for the bind ...

10. query about rowset    coderanch.com

it also interesting to know that, the rowsets, in its various implementations (Cached, web and JDBC), enable us to keep the data "alive" even after releasing the connection to the Database which is not possible while working with the result sets. thus helping the better resource management. just imagine, the need to create our own data structures to keep the data ...

11. How to find insert/update/delete queries are successful in PreparedStatements[solved]    coderanch.com

I am new to prepared statements and I am trying to insert a new record. But the return value is false,,,but when I had a look at the value in the table, a new record is inserted...why does it return false..how do you normally confirm that an insert/delete operation is successful? [ January 03, 2006: Message edited by: Raghavan Chockalingam ] ...

13. In PreparedStatement how it is detected that query has been changed?    coderanch.com

PreparedStatements make sense only in the DB Servers which supports SQL with bind variables. The compiled query is stored in the DB Cache and not in the middle tier. Prepared statements must be just calling the underlying methods to - Parse the query string into a cursor variable - bind the variables (extra step when compared to Statement) - execute the ...

14. Queries regarding PreparedStatement    coderanch.com

Hello Karthi, Thank you for your reply. I've one more query. If i have a pool of connection and after every 5 minuts users are geeting a connection from pool, firing a same query with different parameters and returning it to the pool. So how can i get the advantage of precompiled statements or cache in such situations Thanks Navin

15. Retrieving the Query after values are set in Prepared Statement    coderanch.com

Hi All I am using Preparestatement to query the database.For this Iam setting the values and execute the queries. Is there any way by which I can get the final query which is build after all the data values are set in preparedstatement . It is very time consuming to check for the faulty data value through Java , when you ...

16. PreparedStatement query    coderanch.com

Wrushu, 1) In Java's memory from the driver. Note there is also a database execution plan which is stored on the database. 2) Usually it will throw an exception forcing you to handle it. Most people handle it by starting over, but you could write some code for the re-query to start where you left off.

20. PreparedStatement related query    coderanch.com

22. Same preparedstatement object 4 different queries..    java-forums.org

Can I use like dis since it is not updating all the records..Its only taking the last one.. Actually i m getting same preparedstatement object for many queries in a loop..In this scenario its not working properly.. connection con.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE DEPT SET MGRNO=? WHERE DEPTNO=?"); prepStmt.setString(1,mgrnum1); prepStmt.setString(2,deptnum1); prepStmt.addBatch(); PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE EMP SET EMPNO=? WHERE ...

23. Using Preparedstatements for Dymanic Queries    forums.oracle.com

PreparedStatement.java:19: incompatible types found : java.sql.PreparedStatement required: PreparedStatement PreparedStatement Pstmt = con.prepareStatement(Query); ^ PreparedStatement.java:20: cannot resolve symbol symbol : variable userID location: class PreparedStatement Pstmt = setString(1,userID); ^ PreparedStatement.java:21: cannot resolve symbol symbol : variable lastName location: class PreparedStatement Pstmt = setString(2,lastName); ^ PreparedStatement.java:22: cannot resolve symbol symbol : variable firstName location: class PreparedStatement Pstmt = setString(3,firstName); ^ PreparedStatement.java:23: cannot resolve ...

24. Print the query content of PreparedStatement    forums.oracle.com