null « JDBC « Java Database Q&A

1. Binding a null variable in a PreparedStatement

I swear this used to work, but it's not in this case. I'm trying to match col1, col2 and col3, even if one or more of them is null. ...

2. How to deal with (maybe) null values in a PreparedStatement?

The statement is

SELECT * FROM tableA WHERE x = ?
and the parameter is inserted via java.sql.PreparedStatement 'stmt'
stmt.setString(1, y); // y may be null
If y is null, the statement returns no rows ...

3. How can NULL and regular values be handled without using different prepared statements?

Consider this simple method:

public ResultSet getByOwnerId(final Connection connection, final Integer id) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyColumn = ?");

5. Prepared statement null setting

I have a query select * from vma where status=? now when I create a preparedstatement for this query and then set null like pstmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); executing this query returns an empty result set where as if I directly run a query like select * from vma where status is null this is returning many records Is the preparedstatment behaviour correct? shouldn't ...

7. PreparedStatement and 'null' value in WHERE clause

Hi, //String name= "Dave"; String name= null; String sql = "UPDATE PEOPLE SET AGE=15 WHERE NAME=?"; PreparedStatement queryStatement = (PreparedStatement)conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); if (name== null) { ParameterMetaData parm = queryStatement.getParameterMetaData(); int type = parm.getParameterType(1); queryStatement.setNull(1, type); }else { queryStatement.setObject(1, name); } queryStatement.executeUpdate(); Why above code does not update column AGE for all records which NAME is null? In normal query I would rather ...

8. Solved : Why does PreparedStatement getMetaData returns null

Hello, I'm puzzled by why the line in my code where I try to get the meta data of a prepared statement returns null, as the API says, Consequently, it is possible to invoke the method getMetaData on a PreparedStatement object rather than waiting to execute it public Boolean insertMappedData() { System.out.println("AbstractMapping.insertMappedData() start"); Boolean isMapped = new Boolean(false); try { ResultSetMetaData ...

9. PreparedStatement WHERE field IS NULL

I am having trouble using a PreparedStatement to search for a record. As an example, I have a table with fields name and namespace. Usually the namespace is NULL, but lately we have some records with a specific namespace. In the past I have used a PS with SELECT id FROM tagnames WHERE name = ? That works fine. Now I ...

11. Rowset - conflict with null value in the database. How to know the column?

To detect a conflict in a column of a row during the reconnection of a rowset to a database, the SyncResolver has the present value of the database in its column. Other colums have the null value. How is it possible to detect that a column is the source of a conflict if the value in the database is null? Example: ...