CallableStatement « JDBC « Java Database Q&A

1. callablestatement - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I have a java program that is trying to call a stored procedure that returns a cursor type. However after registering the appropriate out paramaters and calling callableStatement.execute() I recieve ...

2. NullPointerException with CallableStatement.getResultSet()

I have a stored proc in SQL Server 2005, which looks like the following (simplified)

  -- STEP 1: POPULATE tmp_table
  DECLARE @tmp_table TABLE (...)
  INSERT ...

3. CallableStatement vs Statement

When calling a Stored Procedure with no arguments and no output is there any advantage to using a CallableStatement over a regular Statement or PreparedStatement? ...

4. No common interface to java.sql.ResultSet, CallableStatement, SQLInput

This is the situation

In jOOQ, there is a lot of need for abstraction over JDBC. I want the jOOQ client code to be unaware of the fact, that some ...

5. how to print Statement (CallableStatement) in Java?

How can I print this OracleCallableStatement ?

   ocstmt = (OracleCallableStatement) connection.prepareCall("{?= call 
            package.method(id => ?, name=>?)}");

6. Closing a CallableStatement

public void XXX(){
    Connection conn = ~~;        
    CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call XXX");

7. how to get userdefined sql procedure out parameter from java class

I have one sql procedure having 3 IN and 1 OUT parameter. In which the OUT parameter has user defined datatype that means it is one type of table, ...

8. Accessing Data from Stored Procedure using CallableStatement

I have created a Stored Procedure as shown , IS it possible to access these data inside my JDBC Program ??

CURSOR C1 is select ...

9. How to access this stored Procedure from JDBC Callablestatement?

How to access this stored Procedure from JDBC Callablestatement ??

public class TestOCIApp {

public static void main(String args[]) throws ClassNotFoundException,
SQLException {

try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcle", "scott", "tiger");

CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call test(?,?)}");
cs.setInt(1, 10);

cs.registerOutParameter(2, ...

10. how to get callable column name in jdbc

as we all know ,if we execute a sql for query,we can use rs.getMetaData() to get the resultmetadata. we use it to get the resultset column. but if i use a callable ...

12. Problem in CallableStatement

13. CallableStatement ResultSet

14. Does anyone know any tutorials on CallableStatement?

package DatabasePackage; import sqlj.runtime.*; import sqlj.runtime.ref.*; import java.sql.*; #sql iterator DeptIterator (String dname, String loc); public class JavaStoredProc extends Object { private static DeptIterator deptIterator = null; private static Connection con; public static void getDeptDetails(int deptNo,String[] deptName, String[] deptLoc) { try { if (con == null) { con = new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection(); DefaultContext.setDefaultContext(new DefaultContext(con)); } #sql deptIterator = { SELECT dname, loc ...

15. REFCURSOR in getCursor CallableStatement

Hello, I was calling a stored package procedure which was returning REFCursor (i am using oracle 8i as backend) through jdbc and was importing the Oracle JDBC drivers which support bind variables of type REFCURSOR.(classes from the oracle.jdbc.driver package) Used the getCursor method of the CallableStatement to convert a REFCURSOR value returned by a PL/SQL block into a ResultSet. Casting the ...

16. how to use ? to CallableStatement

17. callablestatement calling multiple functions that perform multiple tasks

I have a callable statement that is calling an Oracle function, which in turn is calling 3 functions within a package. two of the functions do a select and one does an insert. What method do i use? I have tried executeQuery and execute. executeQuery seems to run the two functions that do a select, but won't execute the function that ...

18. How to handle error from CallableStatement??

I have a jsp that will add users for an application to the database. If the user tries to add a new user that is already in the database, the stored procedure (Sybase) is printing out text saying that 'This user already exists with the following information.' and then prints the resultset of a select query on the table for the ...

19. problem executing callableStatement...

Hi, I have the following code ... . . . prepAllParms(request); System.out.println("successful returned from prepAllParms"); Connection con; CallableStatement cs; int status = 0; String Msg; //java.util.Date tmpday = new java.util.Date(); System.out.println("before declaring tmpday"); java.sql.Date tmpday;// = new java.sql.Date(tmpday.getDate()); try{ con = TMSConnection.getTMSDBConnection(); cs = con.prepareCall( "{? = call speedZone.SpeedZoneInventoryInsert(?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...

20. CallableStatement Debugging

Hello all, Odd problem here. I am calling a stored procedure on Oracle 8.1.7. It takes an IN param of type NUMBER(36), and has an OUT param of VARCHAR2. When I execute the following code, I am greeted with an SQL Exception stating: 'wrong number or types of arguments in call to GET_RESTRICTIONS.' Well, I know that it is hitting the ...

21. Help with CallableStatement

Thanks a lot. I follow you, and see my mistakes. I now realize that I didn't pose my initial question accurately. 'myFunc' is a function that decrypts an ID. So when I pass it in 'joe' it decrypts Joe's ID and returns that value. What I'm confused about is how to build my statement incorporating the query, ie., how to tell ...

22. Does CallableStatement have to be closed?

I need to modify the following code in a way that the upper level will handle the SQLException. The original code is: public boolean deleteALP(UserBean user, String ALP_ALW_IDENT , String ALP_PROD_PRD ) { int val = 0; CallableStatement cstmt = null; boolean status = false; try{ cstmt = user.getConnection().prepareCall("{CALL CP_DBA.del_ALP_gen(?,?)}"); ... val = cstmt.executeUpdate(); if(val==0) status = true; else status = ...

23. How can I stop a CallableStatement?

24. how to use CallableStatement

25. CallableStatement

26. CallableStatement

27. PreparedStatement and CallableStatement?

Prepared statements are compiled only once and rest of the time just datas are placed It is just same as that of writting a query in the sql plus. like insert into emp (id,name) values (?,?) evey time you will say & this same as that of prepared statement. if you have oracle then you can see. Callable statements are used ...

28. CallableStatement IN paramteres

29. CallableStatement and parameterName

Thank you very much for the link! However, after reading the article, it seems that it still uses the positional notation. The only difference is the parameters are named in the stored procedure. The java code still has to know the order of the parameters. This is what I would like to avoid. Perhaps this is not possible? But it must ...

30. Getting name of CallableStatement before execute?

Well... While debugging some pesky bugs, we're trying to track database activity across multiple users and want to log all Stored Procedure calls, by user, and the parameters passed to SQL Server. Yes, we're using SQL Profiler but the commands aren't sequential by user and sorting it all out is difficult. What we come up with is to place a call ...

31. Two questions on CallableStatement

Maulin, I have read the following text from "this" site You seem to have made a mistake with the URL: http://this I found no Internet site with that URL. Therefore, I couldn't really understand the context of your excerpt from the "this" Web site. So, assuming that you know the context of your excerpt, here is my guess at the answer ...

33. Passing array to CallableStatement

I am not suggesting to bind to a database nor a driver. What I tried to point out is that , this is the way it could be done on oracle. I hope on SQL Server too you have some mechanism to create a "TYPE" object. And you need this "TYPE" object because ArrayDescriptor needs one. Hope this helps

34. Statement, Prepared Statement, and CallableStatement

A Statement object is what sends your SQL statement to the DBMS. You simply create a Statement object and then execute it, supplying the appropriate execute method with the SQL statement you want to send. For a SELECT statement, the method to use is executeQuery . For statements that create or modify tables, the method to use is executeUpdate . It ...

35. callableStatement.setObject

36. CallableStatement * setObject

Hello all...hopefully someone out here can square me away. I recall being able to pass an array of Strings to a stored procedure via CallableStatement's setObject method (inherited) at one point in my career (just over a year ago). At the time, the shop I was working for used SQLServer on the backend and a driver from inet. Now I'm at ...

39. Error in executeQuery() on callableStatement

Hi, Please somebody help me. I am unable to figureout what the problem is. I am trying to run a Stored-Procedure and get the results in the resultSet. I am getting the following error java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated. at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Unknown Source) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(Unknown Source) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecute(Unknown Source) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.execute(Unknown Source) at TracerFTP.FileWriteHelper.writeToFile( at ...

40. Getting result set using callablestatement??

Hi, In my procedure i am doing some SELECT queries.I want to obtain the result set which i would get when executing that procedure.So which method i should use on CallableSttement object to obtain that . I tries to use executeQuery but it's not working?? Thanks, Jignesh [ April 17, 2006: Message edited by: Jignesh Gohel ]

42. callablestatement

45. CallableStatement

stored procedure create procedure get_country @country_id bigint=null, @country_code varchar(3)=null, @country_name varchar(50)=null, @active bit=null, @created_by bigint=null, @created_time datetime=null, @modified_by bigint=null, @modified_time datetime=null as select c.country_id, c.country_code, c.country_name,, c.note, c.created_by, c.created_time, c.modified_by, c.modified_time from country c where ((@country_id is null)or(c.country_id=@country_id)) and ((@country_code is null)or(c.country_code=@country_code)) and ((@country_name is null)or(c.country_name=@country_name)) and ((@active is null)or( and ((@created_by is null)or(c.created_by=@created_by)) and ((@created_time is null)or(c.created_time=@created_time)) and ((@modified_by ...

46. CallableStatement problem

Hi, I am trying to insert a record into my database using 2 stored procedures. These are pasted below. The code that I am using in the java program is as follows: // Create CallableStatement object CallableStatement genid = conn.prepareCall("{call GeneratePcId()}"); int number = genid.getInt(1); CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call InsertPrice (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); // Bind values to the parameters ...

47. callableStatement.execute()

49. CallableStatement executeQuery Hangs

Rajesh, Welcome to JavaRanch! Since it works on another database server, that implies the problem is at the database end. Some things to try: - running the query in the stored proc directly against the database [this is what Ulf suggested] - checking if there are any locks held on the tables accessed by the stored proc - recompiling the stored ...

50. External tables and CallableStatement

We deloyed the same WAR on Jboss 4.0.4 using a new schema on a new DB [new box, same version - 10g] and it seems that now we can only go as far as creating the external tables. It does not return any rows when we SELECT back from the external tables.

51. NullPointerException thrown when calling registerOutParameter (CallableStatement)

Hi folks, I'm currently developing a website for a student news paper. Everything was going alright excepting one detail that I encountered yesterday. When I am calling the following line, a NullPointerException is thrown: statement.registerOutParameter("id", Types.BIGINT); I am using MySQL 5.0.51a-community-nt and connector 5.1.6. Here is the details: [B]article.sql[/B] DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mydatabase`.`articles`; CREATE TABLE `mydatabase`.`articles` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned ...

52. Exception in calling execute method of CallableStatement

My application is running for a while. Usually 2 weeks once , we get the exception in JDBC call and we restart the application and it runs fine. Finally we found the source of the exception. It's from execute() method of callableStatement. The call returns exception. But there is no information in the exception object. The getMessage() function of Exception returns ...

53. Problem in CallableStatement

The execute method returns a boolean to indicate the form of the first result. You must call either the method getResultSet or getUpdateCount to retrieve the result; you must call getMoreResults to move to any subsequent result(s). [B]Returns:[/B] true if the first result is a ResultSet object; [I][B]false[/B] if the first result is an update count or there is no result[/I] ...

54. Problem in CallableStatement

55. PreparedStatement v CallableStatement

56. CallableStatement and ResultSet - Performance Issue

if (resultset != null) { ResultSetMetaData resultsetmetadata = resultset.getMetaData(); int i = resultsetmetadata.getColumnCount(); [B][10 columns][/B] String as[]; System.out.println("Before Iteration "+new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); [B][Mon Nov 03 10:09:06 GST 2008][/B] while( { [B][2042 Records][/B] as = new String[I]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { as[j] = [B]resultset.getString(j + 1);[/B] [I][B][ I have a doubt on this line's exec. ][/B][/I] } ...

58. callablestatement inserting record but returning false

Class.forName(driver); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbname,user,pw); statement = connection.prepareCall("{call addStudent(?,?,?)}"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException c20) { c20.printStackTrace(); } catch(SQLException s23) { s23.printStackTrace(); } } protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req27, HttpServletResponse res27) throws ServletException, IOException { try { out = res27.getWriter(); res27.setContentType("text/html"); String s29 = req27.getParameter("sid"); int i30 = Integer.parseInt(s29); String s30 = req27.getParameter("fn"); String s31 = req27.getParameter("ln"); if(i30<0) { out.println("Student id invalidInvalid student id
Go to ...

59. Number of parameters in CallableStatement is less than the number of arguments in SP

yes, that would work but that is not what I want to do. Reason: What if someone adds a new argument in the stored proc? The stored procs are usually used by many people in real time. And for some requirement they would need a new argument (of course with default value) added to the proc.

60. CallableStatement in loop

Hi, I'm wondering what the best practices are for using a CallableStatement and the prepareCall function in a loop that is very large. The way it was currently coded it ends with the amount of cursors being exceeded. Thus I moved the creation of the CallableStatement outside of the loop and this seems to work but I'm wondering that the best ...

61. CallableStatement from JDBC and Direct Call from SQL Developer get different results

Let me explain what I am trying to accomplish. First I have a store procedure running on Oracle 10g. When I run the store procedure in SQL Developer, I have no problems. The store procedure compiles correctly and runs without error. Next I move the call out to a Java class and use a jdbc connection. When I make the call, ...

64. CallableStatement Execute gets FATAL ERROR oraclient10.dll

Oracle XE (client and server), OJDBC14.jar, jre 6, jdk 1.4, winxp Connecting with OCI. When the application tries to execute on a call to a stored procedure(function), we get a FATAL ERROR: # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x61d37460, pid=4028, tid=3784 # # JRE version: 6.0_16-b01 # Java VM: ...

65. callablestatement.getobject takes long time

Hi All, I have stored procedure and I am trying to call it using a callable statement but the number of rows in the table are huge and it will constantly increase right now the number of rows are 22894772 and my stored procedure at a time should get me 25 records my question is when we callablestatement.getobject() will it get ...

66. problem when add data through procedure using callableStatement

I don't expect anybody is going to want to download your "project" (even if it does happen to be compatible with an IDE which they have) and install a database and configure tables and stored procedures and so on. It would be better if you did a little bit of investigation on your own. Let's start with the phrase "have trouble" ...

67. setQuerytimeout in CallableStatement not working. Kindly please help

In Message broker, from Java compute node, I am calling a oracled stored procedure using callable statement. In that I am setting the timeout using setQueryTimeout() and I am setting the time as 30 secs. When I invoke the stored procedure, the stored procedure is not timing out in exactly 30 secs. For example, we tested like this. 1. we put ...

68. CallableStatement resultset returns only columns and no data, where data exists.

Hi there, Can someone please help me with this one. I am trying to retrieve results by invoking a stored procedure - APPCOMMON.MY_PROC. This procedure has 3 IN parameters of type varchar and 1 OUT parameter of type SYS_REFCURSOR. The concern is that when I hard-code the 3 above mentioned input parameters in my stored procedures, the java code below works ...

69. Returning value and CallableStatement

I have a stored procedure that invokes the SQL "return (42)" at the point of completion. (This is Sybase if that makes any difference.) The following is the JDBC I put together to call the stored procedure. The three method calls that use and index work, the three commented out lines that use the column name do not. I have a ...

72. start time for a CallableStatement

73. issue in CallableStatement.execute()

I have some serious doubts in CallableStatement.execute(). As per the documentation execute() method of CallableStatement will return true if very first result coming back from procdure is java.lang.resultset.So if the execute() caused an update first, and then fired a query, then execute() will return false. But in my procedure i m having two result set i.e two select queries and when ...

74. Getting a resultSet from a CallableStatement

I'm trying to get a user defined table to be returned from an oracle function. It seems my problem is the type of out parameter I should assign. Here is the oracle function definition: function test_collection( dis_id IN param_dis_table_type, caseStatus PARAM_CASESTATUS_TABLE_TYPE, reportStatus PARAM_REPORTSTATUS_TABLE, start_date varchar2, end_date varchar2, reportName varchar2 ) return STD_AGE_GROUP_TABLE PIPELINED deterministic as . . . . . Here ...

75. trying to get rows to ResultSet with CallableStatement and stored function

Hello! I'm using JDBC with Oracle XE 11g2, driver ojdbc6.jar (Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers, JDBC Thin for All Platforms) from I've got a table CREATE TABLE ORGANIZATIONS ( CODE VARCHAR2(4), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(255) ); And I'm trying to get all organizations into ResultSet using CallableStatement with stored function: CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call ...

76. Problem using CallableStatement

ORA-06550: line 1, column 28: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: . ( ) , * @ % & | = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not range rem => .. <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || indicator ...